Productive and Successful Communication with Journal Editors



Productive and Successful Communication with Journal Editors

Effective communication with journal editors from the pre-submission phase through article publication is an important skillset every academic should learn. When should you contact the editor if your manuscript is ‘stuck’ in a journal’s online system? What is the etiquette for appealing an editorial decision? How long should you wait to receive pee...

Non-academic careers for biological physicists


Non-academic careers for biological physicists

In this webinar, a panel of Biological Physics graduates who have forged their own paths following their PhDs discuss career options.

观看录像 7个月前
The Impact of Digital Transformation in Construction


The Impact of Digital Transformation in Construction

The adoption of digital technology and software tools in construction, the reasons for increasing technology investments, and best practices for introducing and using digital tools at your firm are discussing in this webinar.

观看录像 7个月前
Classifying Pain in Adults with Cerebral Palsy


Classifying Pain in Adults with Cerebral Palsy

In this webinar, leaders in the care improvement for adults with Cerebral Palsy, presents plans for the next phase of their work to address pain which is a significant issue in the quality of life for adults.

观看录像 7个月前
VEDA: A NASA Open Source Platform for Geosciences


VEDA: A NASA Open Source Platform for Geosciences

NASA is launching a new platform called VEDA: Visualization, Exploration, and Data Analysis (VEDA), which is an open-source science platform for Earth science research and applications.

观看录像 7个月前
Preventing heart disease with machine learning and smartphone technology


Preventing heart disease with machine learning and smartphone technology

In this presentation, Scripps Research professor Ali Torkamani shares how his team is developing app-based digital tools that can analyze genetic markers and predict someone’s future cardiovascular disease risk.

观看录像 7个月前
Presentation Strategy: How to Share Your Study’s Findings


Presentation Strategy: How to Share Your Study’s Findings

Linda Bloomberg, from National University, provides a detailed explanation about how to align the methodology and the presentation of your study.

观看录像 7个月前
Advances in semiconducting polymer synthesis


Advances in semiconducting polymer synthesis

In this ACS Science Talk, professor Christine Luscombe, Chair of the Faculty Assembly, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST), Japan and Associate Editor of Macromolecules, will discuss the advances in semiconducting polymer synthesis.

观看录像 7个月前
Clonal Expansion of Blood Stem Cells in Aging and Leukemia with Leonard Zon


Clonal Expansion of Blood Stem Cells in Aging and Leukemia with Leonard Zon

Leonard Zon, M.D., discusses new research on the nuanced relationship between macrophages, stem cells, and the development of leukemia using the zebrafish model.

观看录像 7个月前
Diagnosis for All Rare Genetic Diseases


Diagnosis for All Rare Genetic Diseases

In this webinar, the Mayo Clinic discusses the progression of research in rare genetic diseases.

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Hot and Bothered: Current issues in climate-related health and what geoscience is doing about it


Hot and Bothered: Current issues in climate-related health and what geoscience is doing about it

AGU discusses the critical conditions of climate-related health and what geoscientists are doing to aid in this crisis.

观看录像 8个月前
Beyond the Stereotypes: Understanding OCD


Beyond the Stereotypes: Understanding OCD

In this webinar, Manager of Public Education Partnerships and e-Learning of Mental Health America breaks down the mental health condition Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and some common misconceptions.

观看录像 8个月前
A Novel Coccidioides Antibody LFA - Editors in Conversation


A Novel Coccidioides Antibody LFA - Editors in Conversation

In this webinar, a study that aims to modernize and improve our current options and diagnostic approach for Valley Fever is discussed.

观看录像 8个月前
Panel Discussion: Making the Move from Academia to Industry


Panel Discussion: Making the Move from Academia to Industry

WREN's 1st International Symposium held an amazing panel discussion on career transitions from academia to industry. The panel, chaired by Prof. Julia Mendes, featured two distinguished guest speakers, Dr. Maina Portella Garcia and Dr. Erica Castilho Rodrigues, both of whom recently left their acade...

观看录像 8个月前
Environmental Stress in the Health Inequities of Alzheimer's Disease-Related Dementias Q&A Webinar


Environmental Stress in the Health Inequities of Alzheimer's Disease-Related Dementias Q&A Webinar

This webinar announces an initiative to increase our knowledge of how environmental stressors such as heat, crowding, air quality, noise, and violence in adulthood affect Alzheimer's Disease-Related Dementias (ADRD) inequities in lower resourced communities.

