认证评论 - IEEE Transactions on Systems Man Cybernetics-Systems
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xhcvvvv 2021-10-02

8 months.... This is too slow.

sansan123 2021-09-28

The result of the first trial was given after 8 months.

xhcvvvv 2021-09-06

It has been 4 months already, and it has been under review all this time. I would like to ask how long it usually takes for this journal to give the first review result. It is too slow.

天下文章一大抄 2021-08-15

The journal is good, but the acceptance rate has been very low in recent years, only 10%. After going through three revisions and more than a year of peer review, it was finally accepted. During the last round of revisions, the editor mentioned that the article had been under review for a long time and needed to explain its continued significance. At that time, I was somewhat speechless. It is now a journal that is relatively recognized in the field of control.

Reliability 2021-08-15

Encountering the same problem, the paper has been revised for over a year. It feels like the editor-in-chief is intentionally rejecting it, constantly adding more reviewers each time.

江湖小虾米 2021-08-10

It seems that I still have to wait. I submitted it in October 2019 and it has been rejected and resubmitted twice... Each time, I either added or changed the reviewers, but in the end, all the reviewers made minor revisions, yet the editor still rejected it and asked for resubmission...

小花生1 2021-08-06

投 (tóu) in English means "submit" or "投稿 (tóu gǎo)" specifically refers to "submitting a manuscript or article for publication."

The translation of the text is as follows:

"Submitted in October 2018.
A total of 4 revisions were made before and after.

In mid-August 2021...
It's difficult. Can't submit anymore. Every time, new reviewers are added."

user_Sherry 2021-07-30

My 22 months, two minor repairs, and the final round was rejected. My heart has turned cold.

xmg12345 2021-07-29

It's really a scam, dragged on for almost a year and got rejected. Surprisingly, the second review had 7 reviewers, but only one rejected it. Then it was rejected, and the most important thing is that the reviewer who rejected it provided extremely unprofessional opinions. I suggest being cautious when submitting to this journal, and those who have confidence in their articles might as well try TAC.

Xwam 2021-07-15

Personal Submission Timeline:
March 20, submitted manuscript, received first round of comments (minor revisions) 6 months later, with 5 reviewers and no deadline for revisions;
November 20, revised manuscript, received second round of comments (minor revisions) 5 months later, with an additional reviewer and no deadline for revisions;
April 21, revised manuscript, currently in "Awaiting Decision" status for 3 months, based on the editor's speed, the results are expected to be out by October at the latest.

Compared to the review time and control theory journals (which is also around 6 months), the acceptance speed is acceptable, but for an applied journal, it is indeed too slow.

Additional Information:
1. The review speed of this journal is highly dependent on the speed of the editor. I have seen another article that was submitted and accepted within 8 months, with two rounds of revisions. However, my own article has been submitted for 15 months and still no results.
2. The rejection rate of the journal is very high. If the first round of review results in a rejection, the time cost is relatively low. I have seen an article that was rejected after 18 months of revisions.
3. Due to the decrease in journal submissions, the impact factor has skyrocketed to 13.451 this year. If you are in a hurry to publish for graduation, I do not recommend submitting to this journal. However, if you have already graduated and have some results to publish, you can give it a try.

Inreverse 2021-07-09

Slow, too slow. No matter how much other reviewers approve, as long as one reviewer rejects, it will be rejected. Not to mention the high rejection rate, it is really slow. It is common for it to take two to three months to review, and it is normal for it to take half a year to receive the first review. This year, the impact factor skyrocketed.

天下文章一大抄 2021-07-08

The entire article has undergone more than a year of review, with a total of three reviews by the associate editor and reviewers, and final approval from the editor-in-chief. The journal is very good, with a current manuscript acceptance rate of only 10%. It is becoming increasingly difficult to get in.

科研小白123321 2021-07-02

This still depends on the person. I feel that the article is not lucky enough to be accepted in a short time. Most of them are still in a long waiting process, going through several rounds of reviews and not knowing how many reviewers need to be added. The final result is either good or not. If it is not good, it will take one or two years, and the timeliness of the paper will also be lost.

