Best Student in the 5-min Research Ideation Challenge 2024

SAP Alternatives from Banana Stem Waste Absorbent in Baby Diapers


Nathasia Jasmine, Jeselyn Angelia, Evelyn Darsono · Jan 30, 2024

Regarding the fact that SAP, an absorbent part of baby diaper, is non-biodegradable, we create an absorbent naturally made from banana stem waste which we called as Nawasena Baby Diapers. The absorbents are compiled and added with Piper betle leaves extract to prevent microbial contamination as well as diaper rash caused by S. aureus. After conducting tests based on The Indonesian National Standard, we found that Nawasena meets the standard which can make Nawasena as a trendsetter to environmentally friendly diapers with further improvements.