观看录像 8个月前
Principles of Ecological Silviculture and Applications in a Changing Climate


Principles of Ecological Silviculture and Applications in a Changing Climate

This webinar provides an overview of ecological silviculture and associated principles while discussing the natural disturbance archetypes that guide ecological silviculture systems.

观看录像 8个月前
Unlocking the Power of AI in Language Learning


Unlocking the Power of AI in Language Learning

In this webinar, Damian Beneyto, Senior AI Integration Manager at Pearson, discusses the world of artificial intelligence and its role in language learning.

观看录像 8个月前
Diagnostic Tools for EoE: Esophageal String Test | APFED Eos Support Webinar Series


Diagnostic Tools for EoE: Esophageal String Test | APFED Eos Support Webinar Series

In this informative webinar, Shauna Schroeder, MD, MS, presents information about unsedated endoscopy and monitoring options for eosinophilic disorders, including the esophageal string test.

观看录像 8个月前
Global Policy Webinar: Non-Medical Influences & Barriers to Access High-Quality Cancer Care Globally


Global Policy Webinar: Non-Medical Influences & Barriers to Access High-Quality Cancer Care Globally

This webinar highlights regional, ethnic, religious, and socioeconomic considerations when having access to cancer care, as well as cultural influences and stigma surrounding diagnosis and treatment of cancer.

观看录像 8个月前
Movement Disorder Specialist Q&A


Movement Disorder Specialist Q&A

In this Q&A webinar, various expert Movement Disorder Specialists from the Los Angeles area discuss movement disorders.

观看录像 8个月前
Building a Career Reputation through Content Creation – Sharing Opportunities on Peeref



Building a Career Reputation through Content Creation – Sharing Opportunities on Peeref

Join us on Thursday October 12 for our next LetPub Webinar Series installment. This month we are going to focus on building an online presence to boost your reputation as a researcher. Many researchers just want to focus on their research, and fair enough, we can understand this focus. However, social media and networking platforms give researchers...

Demystifying AI and Its Generative Power


Demystifying AI and Its Generative Power

Dr. Mark Esposito, Ph.D., instructor for Artificial Intelligence in Business: Creating Value with Machine Learning discusses AI integration for business growth and efficiency, and participants learned why they should collaborate with AI to stay competitive and maximize business results.

观看录像 9个月前
Minerals at Extreme Conditions: What Can We Learn About Earth's Interior? With Dr. Lowell Miyagi


Minerals at Extreme Conditions: What Can We Learn About Earth's Interior? With Dr. Lowell Miyagi

Dr. Lowell Miyagi from the University of Utah's Department of Geology and Geophysics discusses Earth's interior.

观看录像 9个月前
LuTan-1: An Innovative L-band Spaceborne Bistatic Interferimetric SAR Mission


LuTan-1: An Innovative L-band Spaceborne Bistatic Interferimetric SAR Mission

IEEE GSSS discuss the innovative spaceborne Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) mission with bistatic interferometry capability, called LuTan-1.

观看录像 9个月前
Harnessing Machine Learning for Climate Policy


Harnessing Machine Learning for Climate Policy

In this presentation, Prof. Angel Hsu explores applications of machine learning in the realm of climate policy, with a specific focus on evaluating the actions of subnational and non-state actors such as cities, regions, and corporations.

观看录像 9个月前
Early Career Journey: Growing and Learning from Bad Outcomes


Early Career Journey: Growing and Learning from Bad Outcomes

The Society of Thoracic Surgeons presents this educational webinar created for cardiothoracic surgery professionals in the early stages of their career.

观看录像 9个月前
Future Medicine: Stem Cells and Cancer


Future Medicine: Stem Cells and Cancer

In this webinar, a panel of researchers and clinicians from The National Stem Cell Foundation of Australia present the latest developments in stem cell research to study and how it can treat many different kinds of cancer.

观看录像 9个月前
Envisioning Imagination


Envisioning Imagination

In this Oxford Mathematics Public Lecture, a panel of experts discuss the harmony of art and science.

观看录像 9个月前
Climate Change and Health


Climate Change and Health

In this JAMA Network Q&A webinar, Vanessa Kerry, MD, MSc discusses how a changing climate and extreme weather events are impacting human health, what clinicians should expect in the years ahead, and how they can help protect patients—and the planet.

观看录像 9个月前
Multiple Sclerosis - Understanding the Condition and Working to Mitigate Impact


Multiple Sclerosis - Understanding the Condition and Working to Mitigate Impact

In this webinar from the Blum Center Program at Mass General Hospital, Dr. Giovanna Manzano discusses how multiple sclerosis impacts the nervous system and its common clinical symptoms.

观看录像 9个月前

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