认证评论 - Remote Sensing
注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

子不问马 2021-11-10

I was rejected. The academic editor's comments were provided at the same time as the reviewers' comments, and the decision was pending for about three to four days.

^冬日暖阳^ 2021-11-09

2021-10-19, submit;
2021-10-19, under review;
2021-11-02, pending decision; [Two reviewers, both minor revisions]
2021-11-03, pending minor revisions;
2021-11-08, resubmitted;
2021-11-08, revised version review;
2021-11-08, pending editor decision;
2021-11-09, paper accepted.

I have been browsing through everyone's sharing recently. Today, I will also share mine. I wish everyone smooth scientific research and an early acceptance of their papers!

嘿嘿2021 2021-11-04

2021-10-08, submit;
2021-10-09, under review;
2021-10-24, pending decision;
2021-10-24, pending minor revisions;
2021-10-31, resubmitted;
2021-11-01, revised version review;
2021-11-01, pending editor decision;
2021-11-03, paper accepted;
2021-11-03, pending English.

2021-10-08, submitted;
2021-10-09, under review;
2021-10-24, awaiting decision;
2021-10-24, awaiting minor revisions;
2021-10-31, resubmitted;
2021-11-01, review of revised version;
2021-11-01, awaiting editor decision;
2021-11-03, paper accepted;
2021-11-03, pending English.

^冬日暖阳^ 2021-11-03

Can you explain to the assistant editor and then provide some additional information? How long does it take to get the result of pending decision? Is the opinion of the academic editor given together with the decision or later? Thank you!

子不问马 2021-11-02

The opinions of the two reviewers are not bad, suggesting major revisions. However, after making the revisions, I realized that the academic editor also had some opinions that I completely missed. I guess it's over...

lingbaishi 2021-11-02

I have submitted, but it doesn't seem to be displayed in the system.

黑驴 2021-11-02

Hello, may I ask a question? Is it necessary to submit the graphic summary mentioned in the email by the editor?~

黑驴 2021-11-02

Hello, may I ask a question? Is it necessary to submit the graphic summary mentioned in the email by the editor?

黑驴 2021-11-02

Hello, may I ask if it is necessary to submit the graphic abstract mentioned in the email from the editor?

呱呱 2021-10-30

2021-10-30, sitio web en línea.

呱呱 2021-10-30

2021-10-28, pending English;
2021-10-28, English correction done;
2021-10-28, author proofreading;
2021-10-30, author proofreading-resubmitted;
2021-10-30, final check;
2021-10-30, Conversion Skipped;

呱呱 2021-10-28

2021-10-28, en espera de inglés;

呱呱 2021-10-28

2021-10-07, submit;
2021-10-08, under review;
2021-10-19, pending decision;
2021-10-21, pending minor revisions;
2021-10-25, resubmitted;
2021-10-25, revised version review;
2021-10-25, pending editor decision;
2021-10-28, paper accepted.

2021-10-07, submitted;
2021-10-08, under review;
2021-10-19, awaiting decision;
2021-10-21, pending minor revisions;
2021-10-25, resubmitted;
2021-10-25, review of revised version;
2021-10-25, pending editor's decision;
2021-10-28, paper accepted.

lingbaishi 2021-10-26

2021-10-25 Pending editor decision (Just came back with feedback right after finishing the experience, only submitted the neutral one, the reviewer had no other questions)
2021-10-26 Accept

lingbaishi 2021-10-25

Urgently need a paper, considering the fast speed of MDPI and the alertness of Sensors, choose RS.
Background: The paper was rejected in the first review by IET. Revised for half a month based on the review comments.
Recording the timeline:
2021-10-03, submitted the special issue and pending review;
2021-10-04, under review;
2021-10-13, pending decision; (Received two positive review comments)
2021-10-14, pending minor revisions;
2021-10-16, received the third review comment, neutral;
2021-10-21, resubmitted;
2021-10-22, revised version review;

WZY 2021-10-20

I would like to ask how to view the comments from the reviewers after the major revision.

