4.6 Article

Ro-vibrational excitation of an organic molecule (HCN) in protoplanetary disks


卷 575, 期 -, 页码 -


DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/201425009


protoplanetary disks; molecular processes; astrochemistry; radiative transfer; line: formation


  1. Netherlands Research School for Astronomy (NOVA)
  2. Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW)
  3. European Union A-ERC [291141 CHEMPLAN]


Context. Organic molecules are important constituents of protoplanetary disks. Their ro-vibrational lines observed in the near- and mid-infrared are commonly detected toward T Tauri disks. These lines are the only way to probe the chemistry in the inner few au v,here terrestrial planets form. To understand this chemistry, accurate molecular abundances have to be determined. This is complicated by excitation effects that include radiative pumping. Most analyses so far have made the assumption of local thermal equilibrium (LTE), which may not be fulfilled because of the high gas densities required to collisionally thermalize the vibrational levels of the molecules. Aims. The non-LTE excitation effects of hydrogen cyanide (HCN) are studied to evaluate (i) how the abundance determination is affected by the LTE assumption; Cl) whether the ro-vibrational excitation is dominated by collisions or radiative pumping; and (iii) which regions of protoplanetary disks are traced by certain vibrational bands. Methods. Starting from estimates for the collisional rate coefficients of HCN, non-LIE slab models of the EICN emission were calculated to study the importance of different excitation mechanisms. Using a new radiative transfer model, the.EICN emission from a full. two-dimensional disk was then modeled to study the effect of the non-LTE excitation, together with the line formation. We ran models tailored to the T Tauri disk AS 205 (N) where HCN lines in both the 3 mu m and 14 mu m bands have been observed by VLT-CRIRES and the S'pilzer Space Telescope. Results. Reproducing the observed 3 mu m/1.4 mu m flux ratios requires very high densities and kinetic temperatures (n > 10(14) cm(-3) and T > 750 K), if only collisional excitation is accounted for. Radiative pumping can, however, excite the lines easily out to considerable radii similar to 10 au. Consequently, abundances derived from LTE and non-LTE models do not differ by more than a factor of about 3. Models with both a strongly enhanced abundance within similar to 1 au (jump abundance') and constant abundance can reproduce the current observations, but future observations with the MIRA instrument on JwsT and MF.IIS on the E-ELT can easily distinguish between the scenarios and test chemical models. Depending on the scenario, ALMA can detect rotational lines within vibrationally excited levels. Conclusions. Pumping by the continuum radiation field can bring EICN close enough to the LTE so that no big deviations in derived abundances are introduced with the LIE assumption, but the line profiles are substantially altered. In non-LTE models, accounting for collisional and radiative excitation, the emitting region can be much larger than in LTE models. Because HCN can be radiatively pumped to considerable radii, deriving a small emitting region from observations can thus point to the chemical abundance structure (e.g., jump abundance). Owing to their level structure, CO2 and C2H2 are expected to act in a similar way, facilitating studies of the warm inner disk chemistry.








