Goran Shibakovski 提问于 2个月前

How do you manage your work-life balance?


What strategies do you employ to ensure a harmonious balance between your professional responsibilities and personal life?

Learn more about emotional, psychological, and social well-being in Mental Health Hub: https://www.peeref.com/hubs/108


Being a father of two children (5 and 1 year old) while juggling teaching, research, and a leadership role sounds like a demanding but rewarding job! Here are some time management and prioritization strategies to help me find balance:

Schedule with Ruthless Prioritization: I have a detailed schedule allocating specific times for work (teaching, research, Rectors Board), family, and yourself (sleep, exercise).

Boundaries and Delegation: I have set work-life boundaries (e.g., no work emails at home) and explain them to colleagues and family.

Efficiency is Key: Techniques like the Pomodoro Technique (focused work followed by short breaks) can help me be more productive during work hours.

Quality Family Time: Even with limited free time, I make the most of it. I remove distractions and focus on activities everyone enjoys.

Self-Care Matters: I'm trying to schedule exercise, hobbies, or relaxation time.

Embrace Flexibility: I'm prepared to adjust your schedule and celebrate small victories. A perfect balance might not be achievable daily, but prioritize what matters most.