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Fisheries restrictions and their cascading effects on herbivore abundance and macroalgae removal at Kenyan coral reefs

发表日期 June 19, 2023 (DOI: https://doi.org/10.54985/peeref.2306p8176337)



Ewout G. Knoester1 , Veerle E. Plug2 , Albertinka J. Murk1 , Susan O. Sande2 , Ronald Osinga1
  1. Wageningen University & Research
  2. Kenyatta University


14th International Coral Reef Symposium, July 2020 (虚拟会议)


This study evaluated the influence of fisheries management on the abundance and browsing of herbivorous fish in Kenya. Herbivorous fish biomass was clearly higher in protected areas, especially of large-bodied species such as unicornfishes and certain parrotfishes. The removal of common macroalgae was up to three-fold higher in protected areas and this correlated well with the higher biomasses of unicornfishes and parrotfishes. In unprotected areas, damselfishes and sea urchins dominated and overall browsing pressure was low. This shows that fishing restrictions can support reef resilience by increasing herbivorous fish biomass of key species and thereby promote macroalgae removal.


Browsing, Sargassum, Padina, Protected area, Grazers, Reef restoration


Biological Sciences, Ecology and Forestry, Environmental Sciences, Ocean Sciences


  1. Knoester, E. G., Plug, V. E., Murk, A. J., Sande, S. O., & Osinga, R. (2023). Fisheries restrictions and their cascading effects on herbivore abundance and macroalgae removal at Kenyan coral reefs. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 559, 151850.




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No competing interests were disclosed.
The datasets generated during and / or analyzed during the current study are available elsewhere (e.g., repository).
Copyright © 2023 Knoester et al. This is an open access work distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Knoester, E., Plug, V., Murk, A., Sande, S., Osinga, R. Fisheries restrictions and their cascading effects on herbivore abundance and macroalgae removal at Kenyan coral reefs [not peer reviewed]. Peeref 2023 (poster).

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