认证评论 - ACS Catalysis
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Paper. Chen 2021-08-07

The assigned editor is Silvia Bordiga, and it took almost a week for the review to be delivered after the assignment.

南山楠 2021-08-07

Hello, may I ask who the editor-in-chief assigned to you is? How long was the time gap between submission and review? Thank you.

Paper. Chen 2021-08-06

It has been a month since submission, and it is still under review. Is it reasonable for a journal like ACS, known for its efficiency? It is unbearable.

南山楠 2021-08-05

Posted on July 29, 2021, assigned to Professor Vojislav Stamenkovic. Good luck with everything~

南山楠 2021-08-05

Posted on 7.29, the editor is Professor Vojislav Stamenkovic, wishing you all the best of luck.

交大-ACS 2021-06-23

Posted on June 9th, entered peer review on June 20th, and the assigned associate editor is Zhao Huimin. Good luck!

王者 2021-05-23

After 35 days, the first trial is concluded with three minor adjustments. After 8 days of modification, it will be returned. The second trial will conclude in 9 days, and notification of acceptance will be given.

TongruiZhang 2021-05-18

Soon, after 18 days, there was a message given. Although it was rejected, the reasons provided were quite sufficient.

JEMA 2021-04-16

How long did it take for your manuscript to be processed after it was delivered to Beatriz Roldan Cuenya?

JEMA 2021-04-16

It is said that manuscripts assigned to Beatriz Roldan Cuenya take around a month to be processed (rejected or sent for review). Is this true? Aren't ACS journals known for their efficiency?

JEMA 2021-04-16

It is said that it takes about a month for the manuscript to be processed once it is submitted to Beatriz Roldan Cuenya, this editor. Is ACS not very efficient?

cytong 2021-04-15

Posted on February 9th, received the review comments on March 11th. Made two major revisions and one rejection. The person who rejected it didn't provide any substantial suggestions. The editor requested major revisions and it was resubmitted on April 9th. Hoping for good news!

Tonly 2021-03-26

JACS was rejected and transferred. Even though there was a Chinese New Year in between, the first trial was completed in just over a month, which is relatively fast. The second trial ended in three days, showing high efficiency.

五牛 2021-02-04

Jan 30 submission
Feb 2 initial assessment
Feb 4 in peer review

五牛 2021-02-03

Posted on January 30th, assigned to Paolo Fornasiero from Italy. I am unaware of the current situation.

DragonMa 2021-01-22

It will not always be under review.
This website (https://publish.acs.org/publish/article_manuscripts) will be updated daily.
This one (https://acs.manuscriptcentral.com/) also has a status, but it always shows as under review.

DragonMa 2021-01-22

East China University of Science and Technology small chicken
Assigned to Deputy Editor Beatriz Roldan Cuenya, I don't know if it will be fast or slow, I hope for good luck. The editor of this journal is very meticulous. He even noticed that my reference was missing in the Supporting Information and sent me an email to remind me to add it. I looked up Beatriz Roldan Cuenya and found that she specializes in the field of electrochemical reduction of carbon dioxide.

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