4.8 Editorial Material

With Alcohol as the Fuel, COVID Is the Match: Liver Transplantation for Alcohol-Associated Liver Disease Is Increasing in the United States


Review Gastroenterology & Hepatology

Reducing the Global Burden of Alcohol-Associated Liver Disease: A Blueprint for Action

Sumeet K. Asrani et al.

Summary: Alcohol-associated liver disease is a major global health issue, requiring comprehensive solutions that focus on early identification and intervention, reducing alcohol consumption, tailoring solutions to local realities, and integrating medical and AUD treatment. Future efforts should focus on improving data quality, supporting innovative healthcare delivery platforms, advocating for professional hepatology organizations, and advancing digital interventions.


Article Surgery

Disease-specific waitlist outcomes in liver transplantation - a retrospective study

Shunji Nagai et al.

Summary: This study aimed to evaluate discrepancies in waitlist outcomes among different liver diseases, finding that NASH and PBC had higher risk of mortality compared to ALD with similar MELD-Na scores, while positive prognostic impact of transplantation was not seen until higher scores in ALD.


Article Psychology, Clinical

Longer time spent at home during COVID-19 pandemic is associated with binge drinking among US adults

Sitara M. Weerakoon et al.

Summary: This study found that during the COVID-19 pandemic, 34% of American adults reported binge drinking due to pandemic-related stressors. Furthermore, an increase in stay-at-home time and the presence of depressive symptoms were associated with binge drinkers increasing their alcohol consumption.


Article Gastroenterology & Hepatology

Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Liver Transplantation and Alcohol-Associated Liver Disease in the USA

George Cholankeril et al.

Summary: Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, ALD has become the most common indication for listing and the fastest increasing cause for LT. Collective efforts are urgently needed to stem the rising tide of ALD on health care resources.


Article Surgery

Liver transplantation in the United States during the COVID-19 pandemic: National and center-level responses

Alexandra T. Strauss et al.

Summary: COVID-19 profoundly affected the American healthcare system and had a negative impact on liver transplant waitlist, with decreases in new listings of LT and fewer DDLTs and LDLTs during the early stages of the pandemic. However, by August, waitlist outcomes were approaching expected rates, indicating the adaptability of the transplant community in addressing the challenges posed by the pandemic.