4.5 Article

Prognostic values of D816V KIT mutation and peri-transplant CBFB-MYH11 MRD monitoring on acute myeloid leukemia with CBFB-MYH11


Article Hematology

The loss or absence of minimal residual disease of <0•1% at any time after two cycles of consolidation chemotherapy in CBFB-MYH11-positive acute myeloid leukaemia indicates poor prognosis

Wenbing Duan et al.

Summary: The study retrospectively analyzed 58 patients with CBFB-MYH11-positive AML and found that patients with CBFB-MYH11/ABL level >0.1% at any time after two consolidation cycles had poor prognoses, with significantly higher relapse rates. Furthermore, patients who underwent allo-HSCT had higher survival rates compared to those who did not.


Article Oncology

Prognostic Impacts of D816V KIT Mutation and Peri-Transplant RUNX1-RUNX1T1 MRD Monitoring on Acute Myeloid Leukemia with RUNX1-RUNX1T1

Byung-Sik Cho et al.

Summary: The prognostic impact of KIT mutations and MRD monitoring for AML with RUNX1-RUNX1T1 following HSCT remains controversial. This retrospective study showed that D816V KIT mutation was associated with post-transplant relapse and poor survival, and pre- and post-transplant MRD assessments were useful for predicting outcomes. Different transplant strategies may be more beneficial based on D816V KIT mutation and pre-transplant MRD status.

CANCERS (2021)

Article Oncology

The clinical mutatome of core binding factor leukemia

Sabrina Opatz et al.


Review Hematology

Cellular therapy for acute myeloid Leukemia - Current status and future prospects

Panupong Hansrivijit et al.


Article Genetics & Heredity

The genomic landscape of core-binding factor acute myeloid leukemias

Zachary J. Faber et al.