4.6 Article

Molecules with ALMA at Planet-forming Scales (MAPS). I. Program Overview and Highlights



IOP Publishing Ltd
DOI: 10.3847/1538-4365/ac1432




  1. Simons Foundation (SCOL) [321183]
  2. NSF AAG grant [1907653]
  3. FONDECYT Iniciacion [11180904]
  4. ANID project Basal [AFB-170002]
  5. University of Leeds
  6. Science and Technology Facilities Council of the United Kingdom (STFC)
  7. UKRI [ST/R000549/1, ST/T000287/1, MR/T040726/1]
  8. NAOJ ALMA Scientific Research grant [2019-13B, 2018-10B]
  9. National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship [DGE1745303]
  10. National Aeronautics and Space Administration [17-XRP17 2-0012]
  11. NASA through NASA Hubble Fellowship - Space Telescope Science Institute [HST-HF2-51427.001-A, HST-HF2-51405.001-A]
  12. NASA [NAS5-26555]
  13. STFC [ST/T000287/1]
  14. Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
  15. CNES
  16. Natural Science Foundation of China [11973090]
  17. Smithsonian Institution
  18. ANR of France [ANR-16-CE31-0013, ANR-15-IDEX-02]
  19. ANID FONDECYT Iniciacion project [11181068]
  20. NASA through Hubble Fellowship Program - Space Telescope Science Institute [HST-HF2-51419.001, HST-HF2-51401.001]
  21. ANID/CONICYT Programa de Astronomia Fondo ALMA-CONICYT [2018 31180052]
  22. JSPS KAKENHI [JP17K14244, JP20K04017]
  23. IGPEES
  24. WINGS Program
  25. University of Tokyo
  26. Virginia Space Grant Consortium
  27. National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program [DGE1842490]
  28. Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Education at the University of Wisconsin-Madison
  29. Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation
  30. [18H05222]
  31. [20H05847]
  32. [18H05441]


The distribution of molecules in disks around young stars plays a crucial role in determining the elemental compositions of planets and their access to important compounds such as water and organics. Through ALMA observations, researchers have made significant discoveries about the links between dust, gas, and chemical substructures in these disks, reshaping our understanding of planet formation chemistry.
Planets form and obtain their compositions in dust- and gas-rich disks around young stars, and the outcome of this process is intimately linked to the disk chemical properties. The distributions of molecules across disks regulate the elemental compositions of planets, including C/N/O/S ratios and metallicity (O/H and C/H), as well as access to water and prebiotically relevant organics. Emission from molecules also encodes information on disk ionization levels, temperature structures, kinematics, and gas surface densities, which are all key ingredients of disk evolution and planet formation models. The Molecules with ALMA at Planet-forming Scales (MAPS) ALMA Large Program was designed to expand our understanding of the chemistry of planet formation by exploring disk chemical structures down to 10 au scales. The MAPS program focuses on five disks-around IM Lup, GM Aur, AS 209, HD 163296, and MWC 480-in which dust substructures are detected and planet formation appears to be ongoing. We observed these disks in four spectral setups, which together cover similar to 50 lines from over 20 different species. This paper introduces the Astrophysical Journal Supplement's MAPS Special Issue by presenting an overview of the program motivation, disk sample, observational details, and calibration strategy. We also highlight key results, including discoveries of links between dust, gas, and chemical substructures, large reservoirs of nitriles and other organics in the inner disk regions, and elevated C/O ratios across most disks. We discuss how this collection of results is reshaping our view of the chemistry of planet formation.








