4.6 Article

At the crossroads of the Lesser Caucasus and the Eastern Pontides: Late Cretaceous to early Eocene magmatic and geodynamic evolution of the Bolnisi district, Georgia


卷 378, 期 -, 页码 -


DOI: 10.1016/j.lithos.2020.105872


Northern Neotethys; Lesser Caucasus; Silicic magmatic flare-up; Bimodal and high-K magmatism; Eastern Pontides


  1. Swiss National Science Foundation [200020-121510, 200020-138130, 200020-155928]
  2. SCOPES Joint Research Projects [IB7620-118901, IZ73Z0-128324]
  3. Augustin Lombard Foundation (Geneva Societe de Physique et d'Histoire Naturelle)
  4. Ernst and Lucie Schmidheiny Foundation
  5. Society of Economic Geologists (McKinstry Fund)
  6. Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF) [IZ73Z0_128324, 200020-121510] Funding Source: Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF)


The Bolnisi district is a distinct tectonic zone of the Lesser Caucasus, which is considered to represent the eastern extremity of the Turkish Eastern Pontides. Late Cretaceous, low-K, calc- alkaline to high-K rhyolite of the Mashavera and Gasandami Suites is the predominant rock type of the district, and is accompanied by subsidiary dacite, and rare high-alumina basalt and trachyandesite of the Tandzia Suite. The Mashavera and Gasandami rhyolite and dacite have yielded U-Pb LA-ICP-MS and TIMS zircon ages between 87.14 +/- 0.16 and 81.64 +/- 0.94Ma, which are in linewith the Coniacan-Santonian ages of radiolarian fauna of theMashavera Suite. The felsic rocks of the Mashavera and Gasandami Suites were deposited during a similar to 6.6 m.y.-long silicic magmatic flare-up event, which togetherwith the Tandzia Suite mafic rocks, documents Late Cretaceous bimodalmagmatismin an extensional tectonic setting. Trace element data indicate that high Y-Zr, low- to high-silica rhyolite and dacite, and low Y-Zr high-silica rhyolite have been erupted, respectively, from coeval deep and shallow crustal reservoirs. The rocks of the bimodal magmatic event are overlain by high-K volcanic rocks of the Campanian Shorsholeti Suite, which have been erupted during slab roll-back and steepening, from magmas produced by deep melting of a metasomatised mantle. Eocene postcollisional felsic intrusions crosscut the Late Cretaceous rock. The Coniacian to early Campanian bimodal magmatism, and the subsequent high-K magmatism of the Bolnisi district are contemporaneous and share geochemical characteristics with the Late Cretaceous magmatism of the Eastern Pontides. It documents the existence of a Late Cretaceous regional silicic magmatic province, and subsequent high-K magmatism during slab steepening. This regional magmatic evolution coincided with the opening of the Black Sea and the Adjara-Trialeti basins. This evolutionwas coeval with the wanning stages of northern Neotethyan subduction, after a similar to 40 m.y.-long magmatic lull along the southern Eurasian convergent margin. Early Eocene adakite-like magmatism affected both the Bolnisi district and the Eastern Pontides, demonstrating a common postcollisional magmatic evolution. (C) 2020 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V.








