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Joie 2023-08-08

On August 8th, a reviewer completed the review. The expectation is good, and I think there is still innovation.

asdfg 2023-08-07

The review process usually takes about 1-1.5 months. In the first submission, it was rejected without being sent for review. After making revisions based on the editor's suggestions, it was resubmitted in April. It took about 40 days to receive major revisions, and three reviewers were invited. However, only two reviewers provided feedback, while the other one had blank comments for some unknown reason. Nonetheless, all the feedback was positive.

After a month of major revisions, it reached the stage of "required reviewer complete" after 30 days of review. After about 5 more days, the status was updated but still showed "required reviewer complete." The next day, it changed to "Accept," with all three reviewers agreeing to accept the submission.

Additionally, there is a link in the submission confirmation email that allows real-time tracking of the review status. The link provides more detailed information, including the number of reviewers invited, the number of reviewers who accepted, and the specific dates when each reviewer provided feedback.

Joie 2023-08-05

Updated on August 5th, the second reviewer also agreed to review.
This journal requires a minimum of two reviewers.

Joie 2023-08-05

In the subsequent email, a link will be provided for you to scan using W-X. It will display real-time information on the number of reviewers and whether they have completed the review.

到二仙桥 2023-08-04

Brother, how do you know if the reviewer agrees to review the manuscript?

Joie 2023-08-04

Update August 3rd, under review. The specific situation is that there are three reviewers, and one of the reviewers agrees to review.

Joie 2023-08-03

I have already submitted the second article. The first article was processed very quickly, taking about 20 days with the editor. If it takes longer this time, I suggest contacting the editor as it may be difficult to find experts.

华丽的开幕 2023-08-01

2023.4.27 With Editor
Up until today (2023.8.1), it is still in this state. Does anyone know what the situation is? Should I remind the editor?

Joie 2023-07-29

7.20 submitted to journal - Submitted to the journal on July 20th.
7.22 EIC - Editor-in-Chief on July 22nd.
7.22 handling editor - Assigned to a handling editor on July 22nd.
7.22-现在(7.29) with editor - Currently with the editor from July 22nd until now (July 29th).

weLearn 2023-07-25

7.25 submitted in English means "7.25 is submitted."

z1231 2023-07-24

I have been in this state for two weeks as well. I wanted to ask what your results are.

jokerhcy 2023-07-18

Brother, can I also submit to this journal in the field of AI? Is it easy to get accepted?

爱做梦的奋青 2023-07-13

Record the submission record:
2023.6.13 submitted
2023.6.19 with editor
2023.6.24 under review
2023.7.12 accepted with minor revision

朋澄Young 2023-06-27

Let's update:
Accepted on June 19, 2023.
From the initial submission to acceptance, it took a total of 9 months, but good things come to those who wait, and it's finally a good outcome.
Many thanks to the kind-hearted reviewers and AE (Associate Editor)!

爱做梦的奋青 2023-06-25

Record the submission process:
2023.6.13 submitted
2023.6.19 with editor
2023.6.24 under review

不想起床的Neet菌 2023-06-15

23.4.10 Submission
23.4.21 Rejection, the editor rejected it directly without clear distinction from my other article, and he mentioned that the research was not addressing the same issue.
23.4.24 Resubmission, I wrote a lengthy cover letter explaining and provided a detailed comparison in the paper.
23.6.15 Current status is still "with editor," it seems like we have a disagreement.

faaaan 2023-05-29

I used to be like this before. Then I contacted customer service to urge them, and the reviewer directly rejected the submission. I returned the next day.

faaaan 2023-05-29

I was like this before, and then I urged it a bit, and the reviewer directly rejected it. I returned the next day.

朋澄Young 2023-05-08

2022.09.22 Submitted
01.24 Major revision given
02.16 Major revision returned (Only 2 reviewers for the first review)
03.06 Under review
03.12 Reviewer 1 completed the review
03.17 Reviewer 2 accepted the review
Until now, 05.08, the tracking system still shows completion 1, acceptance 2, and submission 2, which means Reviewer 2 has not provided their review comments yet.

I would like to ask if anyone knows what's going on? It has been 8 months from submission until now, and I'm really anxious...

Raphael1976 2023-04-20

2023 04 19 Accepted.

Raphael1976 2023-04-14

2022 12 19 Submitted
2023 03 03 1st round decision: major revision
2023 03 30 Revision submitted
2023 04 13 Reviews completed (from tracking web page)
Waiting for decision.

geoser 2023-04-04

2022.11.7 submit - Submitted on November 7, 2022.
2023.2.27 major revise - Major revisions required on February 27, 2023.
2023.4.3 accepted - Accepted on April 3, 2023.

Siganl_radar 2023-03-24

10.28 submit - Submitted on October 28th
12.1 major revise - Major revision required by December 1st
12.20 return revision - Revised version returned by December 20th
2.20 accept - Accepted on February 20th
In the field of signal processing, this journal is considered well-established. The reviewers are quite knowledgeable and raise important questions.

Ashore 2023-03-19

Contribute a sample to everyone.
2023.3.18. submitted
2023.3.18. With Editor
Awaiting further steps.

faaaan 2023-03-06

Submission experience:
Submitted on 22nd December 2022.
Under review since 20th January 2023.
On 1st March 2023, 1 reviewer accepted the invitation.

朋澄Young 2023-02-17

A few days ago, I replied...

Joie 2023-02-08

Just asking, brother, is there any result? I'm in the same state too.

Joie 2023-01-09

Can I ask if there are any results yet?

never 2023-01-04

22.09.05 Submission
22.10.25 Major repair
22.11.10 Submit modifications
22.11.28 R. R. C.
22.12.31 Reception

带刀中卫 2022-11-24

The correspondence for the SP submission, with single column and double spacing, consists of a total of 10 pages. It will be submitted for review in two weeks, with two reviewers assigned. However, one of the reviewers has already finished reviewing it in just one day, which is a little unsettling...

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