4.6 Article

Separating intrinsic alignment and galaxy-galaxy lensing


DOI: 10.1088/1475-7516/2012/05/041


weak gravitational lensing; galaxy surveys; galaxy formation


  1. DOE
  2. Swiss National Foundation [200021-116696/1]
  3. WCU [R32-2009-000-10130-0]
  4. Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
  5. National Science Foundation
  6. U.S. Department of Energy
  7. National Aeronautics and Space Administration
  8. Japanese Monbukagakusho
  9. Max Planck Society
  10. Higher Education Funding Council for England
  11. American Museum of Natural History
  12. Astrophysical Institute Potsdam
  13. University of Basel
  14. University of Cambridge
  15. Case Western Reserve University
  16. University of Chicago
  17. Drexel University
  18. Fermilab
  19. Institute for Advanced Study
  20. Japan Participation Group
  21. Johns Hopkins University
  22. Joint Institute for Nuclear Astrophysics
  23. Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology
  24. Korean Scientist Group
  25. Chinese Academy of Sciences (LAMOST)
  26. Los Alamos National Laboratory
  27. Max-Planck-Institute for Astronomy (MPIA)
  28. Max-Planck-Institute for Astrophysics (MPA)
  29. New Mexico State University
  30. Ohio State University
  31. University of Pittsburgh
  32. University of Portsmouth
  33. Princeton University
  34. United States Naval Observatory
  35. University of Washington
  36. National Research Foundation of Korea [R32-2012-000-10130-0] Funding Source: Korea Institute of Science & Technology Information (KISTI), National Science & Technology Information Service (NTIS)


The coherent physical alignment of galaxies is an important systematic for gravitational lensing studies as well as a probe of the physical mechanisms involved in galaxy formation and evolution. We develop a formalism for treating this intrinsic alignment (IA) in the context of galaxy-galaxy lensing and present an improved method for measuring IA contamination, which can arise when sources physically associated with the lens are placed behind the lens due to photometric redshift scatter. We apply the technique to recent Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) measurements of Luminous Red Galaxy lenses and typical (similar to L-*) source galaxies with photometric redshifts selected from the SDSS imaging data Compared to previous measurements, this method has the advantage of being fully self-consistent in its treatment of the IA and lensing signals, solving for the two simultaneously. We find an IA signal consistent with zero, placing tight constraints on both the magnitude of the IA effect and its potential contamination to the lensing signal. While these constraints depend on source selection and redshift quality, the method can be applied to any measurement that uses photometric redshifts. We obtain a model-independent upper-limit of roughly 10% IA contamination for projected separations of r(p) approximate to 0.1-10 h(-1) Mpc. With more stringent photo-z cuts and reasonable assumptions about the physics of intrinsic alignments, this upper limit is reduced to 1-2%. These limits are well below the statistical error of the current lensing measurements. Our results suggest that IA will not present intractable challenges to the next generation of galaxy-galaxy lensing experiments, and the methods presented here should continue to aid in our understanding of alignment processes and in the removal of IA from the lensing signal.








