4.7 Article

The Dog-Owner Relationship: Refinement and Validation of the Italian C/DORS for Dog Owners and Correlation with the LAPS


卷 11, 期 8, 页码 -


DOI: 10.3390/ani11082166


dog; owner; relationship; MDORS; C; DORS; LAPS; validation; Italian; bond; pet


The Cat/Dog-Owner Relationship Scale (C/DORS) is a questionnaire used to evaluate specific aspects of the pet-owner relationship. The validity and reliability of the scale were tested on Italian dog owners, and it showed good results. The scale maintains a three-factor structure (PEC, POI, PC) and student owners tend to have higher scores in emotional closeness and interactions with their pets.
Simple Summary The Cat/Dog-Owner Relationship Scale (C/DORS) is a questionnaire aimed to assess specific aspects of the pet-owner relationship. While the entire scale can be administered to both dog and cat owners, its validity and reliability have never been tested on dogs. Furthermore, validity and reliability of a scale may change depending on the respondents' language and cultural background. Since the C/DORS was developed in English, we aimed to translate it into Italian and assess its validity and reliability on a sample of Italian dog owners. The response scale was modified to improve the variability of the owners' responses. Overall, validity and reliability were good. The scale had the same three-factor structure (Perceived Emotional Closeness = PEC, Pet-Owner Interactions = POI, Perceived Costs = PC) reported for the original English version, although some items were removed because they did not fit the statistical model. The PEC subscale had the highest correlations with the subscales of the Lexington Attachment to Pets Scale. Finally, being a student owner was associated with higher PEC and POI scores. Conversely, owning a dog with behavioural problems was associated with lower PEC and higher PC. Owners whose dogs lived outdoors reported lower POI. Pet dog owners reported higher PEC than AAI dog owners. The Cat/Dog-Owner Relationship Scale (C/DORS) can be administered to both dog and cat owners. However, the scale as a whole has never been validated on a sample of dog owners. Furthermore, it has never been translated into Italian. The aim of this study was to translate the C/DORS into Italian, modify its response scale in order to improve the degree of response variability, and test its validity and reliability on a sample of dog-owners. Exploratory factor analysis revealed the same three-factor structure (Perceived Emotional Closeness = PEC, Pet-Owner Interactions = POI, Perceived Costs = PC) as the original English version, although some items had to be removed because of low- or cross-loadings. The validity of the construct was confirmed by confirmatory factor analysis, by the correlations between each of the subscales and the C/DORS total score, and by the correlations with the Lexington Attachment to Pets Scale. Cronbach's alpha values for each subscale were above acceptable levels. Student owners scored higher on PEC and POI than owners with other occupations. Owners of dogs with behavioural problems scored lower on PEC and higher on PC. Keeping the dog outdoor was associated with lower POI. Finally, pet dog owners scored higher on PEC than AAI dog owners.








