认证评论 - Applied Physics Express
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huhu159 2023-04-13

What is the page limit for this journal? Is it 5 pages?

MERCURY_AA32 2023-03-19

This journal does not undergo major revisions. If the reviewers recommend major revisions, the paper will be directly rejected. Please be cautious.

yuguo6293 2023-03-14

26-Nov-2022 First Submit
04-Dec-2022 Reject to Resubmit (need to cite 30+ references)
05-Dec-2022 Resubmit
10-Jan-2023 Reject to Resubmit
04-Feb-2023 Revise and Resubmit
20-Feb-2023 Minor Revision
22-Feb-2023 Minor Revision Submitted
13-Mar-2023 Accept

26-Nov-2022 First Submission
04-Dec-2022 Rejected for Resubmission (need to cite 30+ references)
05-Dec-2022 Resubmission
10-Jan-2023 Rejected for Resubmission
04-Feb-2023 Revised and Resubmitted
20-Feb-2023 Minor Revision
22-Feb-2023 Minor Revision Submitted
13-Mar-2023 Accepted

xbdnc 2023-03-14

I have been submitting for over 20 days, and still have not received any results. I have heard that this journal is fast.

yuguo6293 2023-03-09

It has been almost a month since I finished the minor repairs and reviewed, but I haven't been notified yet.

a e 2023-03-07

Very slow. The reviewer took a month to give 7 suggestions and a major revision. Then the editor delayed for 7 days, so I urged them and they directly rejected it, saying that the journal only allows minor revisions once. The figure needs to be in portrait orientation, and there can only be 5 in total. Additionally, the total number of words should not exceed 3000, and all authors' names need to be listed. It is difficult to delete content.

一之濑夜 2022-06-29

Although the reply is a bit late, regarding the issue downstairs:
1. Apex's article requires a layout fee of $600, and an additional payment is required for open-source publication.
2. It will be published in approximately 2 weeks.

小沈shenshen 2022-05-27

How long does it take for the host to see the publication after formal acceptance?

小沈shenshen 2022-05-27

Posted on April 27, 2021, minor revisions on May 11, revised on May 17, temporarily accepted on May 21, formally accepted on May 23. The publication date is still unknown. In any case, it is a very good journal in the field of physics, with a high impact factor. I wish you continued success!

An apple a day 2022-04-13

Is APEX chargeable?

甜甜甜的了 2022-04-09

Has the review been submitted?

PPD 2022-02-22

I hope to control the quality of the article and increase the influence of the journal. Publishing many mediocre articles will only lower the citation rate, right?

成功院校在读 2021-09-28

2021.09.16 Submission
2021.09.28 Rejection after review
The content is biased towards engineering applications. The reviewer believes that this paper does not have a high impact that could surpass the existing physics.

HIT可爱马 2021-09-13

The speed is fast. The first review takes 21 days, and the second review takes less than a week. With only one reviewer, they provided minor revision suggestions, and after the modifications, the results were quickly returned. I hope the journal will continue to improve.

Aken 2021-08-19

How long does it take to see the publication after being hired?

一之濑夜 2021-08-16

Received email officially accepted.

一之濑夜 2021-08-15

8.10 Sent back to the reviewer for a second review
8.11 Awaiting decision
8.15 Provisionally decided, received an email on the same day provisionally accepted

NJ120 2021-08-14

The editing process is fast, and the review is also quick. I hope the journal will become better and better!

一之濑夜 2021-08-08

2021.07.28 Submission
2021.07.29 Review
2021.08.07 Minor revisions
2021.08.08 Submit revised manuscript
There is only one reviewer, and the questions are not difficult to answer.
I heard from Japanese teachers that APEX has a good reputation in Japan, and in some aspects, its reputation is even better than APL. Therefore, Japanese people are willing to submit good works.
However, for Chinese people, the Chinese Academy of Sciences' division is not friendly, and coupled with the fact that Japanese journals are rarely enthusiastic about improving their impact factors, it can only be said to be average according to the domestic system.

华容 2021-04-19

May I ask, how long will it take to receive news after the editor's suggested modifications are completed?

憨憨爱科研 2021-03-23

The statement was published on APL, not published on APE.

海中草 2021-02-24

Please take a look, it's very good and the submission went smoothly. After half a month, I received minor revisions from the first review. After submitting the modifications, the editor provided some suggestions for modifying the images. After completing the second round of revisions, it was accepted! It's my first article, and I'm very lucky to be able to submit to APEX.

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