认证评论 - Journal of Materials Chemistry A
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qzw3140 2021-02-20


Submitted (03-Dec-2020)
With editor (08-Dec-2020)
In peer review (04-Jan-2021)
Major Revision (18-Jan-2021)
Submitted Revision (09-Feb-2021)
Accept (19-Feb-2021)

The fourth JMCA article is submitted. Considering the Christmas holiday in between, the process was relatively fast overall. Thanks to the efficient editor. Wishing JMCA continued success.

王博 2021-02-19

How is it now? Can you please be specific about the progress?

seawell 2021-01-21

Submitted on January 10th, 2021, reviewed one week later. Good luck!

固执的北极熊 2021-01-20

It has already passed 12.

J Yu 2021-01-18

It took 4 and a half months to complete the major revisions, and we received the acceptance directly afterwards. I must say that the reviewers at JMCA are very thorough in reviewing articles, even pointing out grammar errors, which I am extremely grateful for. The reviewers raised excellent questions and provided insightful perspectives. Based on their suggestions, we conducted additional experiments, enhancing the novelty of the article, which proved to be very valuable for us. Thank you to the reviewers and editor, Professor Viola Birss. Wishing JMCA continued success.

sfaff 2021-01-14

2020.12.2 submit
2021.1.14 It's been a month and a half and still no news.

chemeng 2021-01-09

10.10 submitted
10.14 in peer review
12.14 major revisions - Two reviewers recommended major revisions, and the editor requested major revisions as well.
12.21 revision submitted
2021.1.9 accepted
Thanks to editor Prof. Magdalena Titirici.

懵逼树下懵逼果 2021-01-09

I roughly calculated the impact factor of JMCA in 2020 to be around 11.645, which seems to have not increased much compared to 2019...

光源 2021-01-08

Electrocatalysis direction,
Submitted on 11.25;
Major revision on 12.17;
Revised manuscript and response submitted on 12.22;
Accepted on 1.6;
JMCA has high efficiency, thanks to the suggestions and recognition from the editor and reviewers.

懵逼树下懵逼果 2021-01-07

I haven't received the proofreading yet. I received it on December 21, 2020, but it hasn't been typeset for me. My article cannot be found on WOS, but it can be found on Google Scholar. Some manuscripts in JMCA are processed quickly, while others are particularly slow. I don't know what's going on.

@songkefan 2021-01-07

I was accepted on December 22nd. May I ask if you have proofread my article? If you have, when will you send me the email? It's been half a month already.

@songkefan 2021-01-07

@182th floor, have you proofread the article? It will be published on December 24th, and it already has a DOI number. Why haven't you asked me for the proofreading yet?

hhhhhhhuo 2021-01-07

2020.11.08 submitted
2020.12.09 major revision
2020.12.24 submitted
2020.12.28 accept
The editing was done quickly, thank you very much.

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