认证评论 - Tribology International
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allenpluspaper 2022-04-29

Hello brother, may I ask how many days after you submit your manuscript does it go from "submitted to journal" to "under review"?

Airiin 2022-04-26

May I ask if the journal will send email notifications to the authors during the process from initial review with the editor to the approval for external review under review after submission? My submitted paper suddenly went under review without going through the initial review with the editor.

简单点再简单点 2022-03-28

May I ask if in the submission instructions of this journal, "submit each figure as a separate file" means that each figure should be submitted as an individual file, so if there are n figures, they should be submitted n times? Or does it mean that each figure should be placed on a separate page in the Word document and then submitted? Thank you!

简单点再简单点 2022-03-28

Hello, may I ask if the phrase "Submit each figure as a separate file" in the journal submission instructions means that each figure should be submitted as a separate file, and if there are N figures, should they be submitted N times? Or should each figure be placed on a separate page in the Word document and then submitted? Thank you!

yucy 2022-03-06

December 18, 2021 submission
January 21, 2022 major revision
February 24, 2022 revised (requested a 2-week extension)
March 6, 2022 accepted

10151015 2022-01-25

How long will it take to receive the proof after the article is accepted? And should I check it on the submission website or will it be sent to the corresponding author's email?

超人也要奋斗 2022-01-03

2021/10 Submission
2021/11 Major revision: 42 issues
2021/12 Rework, minor revision
2022/1 Acceptance
Thank you for the dedicated work of the editors and reviewers. The suggestions provided by the reviewers were very helpful, and after making the necessary revisions, the quality of the article has greatly improved. I hope the journal continues to thrive and I look forward to publishing more articles in Friction International next time!

zhuozipl 2021-12-29

2020/11 Post
2020/12/01 Revised, extensively revised 46 issues, added two experiments
2021/02/03 Submitted for review
2021/02/16 Accepted

It has been a long time, but I still want to record it. I believe this publication has some biased comments from certain individuals. It is a very rigorous tribology journal. We are a small group without any industry experts, and the reviewers' opinions are indeed professional, which is a problem we need to address.

摩擦专家 2021-11-18

For those in the mechanical industry, it's better to contribute to ASME's affiliated magazine. Those who understand this magazine are well aware of its value.

摩擦专家 2021-11-18

Is it universally recognized that just because you say something is, it is? One of the best? Everyone's hearts are like a clear mirror. There are many people in this magazine, including editors, editorial board members, and reviewers, who are involved in shady practices.

幸福陪着我 2021-11-01

The overall level of this journal is still acceptable, and it is highly recognized in the industry. I am specializing in traditional mechanical design, with a focus on tribology research, and have been following this journal. There are relatively few journals in the field of tribology, and this journal is definitely one of the best. I wish this journal continued success!

xzydsb 2021-10-31

Some articles from certain groups simply start with a diagram of equipment, and the entire story is made up. They simulate and present a bunch of pictures without any experimental verification.

xzydsb 2021-10-31

This journal is really frustrating. Many articles are published through connections, and the review process for those with connections is extremely fast. Those who submit their articles following the rules have to wait at least six months for the review, and there's no guarantee of acceptance. It is an undeniable fact that this magazine is controlled by certain research groups in the country.

pole 2021-10-10

My friend, you have indeed hyped up this journal. Although this journal is excellent, it should not be overly hyped. In fact, the main reason why everyone prefers this journal is because of its high impact factor and its high ranking in the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) division. In fact, when I started working on wear in 2013, Wear was universally recognized as the best but also the most difficult journal to publish in. However, it cannot be denied that this journal is just as excellent as Wear. At that time, many people chose to submit to this journal because it was relatively easier to get accepted, leading to many Chinese researchers submitting their work to it. However, starting from 2018, the impact factor of this journal rapidly increased, and it was upgraded to a 2nd division in the CAS ranking. Since then, the popularity and manuscript submissions have been continuous. As for why everyone likes to submit to it, everyone understands the reason, but it is not unreasonable for you to consider it superior to Wear from these perspectives. However, when praising this journal, it is best not to choose to belittle other excellent journals in the same field. It's like admitting that every journal will have many mediocre articles regardless.

Grinding boy 2021-09-27

Continue from the previous page.
First, let's talk about an intuitive feeling, even in the field of tribology, it is widely recognized that wear and tribology are not on the same level. As far as I know, wear is usually rejected before being submitted to tribology. Let me be a bit arrogant here, many times after reading papers on wear, I want to curse, but there are certainly also average articles in tribology. Overall, there is still a certain gap. Our group is also cautious in submitting to tribology, and we won't submit anything without significant innovation. Our usual submission order is: tribology, friction, applied surface science > wear, surface and coating > part j, part f.

Since the first paper was accepted, it feels like opening up a new path. I have been able to publish papers in some journals in the manufacturing field, and rarely get rejected without peer review. However, it takes me about half a year to complete a paper, which is relatively slower compared to many of my classmates.

Additional: Just finished watching "Genius: Einstein". Einstein started working at a patent office, where he submitted several papers, chasing after editors, but they didn't even look at them. On the other hand, professors from well-known universities get their conversations or conference content published immediately. This is influence, and it is how the publishing system was initially formed. Those who don't believe in academic influence probably agree with a plot where a messy old man from the deep mountains defeats a martial arts alliance leader who has dominated the martial arts world for decades. Haha, please imagine it yourself.

