注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

大牛哥 2022-09-06

May I ask if you have been admitted to Scl this year?

飞飞果冻 2022-09-06

April 24, 2022
Submitted the manuscript for review, at that time did not find a suitable column (special issue) for my direction, did not submit to a column, maybe the column is faster. The deputy editor took about a week to allocate, and it took about two months to find the academic editor, and then about a month for the review process.

August 17, 2022
Received the first round of review comments, one reviewer provided 5 comments targeting the pain points of the article. It took about a week to make the changes and write a response of about ten pages.

August 25, 2022
Submitted the revised manuscript, entered the pending approval stage the next day, probably because the reviewer's comments were returned. Later checked and found that the reviewer's comments were returned on the 26th, and the editor made the acceptance decision on the 28th.

September 3, 2022
Received notification of accepted article, need to submit a PDF version with images, paid $2500, it is really expensive.

Shirley0912 2022-09-05

Hello, may I ask how long it takes to assign an editor? I have been waiting for six days and still haven't been assigned an editor.

大牛哥 2022-09-04

What does "网络首发" mean that you mentioned? Does it mean it was adopted into the system or has it been launched on the official website?

大牛哥 2022-09-04

The text in English would be: "Fast publication speed, special issue, accepted in late July, official website launched in mid-August. May I ask how long it usually takes for the official website to be indexed by SCl and EI after its launch? Friends, please share. Thank you."

Shirley0912 2022-09-01

Submitted on August 31st, the manuscript has not been assigned an editor yet. May I ask if this journal has a fast processing speed?

Shirley0912 2022-09-01

Excuse me, have you assigned an editor yet? I submitted it last night and it hasn't been assigned to an editor yet.

周志超 2022-08-29

The allocation editing speed of wireless communications and mobile computing is really slow... I thought they hadn't notified the journal of the deadline.

希望能中了吧 2022-08-09

Hello, I would like to ask how long it takes for your articles to be assigned for editing? It has been a week and I haven't been assigned yet.

lczhlydn 2022-08-07

How do you all feel about the quality of this journal? I feel that the opinions raised are very pertinent.

int_超 2022-08-06

Hello, I also submitted a paper for the special issue titled "Models, Technologies, and Applications of Intelligent Defense in Ubiquitous Network Environments". It has been a month, but I haven't received an ID or any updates from the editor. Is this considered normal?

希望能中了吧 2022-08-05

Hello, I would like to ask how long does it take for this journal to assign editors? I submitted a special issue as an independent author, is this situation favorable? Thank you.

guyingchen 2022-08-02

Pretty fast, not dragging, very good!

klasnic 2022-06-27

My classmate and I both indexed (SCIE) approximately 2 months after being employed.

zju_zht 2022-06-25

Did the author finally search for it?

guyingchen 2022-06-17

How long did your submitted status last, OP?

guyingchen 2022-06-09

Does it take two months to assign an academic editor?

gaochang000 2022-06-08

Hello, after the paper is submitted, do all authors need to confirm before an editor is assigned? The other author of my paper has not received the email yet, it has been a week and the editor has not been assigned either.

不会脱发的工程师 2022-05-22

Oh, I see. Thank you! Also, how long does the reviewer invited status usually last? I submitted for a special issue.

不会脱发的工程师 2022-05-22

Oh, I see. Thank you! Also, how long does the reviewer invited status usually last for now?

klasnic 2022-05-19

No, but after confirming the employment, you will be asked to proofread the final information and ORCID numbers of all authors to ensure they match. There is no requirement to register any specific number.

不会脱发的工程师 2022-05-18

Hello! I would like to ask, after this submission, the status has changed to "submitted". He sent an email to all the authors with a link. Does it require all authors to register an account?

我要投十个 2022-05-10

Hello, isn't it said that special issues are difficult to handle? They are all expert invited submissions.

我要投十个 2022-05-10

Hello, isn't it said that special issues are more difficult to manage? They are all expert-invited contributions.

小白爱学习 2022-04-26

Hello, may I ask if you know the status of "In Quality Checks" in Hindawi journals? After my paper underwent minor revisions and was invited by the reviewers and AE (Associate Editor) decision stage, it entered the "In Quality Checks" phase.

klasnic 2022-04-20

I and my fellow senior brother Lao D both submitted manuscripts to this journal. Lao D submitted in March 2021 for a Special Issue, so the review process was faster. After minor revisions, it was directly accepted in mid-June of the same year. I submitted in mid-December 2021, but due to some strange twists and turns, I missed the opportunity to submit for a Special Issue and could only choose to submit for a Regular Issue, which has a longer review period. In mid-March 2022, I received the review comments. There were two reviewers, one suggesting major revisions and the other suggesting minor revisions. The reviewers' comments were generally fair and reliable, and then the AE (Academic Editor) requested major revisions. After making the revisions for 15 days, I uploaded the revised manuscript, and it was finally accepted in mid-to-late April of the same year.

dongmo86 2022-03-17

Did your article finally get included in SCI?

whf11111 2022-03-12

This journal is extraordinarily slow. I initially thought it was an Open Access (OA), CCF C journal, so it should be quick. I submitted my manuscript, but the result was waiting for nine months, which was extremely painful.

Submitted on May 26, 2021.
Minor revisions on June 15, 2021.
Revised on June 22, 2021.
During this period, I sent numerous reminders, but was always told that it was under review, and the status remained unchanged.

Accepted on March 12, 2022.
If I were to submit to an OA journal again, I would definitely not choose this journal!

Whaoe 2022-01-04

May I ask if there are any formatting requirements for submitting a paper to this journal?

jisile 2021-07-25

I found that some articles in this journal were already published in February, but they still haven't been indexed by SCI in July. Usually, this journal gets indexed by SCI within a month of publication. Does anyone know the reason for this?

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