认证评论 - Minerals
注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

imtangtang 2023-05-19

Topic: Renewable Energies for Water Treatment and Reuse in Mining Industries
Homepage: https://www.mdpi.com/topics/2x4li2i0hw
Participating Journals: Energies, Membranes, Minerals, Toxics, Water
Submission deadline: June 30, 2024

Please consult me for any inquiries regarding journal submissions!

Zou-Yu 2023-02-03

Posted on January 12th, received the "minor revision acceptance" decision from the editor on January 23rd. This is my 6th first-author SCI publication, and the first time I submitted to an open-access journal. Because I needed to meet project targets, I was in a hurry to find a suitable journal. Unexpectedly, the editor and reviewers chosen by Minerals had such a low level of expertise, and their questions were not relevant. However, the journal is reputable and the processing speed is fast.

cuiliwei 2022-12-28

At first, I rejected the major revision, but later I made some modifications and tried to submit it again. After further modifications, it was accepted. Overall, the reviewers of the journal provided constructive suggestions and were very responsible, which greatly helped improve the writing level. The whole process from submission to online publication took a total of 2-3 months.

赏金猎人 2022-11-02

It is already 1800 now.

清单 2022-08-15

It's alright. After submission, there was a major revision period of 21 days, with 10 days given for modifications. I didn't feel like doing the revisions, so I procrastinated until the 9th day before starting, and it took me 4 days to complete them. I submitted in the afternoon, and the reviewer replied in the evening. The editor requested minor revisions and gave me 3 days to do so. The next afternoon, I submitted the revised manuscript, and it was accepted in the evening. The publication fee was 1400 Swiss francs, much higher than domestic journals.

尼古拉斯朱瑞 2022-07-30

From submission to acceptance, it took over five months, and the two reviewers provided nearly 50 comments in total. After two rounds of revising the samples and experimental data, the paper was finally accepted. Being an open-access journal is not as simple as imagined, and the review process is not short either. The editors and reviewers are very strict in ensuring the quality of the articles, and the comments provided by the two reviewers were insightful and greatly contributed to the improvement of the paper's quality. I hope this journal will continue to improve.

Zinstant 2022-05-08

"Everyone, be vigilant when someone directly asks for WeChat contact, most likely it is a scammer."

Squarefei 2022-03-16

2022.1.27 Submission, reviewed on the same day
2022.2.17 Major revision
2022.2.20 Revised
2022.3.1 Minor revision
2022.3.3 Revised
2022.3.10 Accepted
The reviewers were all very professional, and their questions were targeted. I had to consult many references before replying, so it was not as easy as I imagined. The review process was not as fast as I expected.
During the major revision, I hadn't finished making the changes yet. The editorial department skipped the academic editor and directly messaged me, asking for the revised version as soon as possible, saying they were planning to publish it at the end of the month. It was quite confusing. However, even after the revision, I still had to wait for a long time, and it was not published at the end of the month.
I sent multiple reminders to the assistant editor during the process, and the assistant editor had a good attitude. Every time I reminded them, I quickly received a response.
I managed to graduate as planned, and everything went smoothly.

Nano-Xman 2022-02-23

10.30 submission
12.22 revision
1.10 accept
Submission started 8 days ago and was reviewed by 3 reviewers. One of them delayed the process until the end, and the review lasted for 1.5 months, which is the slowest speed I have ever seen for an MDPI manuscript. The advantage of an open-access journal is that they promptly decide whether to accept or reject your manuscript. The publication fee for more than 10,000 words is quite expensive, so those in urgent need of publishing a paper should consider it.

儒雅的火舞炫风 2021-09-25

2021.8.26 Submission
2021.9.12 Major revision
2021.9.15 Revised
2021.9.24 Accepted
The editor is very responsible, and the reviewers are very professional, they raised many targeted questions. The fast journal review process is a great advantage.

Xia 2021-08-12

The Chinese Academy of Sciences has placed it on the warning list, mainly because of high fees and a large number of clustered Chinese papers, which raises suspicion of making money from Chinese people.
Personally, I feel that the review and editing of this journal are still very responsible. Three reviewers provided very detailed opinions. The third reviewer made three rounds of revisions, but in the end, they still disagreed with my conclusion and recommended rejection. Finally, I wrote a long debate email and asked the editor to forward it to the academic editor. After waiting for more than twenty days, the paper was directly accepted, probably by the chief editor.
The key point is that the speed of this journal is really fast. It took less than a week from submission to review, and about two weeks later, I received the opinions of three reviewers. Results were obtained approximately two weeks after each round of review.

huangdouren 2021-03-02

How should I put it, one advantage of OA journals is that the processing time is fast. Whether it's a donkey or a horse, someone will quickly inform you. You don't have to anxiously wait and waste time like non-OA journals. The reviewers are acquaintances or relevant personnel in your field. They will give review comments based on the journal's level and the quality of your article. If there are errors, they will definitely point them out. There is no binding between the reviewer and the journal, it's either a donkey or a horse. If your article's research workload, thinking capacity, and innovation meet the standards of this level of journal, then you can submit it. The downside is that authors have to pay fees, which can be as high as tens of thousands of yuan. Non-OA journals usually charge around 4K to 5K yuan. Also, for the sake of efficiency, the journal's typesetting is really ugly. For those who are used to symmetrical things, the web version's typesetting looks better.

城管UU 2021-02-06

May I ask if the manuscript for this journal needs to be typeset by oneself?

chengzikeke 2021-02-02

12.30 submission; 1.16 received major revision comments, including one minor revision and two major revisions; 1.21 submitted revised manuscript; 1.28 accepted; 2.1 published. Overall, the process was very fast, but also expensive. The quality of the article feels average. If you are in a hurry to graduate and need the article, you can give it a try.

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