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want_sci 2023-08-08

Hello, does this journal not have the "with editor" status? It goes directly to technical check and then under review.

dashibi 2022-11-12

Q3, The reviewer is very professional and has a relatively high level of expertise. After making significant modifications, the paper was accepted. However, the review process was particularly slow. It was submitted in early December and accepted at the end of August. It was too long and dragged on. With the numerous suggestions provided after major revisions, it is estimated that it could have been published in a Q2 journal.

RAI 2022-10-22

Go abroad, graduate, find a job, get married in the middle, haven't worked on a paper for almost 3 years, feeling ashamed...

Submitted on 7.9
Always with the associate editor
One month later, reminder for submission, then quickly under review
Minor revisions on 10.7
Revised on 10.11
Review process completed on 10.19
Accepted on 10.21

For a journal at the level of Zone 4, this speed is considered conscientious.

喜欢就去争取 2022-07-30

The article is about theoretical computation. The first review feedback came back after 4 months, and it was accepted one month after resubmission. The journal editor was very nice. The specific process is as follows:

2021.02.09 new submission
02.10 editor assigned
02.22 Article was deemed too long, editor requested revisions and resubmission
02.25 resubmission
03.01 editor assigned
04.19 under review
05.05 under review
06.10 review completed
06.11 major revisions
07.17 submitted revised manuscript, assigned editor on the same day
07.21 under review
07.30 reviews completed
08.07 accepted
08.26 online

zcdsoon 2021-12-21

Submitted at the end of May, accepted in late December, with a minor revision in between. The editing is fine, just that the reviewers might be reviewing it slowly...

PingWu_ZJU2018 2021-11-30

Too slow, the editor hardly works.

xhl0330 2021-05-12

Hello, has the manuscript been reviewed yet, dear author? How long does it usually take for the result to come out after the first review?

xhl0330 2021-05-12

May I ask how many days does it usually take for the author to receive the result of the first review after the manuscript goes from "under review" status?

dilirejun 2021-05-12

I have never encountered the person upstairs, editor assigned, reviewer assigned, under review. Basically, these are the processes.

dilirejun 2021-05-12

Employed on May 11th, it lasted for six months.


Hello, have you encountered the option "Research Square" when submitting your manuscript? How should I choose this option? Thank you.

dilirejun 2021-04-24

I was hired after the small repair given on March 28th. I submitted it on April 24th, and now I'm waiting for the results.

dilirejun 2021-03-28

The manuscript was submitted in November;
Received major revisions at the end of January;
Returned to the editorial department at the end of February;
Currently, it has been under review for a month;
Hopefully, it will be accepted.

LLLLLL 2021-01-30

OMG, Under Review for 12 months?

LLLLLL 2021-01-30

Hello, how long does the first review "Under review" usually take? Looking at your timeline, how come you received a decision in just one month? It has been almost four months since my submission is "Under review" and I still haven't received any news. The speed of the review process is frustrating.

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