4.7 Article

SDSS-IV MaNGA: effects of morphology in the global and local star formation main sequences



DOI: 10.1093/mnras/stz1894


galaxies: evolution; galaxies: fundamental parameters; galaxies: star formation


  1. CONACYT [CB-285080, 180125]
  2. UNAM project [PAPIIT-DGAPA-IA101217]
  3. UC MEXUS-CONACYT [CN-17-128]
  4. UNAM PAPIIT grant [IA104118]
  5. CONACyT 'Ciencia Basica' grant [285721]
  6. FONDECYT [1170618]
  7. Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
  8. U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science
  9. Center for High Performance Computing at the University of Utah
  10. Brazilian Participation Group
  11. Carnegie Institution for Science. Carnegie Mellon University
  12. Chilean Participation Group
  13. French Participation Group
  14. Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
  15. Institute de Astrofisica de Canarias
  16. The Johns Hopkins University
  17. Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe (IPMU)/University of Tokyo
  18. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
  19. Leibniz Institut fur Astrophysik Potsdam (AIP)
  20. Max-Planck-Institut fur Astronomic (MPIA Heidelberg)
  21. Max-Planck-Institut fur Astrophysik (MPA Garching)
  22. Max-Planck-Institut fur Extraterrestrische Physik (MPE)
  23. National Astronomical Observatories of China
  24. New Mexico State University
  25. New York University
  26. University of Notre Dame
  27. Observatario Nacional/MCTI
  28. Ohio State University
  29. Pennsylvania State University
  30. Shanghai Astronomical Observatory
  31. United Kingdom Participation Group
  32. Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico
  33. University of Arizona
  34. University of Colorado Boulder
  35. University of Oxford
  36. University of Portsmouth
  37. University of Utah
  38. University of Virginia
  39. University of Washington
  40. University of Wisconsin
  41. Vanderbilt University
  42. Yale University


We study the global star-formation rate (SFR) vs. stellar mass (M-*) correlation, and the spatially-resolved SFR surface density (Sigma(SFR)) vs. stellar mass surface density (Sigma(*)) correlation, in a sample of similar to 2,000 galaxies from the MaNGA MPL-5 survey. We classify galaxies and spatially-resolved areas into star-forming and retired according to their ionization processes. We confirm the existence of a Star-Forming Main Sequence (SFMS) for galaxies and spatially-resolved areas, and show that they have the same nature, with the global as a consequence of the local one. The latter presents a bend below a limit Sigma(*) value, approximate to 3x10(7) M(circle dot)kpc(-2), which is not physical. Using only star-forming areas (SFAs) above this limit, a slope and a scatter of approximate to 1 and approximate to 0.27 dex are determined. The retired galaxies/areas strongly segregate from their respective SFMS's, by similar to-1.5 dex on average. We explore how the global/local SFMS's depend on galaxy morphology, finding that for star-forming galaxies and SFAs, there is a trend to lower values of star-formation activity with earlier morphological types, which is more pronounced for the local SFMS. The morphology not only affects the global SFR due to the diminish of SFAs with earlier types, but also affects the local SF process. Our results suggest that the local SF at all radii is established by some universal mechanism partially modulated by morphology. Morphology seems to be connected to the slow aging and sharp decline of the SF process, and on its own it may depend on other properties as the environment.








