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金秀 2022-05-29

5.20 submitted to journal
5.24 with editor
5.31 with editor
6.03 Under Review
6.07 Under Review
7.15 Under Review

5.20 - Submitted to journal
5.24 - Under the editor's consideration
5.31 - Under the editor's consideration
6.03 - Under review
6.07 - Under review
7.15 - Under review

筷子辣椒德芙 2022-04-02

On April 1st, 2022, the system displayed that one review comment was received out of two reviewers.

筷子辣椒德芙 2022-03-23

Mar 23, 2022 Under Review
Date changed, the second reviewer has accepted the review invitation.

筷子辣椒德芙 2022-03-21

Mar 21, 2022 Under Review - Date changed once

筷子辣椒德芙 2022-03-07

Feb 17, 2022 submitted to journal
Feb 19, 2022 submitted to journal (Received an email from the editorial office requesting formatting changes, returned to the journal)
Feb 25, 2022 with editor - I had only heard that this journal was slow, but I didn't expect it to be this slow
Mar 05, 2022 under review - Finally, it is being reviewed
Mar 07, 2022 Under Review - The status hasn't changed, but the date has changed once. Could it be that someone has accepted the invitation to review?

筷子辣椒德芙 2022-03-06

Feb 17, 2022 submitted to journal
Feb 19, 2022 submitted to journal (Received an email from the editorial office requesting formatting changes, returned to the journal)
Feb 25, 2022 with editor (I had only heard that this journal was slow, but I didn't expect it to be really slow)
Mar 05, 2022 Under Review (Finally sent for review)

hehe2333323 2022-03-05

Has it become under review?

椭圆三向箔 2022-03-01

The editor-in-chief of this magazine is Peng Jieqing from the Soil Institute, and it takes three years from submission to acceptance! Most of the articles are slower than other soil sciences, so those who want to graduate quickly can only wash up and sleep, just giving an honest advice!

筷子辣椒德芙 2022-03-01

Feb 17, 2022 submitted to journal
Feb 19, 2022 submitted to journal (Received an email from the editorial office requesting format revision, returned to the journal)
Feb 25, 2022 with editor
I had only heard that this journal was slow before, but I didn't expect it to be really slow.

筷子辣椒德芙 2022-03-01

Feb 17, 2022 - Submitted to journal
Feb 19, 2022 - Submitted to journal (Received email from the editorial office requesting formatting changes, resubmitted to the journal)
Feb 25, 2022 - With editor

尤四海 2022-02-28

The submission was made around the same time as the original poster's, on 2.22, and the status with the editor has remained unchanged. This is the second time submitting to this journal, and indeed, the speed is relatively slow.

筷子辣椒德芙 2022-02-25

Feb 17, 2022 submitted to journal
Feb 19, 2022 submitted to journal (Received an email from the editorial office requesting formatting revisions, returned to the journal)
Feb 19, 2022 with editor
Feb 25, 2022 With Editor status unchanged, date changed once. Is this because the editor-in-chief transferred it to the associate editor or did the associate editor reject it?

opper 2022-02-24

May I ask how long it took for the original poster (OP) to accept and use the small repair?

筷子辣椒德芙 2022-02-24

Feb 17, 2022: Submitted to journal
Feb 19, 2022: Submitted to journal (Received email from the editorial department requesting format revision, resubmitted to the journal)
Feb 19, 2022: With editor

筷子辣椒德芙 2022-02-24

Feb 17, 2022 submitted to journal
Feb 19, 2022 submitted to journal (Received an email from the editorial department requesting format revision, resubmitted to the journal)
Feb 19, 2022 with editor

筷子辣椒德芙 2022-02-23

Feb 22, 2022 With Editor

筷子辣椒德芙 2022-02-20

Feb 17, 2022 Submitted to Journal
Feb 19, 2022 Submitted to Journal (Received an email from the editorial department requesting format revisions, resubmitted to the journal)

筷子辣椒德芙 2022-02-17

Feb 17, 2022 Submitted to Journal

Translation: The text "Feb 17, 2022 Submitted to Journal" is already in English.

Hermione-min 2022-02-16

After half a month of submission, it was changed to "under review." Two months later, the result was rejection, with the reason being that it did not align with the direction of this journal. It is really speechless. There are no other opinions. If it does not align with the journal's direction, why not reject it directly instead of sending it for review? Giving some other reasons would have been acceptable, but this reason feels like an excuse. If you have plenty of time, you can submit, but if you are in a hurry, be cautious!

小伙伴快来 2022-02-04

The submission with editor has changed in 2 weeks, and it was rejected by the editorial board, saying it lacks innovation, haha. Those in the same field can join the group to exchange submission experiences, oh: [Ⅰ]~ [Ⅲ]~ [⑥]~ [five]~ [five]~ [⑥]~]four]~ ]⑤]~ [⑤].

Noah 2022-01-20

Lasting nine months, with four revisions, including three moderate revisions and one minor revision, it finally got accepted after going through ups and downs.

wzb666 2022-01-17

May I ask what is the current status of your manuscript?

椭圆三向箔 2022-01-17

5 months is nothing. Our research group still has 3 more years, from 2016 to 2019. And the editor-in-chief is Mr. PENG downstairs. STR in District 1 is known for being slow, no one is slower than him. Hahaha.

Wintersnow 2022-01-16

Send an email to the editor, reminding them to submit the manuscript.

liuRC 2022-01-05

Last week, I submitted a paper on soil nitrogen to Geoderma. The editor said the title was good, but the introduction was not well-written, so they rejected it. Now, I have revised the introduction and submitted it to Soil & Tillage Research, hoping for good news.

CC*** 2021-12-19

Waiting for submission...

chen*qi 2021-12-19

It has been 5 months since the manuscript was submitted for review, and there is still no news. I am anxious about graduating, how can I handle this? Does anyone have any good suggestions? o(╥﹏╥)o

极端干旱 2021-09-20

Jan 17, 2021 - submitted
Jan 30, 2021 - under review
May 5, 2021 - major revision
Jul 21, 2021 - under review
Aug 5, 2021 - moderate revision
Aug 19, 2021 - accepted

llxaky 2021-08-24

Brother, you're at a loss. Our team has about twenty papers published in journals like Nature. This journal has a serious problem with publishing inferior or low-quality content. It is only a matter of time before it gets removed from SCI (Science Citation Index).

wulitou 2021-08-24

Isn't it a SCIENCE submission? How did it get accepted by NATURE?

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