认证评论 - IEEE Transactions on Systems Man Cybernetics-Systems
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fuzzysets 2022-09-11

The worst journal in history, without a doubt.
In the first review, three reviewers had no major concerns, but the result was: Reject with major revision and encouragement to resubmit.
In the second review, a new reviewer was added, and all three reviewers recommended minor revisions. The result was: Reject with major revision and encouragement to resubmit.

This trashy journal is purely a waste of everyone's time, constantly adding reviewers. In over a year, they have only accepted four IEEE transactions articles. I have never seen a journal as terrible as this one.

DennyClock 2022-09-02

Has anyone encountered the situation where, after the third round of manuscript review, there were two consecutive changes from "awaiting recommendation" to "awaiting decision" within one month, and not sure what the situation is?

d1oad 2022-06-23

Re-submit a new submission, but the submitted manuscript is identical to the revised version.

fuzzysets 2022-06-11

Excuse me, everyone, regarding the first review: "Reject with major revision and encouragement to resubmit," why is there no button available to directly upload the revised file when resubmitting? I remember that for TNNLS, resubmission could be directly uploaded (resubmission is equivalent to major revision). Is resubmission for TSMCS equivalent to major revision or starting a new submission as a "Start New Submission"? Can someone please help clarify?


Sure, here is the translation:

As expected, it took three months for the first review, with seven reviewers. One reviewer explicitly rejected it, two required major revisions, and three required minor revisions. It's clear that there is no chance of resubmission.

Katana 2022-04-26

Posted in May 2021, received first round of comments at the end of July 2021, with three reviewers suggesting minor and major revisions. The editor rejected the submission for resubmission. Submitted again at the end of August 2021, received review in mid-January 2022 with an additional reviewer providing further modification suggestions. The editor rejected the submission for resubmission. Submitted for the third time in mid-February 2022, changed from "under review" to "awaiting recommendation" in mid-April, then reverted back to "under review" two days later, indicating the possibility of finding new reviewers and the potential for rejection and resubmission. This journal is quite interesting, as I have heard before that papers submitted to this journal often go through minor revisions in the first round of review, rejection and resubmission in the second round, and ultimately rejection in the third round, taking a total of two years. I have also heard about researchers experiencing three rejections and resubmissions in the journal "才中", which took 27 months in total.

TangTTTT 2022-04-13

How long does the decision-making process usually take?

ycxyou 2022-04-06

The manuscript was submitted in November 2019 and went through four rounds of revisions until it was finally accepted in March 2022, after going through many twists and turns.

邓布利多 2022-03-23

May I ask how the current status of your thesis is?

QuietRoom 2022-02-06

Two rejections with major revisions and encouragement to submit. Each review took approximately 3-4 months, but it has been over a year of back and forth. And now I have already graduated...

wusuowei_m 2022-02-06

Is this a rejection with an invitation to resubmit or a major revision?

wusuowei_m 2022-02-06

Is this the result? Reject with major revision and encouragement to resubmit. Is it a resubmission or a major revision?

羽毛2021 2022-01-28

I have reviewed this journal 11 times, and based on the review results, almost all of them were rejected by IEEE fellows. Only those papers that were acquainted with the associate editors or authors had a chance of being accepted. Some of the papers written by master's students were of very poor quality, and I rejected them. However, the associate editor asked them to revise and resubmit, just because they were IEEE fellows (heh). We submitted one paper, and it was reviewed by four reviewers. Three of them suggested acceptance after revisions, but one rejected it. The associate editor directly rejected it, but it's okay, let's not submit to this journal anymore. The authors who have published many papers in this journal do not necessarily have a high level of expertise.

leung 2022-01-17

Is it the deputy editor who is changing the reviewer?

励志成为一民咸鱼 2022-01-10

Forgot to mention, it was mentioned in the latest response letter from the journal that the acceptance rate is 10%.

励志成为一民咸鱼 2022-01-10

The first review took 10 months, with major revisions. The two reviewers provided relatively fair comments. After making the revisions, it was resubmitted for a second review, which took 3 months. The reviewer was changed, and the questions raised were really trivial, mostly related to the formatting of the paper and conflicts with the first reviewer. It was really frustrating. The whole process dragged on for nearly a year and a half. Eventually, the reviewer said that the comparative method used was outdated. It was really frustrating. It is not recommended to submit to this journal if you don't have any connections. If you have connections, the review process is faster than a rocket, but if you don't, just wait. Even after waiting for over a year, there is still a possibility of rejection. People are almost graduating, and there is still no result for the paper. It's really frustrating.

lc 2021-12-26

Excuse me, is "Under review" for external review or for editorial pre-screening?


Submitted on November 18th, under review as of December 23rd.

LucianJen 2021-12-06

That's just you stepping on dog shit! Generally, this journal has a slow review process.


This... I'm not afraid of having many reviewers, but I'm afraid of adding two more in between, and then adding two more for the second review. Who can handle that? I'm worried that in the final review, there might be a reckless person who will reject my submission. No fun at all.

Ryanzhang 2021-11-23

Slow, really too slow, I have been under pressure to improve the impact factor by submitting manuscripts.

Aug-2020~Dec-2020: Rejected with major revision and encouragement to resubmit
Feb-2021~Jul-2021: Resubmit, Revise/Minor Revisions/Regular Paper
Aug-2021~Nov-2021: Accepted as Regular Paper

In 2020, the speed was still acceptable, but in 2021, it took one month for "awaiting decision" and two months for the final decision letter, which stated a 10% acceptance rate for submissions. For doctoral students who are in a rush, please be cautious.

Inreverse 2021-11-17

The requirement for plagiarism check is below 25%, including repeated letters.

兜里没有糖丿 2021-11-14

Submitted on August 22nd, rejected after major revisions on November 14th with encouragement to resubmit.
Nine reviewers provided nearly 50 comments. Personally, I feel that the comments were mostly fair, but some of them are difficult to address.

ybylll 2021-11-14

The requirement is for the similarity rate to be below 25%. If it exceeds, it will be returned to you for resubmission. The original text is as follows:

The suggestion is to check for plagiarism before submitting through https://www.ithenticate.com.cn/ to save time, as the review period for SMCA is currently unknown.

中SCI多多益善 2021-11-04

Classmates, did you check for plagiarism before submitting? I have many formulas with similar letters, which could be considered as repetition. Have any of you encountered this issue? What is the specific duplication rate? I wonder if anyone knows.

中SCI多多益善 2021-11-04

Hello classmate, may I ask if you have many formulas in your research on control theory? The English plagiarism checking system considers any identical letters as repetition. Did you check for plagiarism before submitting your paper? Does this journal mention the duplicate rate?

supreme001 2021-11-02

Seriously, I was just rejected.

Inreverse 2021-11-02

There are no major revisions suggested by the five reviewers. The editor encourages resubmission after rejection, but there is a concern that it may result in another round of reviewer changes, delaying the process for another six months. The outcome of the new round is uncertain.

励志成为一民咸鱼 2021-10-13

The review process is too slow. After submitting the first draft, I was informed of the rejection after 10 months, but encouraged to resubmit after major revisions. The opinions given by another reviewer were also quite good. I hope this resubmission will be approved this time.

Free9716 2021-10-05

Hello, may I ask if there is a page limit for the initial draft of this journal?

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