Grinding boy 2021-09-27

I am the friction doctor you mentioned. This journal has three editors, from France, China (Academician Liu from the Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences), and Japan. I don't know where you saw that there is an editor next to us. Also, in my circle of classmates, there are research groups in various fields of friction. However, it is also difficult to submit to this journal. My supervisor has been working on friction since the 1990s, but looking at his submission records, the acceptance rate is only about one in three or four papers. There are many journals on friction, and we don't always submit to this journal. You can search on the homepage of the faculty of the Mechanical Friction Institute at SWJTU to see. In fact, most teachers do not submit many papers to this journal. They submit more to journals such as Carbon, Applied Surface Science, Surface and Coating, and Wear. Do all these journals have editors they know?

Also, don't be angry because of your own ignorance. I know a mentor from a 985 university who is an American academician. Papers submitted to top-tier journals do not need to go through the review process and are accepted directly. The influence of the team itself is very important, which has been established since the formation of the paper system. Editors didn't even pay attention when Einstein first started submitting papers because he was from a patent institute. They would publish the arguments proposed by influential scholars immediately. Academic influence is built on years of accumulation. If you were a journal editor, would you spend all day looking at papers from unfamiliar institutions around the world that have never conducted relevant research?

一区收割机 2021-09-09

This magazine focuses on relationships and the quality of articles is at most on par with the second-tier level. It would be better to choose a magazine that is affiliated with ACM and IEEE, as it is more professional. This magazine is simply for the amusement of people within the industry.

jianjianli 2021-09-02

Looking at many comrades being very resentful and dissatisfied with this journal, let me answer it. I myself have been involved in friction and wear research since 2013. Actually, everyone is dissatisfied mainly because this journal has a high impact factor and is highly ranked by the Chinese Academy of Sciences. They also want to be included, but many direct editors have been rejected or their manuscripts have been rejected by various reasons during external review. Then they find that some of the published articles in the field of friction and wear research have average depth and innovation points, which are far from their own articles. It is natural to feel dissatisfied. In fact, before 2017, the impact factor of this journal was not as good as "Wear". In recent years, the impact factor has risen rapidly, which definitely involves the wisdom of the editors. To maintain the rapid rise of the impact factor, it is not enough to focus only on the depth of friction and wear research. Of course, now that the impact factor is high, there is no shortage of submissions, but it is also necessary to continue increasing the impact factor and occasionally consider the preferences and moods of the editors. That's why many people see that others' articles are not in-depth in friction and wear research, but they still get published, while their own articles, which are clearly good, can't even pass the editors.

yintuyuan 2021-09-01

Yes, this magazine does not have very high requirements, but it relatively values the team identity.

ZHIQIU 2021-09-01

This is not accurate, do you know what the process was in between? I submitted in May 2020, and after two revisions, it was rejected with the suggestion to make significant changes and resubmit. I resubmitted in April 2021, and it was accepted directly in May. So please refrain from spamming or being controlled by the group.

ZHIQIU 2021-09-01

Submitted in May 2020, after two revisions, the manuscript was rejected, stating that there were significant changes required and recommended resubmission after revisions. It was resubmitted in April 2021 and directly accepted in May. Therefore, please refrain from spamming or being controlled by the group.

阿芙 2021-08-27

Senior fellow's doctoral thesis was sent for review, and the experts said that there were 3 papers from this journal, suspecting them of being watered down. The American external advisor invited for the defense said that usually one paper from this journal is enough, as it has a bad reputation in their circle.

wackysongs 2021-08-26

2020.10 - The submission was rejected with two relatively positive reviewer comments, but lacked experiments.
2021.07 - Revised and resubmitted.
2021.08 - All three reviewer comments were very positive.
2021.08 - Less than a week after the revised resubmission, it was accepted.

Thank you for the editor's promptness.

南广北海 2021-08-23

This magazine feels like it has already been controlled by certain academic groups within the country.
My first round of review takes half a year, and it takes one year from acceptance to publication.
Some teams or even individuals within the country can publish five or six articles in a year, with an average time from submission to publication of less than three months.
I have seen several articles submitted in March this year, revised in April, and published in May. There is also one article submitted in May and published in July, all from the same team, same correspondence, and same first author.
It's unfortunate for those who have no connections.

一区top* 2021-06-06

If you hear something, don't spread it further. Focus on scientific research and do your best!

Dynamo Pooh 2021-05-20

Can you please tell me which school is convenient?

莫再讲 2021-05-12

According to what Mocha, a student from swjtu, said, this magazine's operation is really "sao" (meaning: terrible). The students of their supervisors basically send their submissions to the editorial board of the neighboring office. Rejection is impossible.

number777 2021-05-06

Hello, boss! I would like to ask how to respond to the editor to resubmit an article after revising it for weight reduction?

number777 2021-05-06

Sorry, boss. I replied to the wrong floor.

number777 2021-05-06

Hello, boss! I would like to ask how you reply to the editor after submitting a revised version?

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