TTTong 2021-10-20

8.7 submission
8.8 review

TTTong 2021-10-20

Here's the translation:

Supplementing the twists and turns of the submission process~
On 9.11, major revisions were made, and all three reviewers gave good evaluations, pointing out some minor issues. However, one expert suggested improving the English, so three extra days were requested to polish it.
The major revisions were submitted on 9.23.
On 9.24, one reviewer replied suggesting acceptance, while the other two did not respond. It was directly transferred to pending editor decision.
On 10.11, after waiting for a long and endless 16 days without any news, due to time constraints, an email was sent to the assistant editor to inquire about the progress (no response, but she should have provided feedback to the editor).
Around 7 p.m. on 10.11, received minor revisions from the academic editor.
The minor revisions were submitted on 10.12.
The second round of minor revisions was done on 10.13.
Resubmitted on 10.14.
The third round of minor revisions was done on 10.15.
Submitted on 10.17.
Accepted on 10.20.
There were a total of three rounds of communication with the academic editor because the editor did not understand why my research was valuable in the field of remote sensing. The process of replying was difficult to endure, and I asked many teachers and classmates how to respond. Everyone said they didn't understand what the editor meant. At one point, I thought I might fail at this stage, but fortunately, the final result was positive. Thank you! I also hope that my experience can help some people.

呱呱 2021-10-20

It will take five days to get the result; how many "yes" do you have pending?

会思考的苇草 2021-10-19

It has been two days since I submitted, but it is still pending review. It doesn't feel good.

yonggan 2021-10-17

The self-citation rate is 33.00% (last year's self-citation rate was 34%). Some are concerned about the division of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in January 2022. Will there still be divisions? Will it still be classified as a second-tier division?

暴走萝莉熊 2021-10-16

May I ask if an editor will contact you before "under review"?

暴走萝莉熊 2021-10-16

May I ask if an editor will contact you after submitting the manuscript but before the review? I saw in the automated email that it said, "One of our editors will be in touch with you soon." However, it has been two days and I haven't received any emails, and the status of the manuscript is still pending review. Does this mean that the editor is still in the initial review stage?

TianmingYun 2021-10-15

Graduation thesis, working in a standardized manner, with both innovation and workload. However, considering the graduation timeline and publication speed, RS was chosen. Currently, it is in the second tier, upgraded version, with a trend of advancing to the top. Hoping that the journal publication fee can be reasonable. Good luck to everyone! This is the submission time.
2021-07-17 [Paper submission]
2021-07-18 [Under review]
2021-07-31 [Minor revision] (Three reviewers, two minor revisions and one major revision)
2021-08-06 [Revised] (Suggesting responding to each point)
2021-09-13 [Paper accepted]
2021-09-16 [Paper publication]

雅1202 2021-10-15

2021-09-30, submit;
2021-10-01, under review.

wjswjx 2021-10-12

2021-10-08, Pending English
2021-10-09, English correction done
2021-10-09, Author proofreading
2021-10-11, Author proofreading resubmitted
2021-10-11, Final Check
2021-10-11, Pending conversion
2021-10-12, Website online.

TTTong 2021-10-12

OP, may I ask what kind of adjustments your minor revisions are about? I just received a notification for minor revisions, stating that the academic editor does not understand why this type of research should be published, and recommends clarifying the innovation. I'm a bit confused.

ye2019 2021-10-10

Has it been published now? How many days after acceptance will it be published?

wjswjx 2021-10-07

2021-08-06, Submit;
2021-08-09, Under review;
2021-09-10, Pending decision;
2021-09-15, Pending major Revisions;
2021-09-29, Resubmitted;
2021-09-30, Revised version review;
2021-10-03, Pending editor decision;
2021-10-07, Paper accepted.


2021-08-06, Submit;
2021-08-09, Under review;
2021-09-10, Pending decision;
2021-09-15, Pending major revisions;
2021-09-29, Resubmitted;
2021-09-30, Revised version review;
2021-10-03, Pending editor decision;
2021-10-07, Paper accepted.

RnYngxx 2021-10-04

2021-08-26 pending review
2021-08-26 under review
2021-09-20 pending decision
2021-09-22 pending major revisions
2021-10-02 resubmitted
2021-10-03 revised version received
2021-10-03 revised version review


2021-08-26 pending review
2021-08-26 under review
2021-09-20 pending decision
2021-09-22 pending major revisions
2021-10-02 resubmitted
2021-10-03 revised version received
2021-10-03 revised version review

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