Essay Strict 2021-06-30

After two rounds of minor revisions, it is not bad to have it accepted as the first top journal in control theory. For better results, you can first try IEEE-TAC and Automatica. However, theorists still need to pay attention to whether their published work is enlightening, with the journal being secondary. At this stage, the students under the supervision of the top researchers have more advantages in writing skills. TAC and Automatica have an overflow of advantages in long papers, while short papers have become the essence. Is it because short papers are not considered performance indicators in most schools? In academia, we should try to stick to our original intentions.

Xavier41 2021-06-06

Overall, the review speed is considered fast among similar journals. However, there were five reviewers in the first round, and each round had new reviewers. The decision for the third round was pending for two months before receiving minor revisions and acceptance. In the final decision letter, the editor mentioned that the journal currently has a high volume of submissions, and only 10% of articles can be accepted. Therefore, having multiple review rounds and changing reviewers in each round is probably to increase the rejection rate.

belloney 2021-05-24

I thought it was just me being slow, but after reading the comments, it turns out everyone is having a hard time.

ZTZT 2021-05-20

Have you received the notification of the results now?

pstpbg 2021-05-13

From September 12th, 2020 to May 12th, 2021, it took a full 8 months. They gave me suggestions for rejection, major revisions, and resubmission. The review process was really long, and I was waiting so long that I almost forgot what I had written...

漫步云端 2021-04-12

It has been one and a half months already waiting for editor assignment.

时宜 2021-04-11

20.9.22 Submission
20.12.29 First Trial Notice
21.1.12 First Trial Modification Submission
21.4.10 Accepted

大鱼儿1988 2021-04-11

Repeated and crazy invitations to reviewers for review, one round is not enough, two rounds are not enough, three rounds are not enough, the second review takes nearly nine months, experiencing three reversals from "awaiting decision" to "under review," the editor's manipulation of people's mindset is impressive. Looking forward to receiving opinions from 10 reviewers. During this period, several manuscripts have also been reviewed, which have obviously been revised well, so I pressed the button to send the review invitation. In addition, I don't know if anyone has sent an email to the editor or the administration, and if they have received a reply.

扬帆远航 2021-04-10

One year and three months have passed. After experiencing rejection and reapplying, and making some minor adjustments, I am now waiting for the decision-making process of the editor. However, I have been replaced by ADM. What is the situation?

SCI点评专家 2021-04-09

First revision, with three reviewers;
Second revision, with three additional reviewers;
Third revision rejected, with five additional reviewers;
It took a year and a half, so frustrating! The editor-in-chief of this journal intentionally rejected it, so disgusting!

吐泡泡的小飞飞 2021-04-09

3 months for the first review, 3 experts, major revisions; 1 month to make the revisions.
6 months for the second review, 3 experts, one accepts, the other two say it's still not acceptable, saying from the beginning that this research is unnecessary! It's disappointing.
Ultimately, it was rejected. Actually, it's quite slow.

ZTZT 2021-04-09

My status "awaiting editor assignment" has been one month already.

时宜 2021-04-08

Have you received the notification now?

时宜 2021-04-08

I have been waiting for a decision for two months already, but they haven't sent me an email yet. What's going on?

sci专业户 2021-04-05

The initial review speed of this journal is acceptable, with 5 reviewers taking 2 months to respond. However, the reviewers are extremely unprofessional and seem to lack understanding. They randomly provided a bunch of inexplicable opinions, leading to the rejection by the associate editor. It is advised to be cautious when submitting to this journal.

Sci啥时发 2021-03-31

A particularly frustrating journal, starting with minor revisions, followed by major revisions, and finally rejection, taking a total of 14 months. Each time after the revision, a new reviewer is assigned, so the dilemma arises where old problems are resolved, but new problems arise. Unless your article is confident enough, it will end up being a tragedy. I strongly recommend everyone to be cautious about submitting to this journal.

AIer 2021-03-01

There is already a review result in the submission system, but the reviewer's comments are not provided. Even when sending reminder emails, no one responds. Has anyone encountered this?

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