4.6 Letter

The need for previous knowledge does not render quantitative sensory testing a failure but part of a larger picture of the relationship between nociception and pain Reply


Article Anesthesiology

No pain, still gain (of function): the relation between sensory profiles and the presence or absence of self-reported pain in a large multicenter cohort of patients with neuropathy

Julia Forstenpointner et al.

Summary: The study revealed that hypersensitivity symptoms, including hyperalgesia and allodynia, are present in patients with central and peripheral lesions of the somatosensory system, even if they do not report spontaneous pain. There was a difference in pain sensitivity between painful and painless neuropathic conditions, with hyperalgesia more common in painful mononeuropathy and hypoalgesia more pronounced in painful polyneuropathy.
Editorial Material Anesthesiology

What can we learn from the failure of quantitative sensory testing?

Martin Schmelz