4.6 Article

SARS-CoV-2 infection among hospitalised pregnant women and impact of different viral strains on COVID-19 severity in Italy: a national prospective population-based cohort study


Article Obstetrics & Gynecology

COVID-19 in pregnancy-characteristics and outcomes of pregnant women admitted to hospital because of SARS-CoV-2 infection in the Nordic countries

Hilde Engjom et al.

Summary: This study examined pregnant women with COVID-19 in five Nordic countries and found that the risk of admission due to COVID-19 during pregnancy was low in these countries. However, a fifth of the women required intensive care, and there were higher rates of preterm and cesarean deliveries among women with COVID-19. National public health policies seemed to impact the risk of severe COVID-19 disease admission in pregnancy. Collaboration among Nordic countries is important in collecting robust data and assessing rare outcomes.


Letter Medicine, General & Internal

Were pregnant women more affected by COVID-19 in the second wave of the pandemic?

Suraj Kadiwar et al.

LANCET (2021)

Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

The incidence, characteristics and outcomes of pregnant women hospitalized with symptomatic and asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection in the UK from March to September 2020: A national cohort study using the UK Obstetric Surveillance System (UKOSS)

Nicola Vousden et al.

Summary: The study identified factors that increase the risk of symptomatic and asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection in pregnancy. Clinicians can be reassured that the majority of women do not experience severe complications of SARS-CoV-2 in pregnancy. Cesarean birth rates and neonatal unit admission rates were increased for pregnant women with symptomatic and asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2. The risks of stillbirth or neonatal death were not significantly increased.

PLOS ONE (2021)

Article Environmental Sciences

Childbirth Care among SARS-CoV-2 Positive Women in Italy

Serena Donati et al.

Summary: This study in Italy aims to describe the clinical practice in protecting childbirth physiology and preserving the mother-child bond during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. The findings show improvements in peripartum care indicators over time for SARS-CoV-2 positive women who gave birth.


Article Pediatrics

Maternal and Neonatal Morbidity and Mortality Among Pregnant Women With and Without COVID-19 Infection The INTERCOVID Multinational Cohort Study

Jose Villar et al.

Summary: This study evaluated the risks associated with COVID-19 in pregnancy on maternal and neonatal outcomes compared with pregnant individuals without COVID-19, finding that pregnant individuals with COVID-19 were at higher risk for various complications such as preeclampsia, severe infections, and preterm birth. The findings emphasize the importance for pregnant individuals and clinicians to strictly implement recommended COVID-19 preventive measures.


Article Obstetrics & Gynecology

Uterine rupture: Results from a prospective population-based study in Italy

Serena Donati et al.

Summary: The study found a low incidence of uterine rupture in Italy compared to other European countries, likely due to a high rate of primary cesarean sections and resistance towards trial of labor and vaginal delivery after cesarean section among obstetricians. Risk factors for uterine rupture included history of cesarean section, multiparity, and uterine scarring.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Characteristics and outcomes of pregnant women with placenta accreta spectrum in Italy: A prospective population-based cohort study

Sara Ornaghi et al.

Summary: This study aimed to estimate the prevalence of PAS in Italy, examine associated factors and management, and found that antenatal suspicion of PAS is linked to better maternal outcomes. Women in Southern Italy with PAS had higher risk factors but better outcomes compared to those in Northern Italy.

PLOS ONE (2021)

Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

COVID-19 and pregnancy: An umbrella review of clinical presentation, vertical transmission, and maternal and perinatal outcomes

Agustin Ciapponi et al.

Summary: This overview of systematic reviews summarized the evidence on the impact of COVID-19 on maternal and child health, indicating that pregnant women with COVID-19 may face increased risks of adverse pregnancy and birth outcomes. The most common clinical findings during pregnancy included fever, respiratory symptoms, raised C-reactive protein, lymphopenia, and pneumonia signs. Babies born to mothers with COVID-19 were most commonly asymptomatic, but may also experience fever, low birth weight, or preterm delivery. The odds of receiving invasive ventilation for COVID-19 pregnant women was 1.88 times higher than non-COVID-19 pregnant women, with a 3.13 times higher odds of their babies being admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit.

PLOS ONE (2021)

Article Obstetrics & Gynecology

Women undergoing peripartum hysterectomy due to obstetric hemorrhage: A prospective population-based study

Alice Maraschini et al.


Editorial Material Obstetrics & Gynecology

The International Network of Obstetric Survey Systems (INOSS): benefits of multi-country studies of severe and uncommon maternal morbidities

Marian Knight


Article Mathematical & Computational Biology

Multiple imputation using chained equations: Issues and guidance for practice

Ian R. White et al.