4.7 Article

Energy and flow demand analysis of domestic hot water in an apartment complex using a smart meter


Article Thermodynamics

Splitting measurements of the total heat demand in a hotel into domestic hot water and space heating heat use

Dmytro Ivanko et al.

Summary: This article presents a method for separating total heat use into space heating (SH) and domestic hot water (DHW) heat use by modeling and residual analysis. The method proved to accurately represent the trend of measured SH and DHW heat use, with coefficients of determination (R2) of 0.97 for SH and 0.76 for DHW. The methodology is useful for monitoring and improving the energy performance of SH and DHW systems in buildings.

ENERGY (2021)

Article Thermodynamics

Mid-term prediction of electrical energy consumption for crude oil pipelines using a hybrid algorithm of support vector machine and genetic algorithm

Lei Xu et al.

Summary: A hybrid prediction method combining genetic algorithm and support vector machine is proposed for mid-term electrical energy consumption forecasting for crude oil pipelines, showing significant improvement in predictive accuracy. Forecasting mid-term electricity consumption can help make important decisions and enhance prediction accuracy.

ENERGY (2021)

Article Economics

Energy use by apartment tenants when landlords pay for utilities

A Levinson et al.