4.3 Article

Temporal variation in breeding and cone size selection by three species of crossbills Loxia spp. in a native Scots pinewood


卷 41, 期 3, 页码 219-228


DOI: 10.1111/j.1600-048X.2009.04768.x




The breeding biology and cone size selection of crossbills was studied mainly during 1995 to 2002 at Abernethy Forest, Scotland, an ancient native Scots pine Pinus sylvestris wood, where only a single crossbill species, the Scottish crossbill Loxia scotica, was assumed to occur and to be adapted to feed on seeds in Scots pine cones. However, three crossbill species (common Loxia curvirostra, Scottish and parrot crossbills Loxia pytyopsittacus) nested in some years, with the parrot crossbill being the most abundant. Most nests were in old large pines, with the three crossbill species not differing in their use of tree size or stand density for nesting. The mean clutch and brood sizes were 3.8 and 2.9, and their mean survivals were 86 and 74%, respectively, with no significant differences among species. The timing of breeding differed between species, with parrot crossbills breeding earliest (median date 21 March, including second attempts) and common crossbills breeding last (median date 21 April), probably in response to the differing accessibility of Scots pine seeds to these species. The difference in the time of breeding may reduce mixed mating. Crossbills foraged preferentially on trees with small cones when the cones were closed. Small cones had thinner scales than large cones, suggesting that the preference for small cones was related to higher feeding rates on these cones when cones are closed. Such a preference was also found for captive crossbills with the Scottish crossbill showing a more pronounced preference for smaller cones than the larger-billed parrot crossbill. However, crossbills selected larger cones within trees and trees with larger cones once the cones opened in April. Such a shift occurred presumably because variation in scale thickness has little impact on seed accessibility once cones open, and larger cones have larger and more seeds. The greater ability of parrot crossbills to exploit seeds in closed Scots pine cones allowed parrot crossbills to start breeding earlier and to have young when seeds were most accessible. Only after the cones opened were the smaller-billed common crossbills able to easily access seeds and to start breeding. The time of breeding of Scottish crossbills was intermediate between common and parrot crossbills, and they probably had an intermediate ability to exploit Scots pine cones. The reason why there were few Scottish crossbills nesting in Abernethy Forest remains a puzzle, considering that native pine wood is assumed to be the ancestral habitat to which the Scottish crossbill is adapted. The breeding season for all crossbills ended in June, when most of the seed from a given cone cohort was shed. This is when starved broods were found, not associated with bad weather.








