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Li Qin 2023-07-17

7.3 submit
7.4 with editor
7.17 under review


7.3 submit
7.4 with editor
7.17 under review

盖世王大侠 2023-07-14

3.15 submit
3.26 under review
6.15 major revise
7.10 minor revise
7.13 accept

Apart from the three-month wait during the initial submission, the three reviewers mainly raised issues regarding the content of the text, while the editor did not have any questions. After making the revisions, the acceptance was very quick. The efficiency of the Spanish editor is extremely high!

七月的夏季 2023-06-22

Received at Editorial Office, 3 Jun 2022
Article revised, 3 Dec 2022
Article revised, 21 May 2023
Article accepted for publication, 19 Jun 2023. It took more than a year in total, with the first review taking six months, and the only change requested was language modification. The second review took five months, and the feedback received was as follows: "I am pleased to inform you that it has been favorably received. You are advised that the manuscript will be acceptable subject to satisfactory minor revision." After three days of revision, it took an additional 21 days in the "with editor" status, and suddenly one evening the status changed to "Completed - Accept."

萌小 2023-05-24

Still with the editor, it has been 17 days.

皮卡皮卡riva 2023-05-17

May I ask if you have any results?

萌小 2023-05-14

Dear experts, it has been 10 days since I submitted my work to the editor. Has it been rejected? Why haven't I received any email notification?

西行樱吹雪 2023-05-12

I don't know how to evaluate this journal. Three years ago, I submitted an article and received harsh criticism from three reviewers, leading to its rejection. At that time, I thought this journal was quite serious and responsible. Three years later, towards the end of last year and the beginning of this year, after submitting again, two reviewers had no major objections and agreed to publish it. The combined opinions of the two reviewers were probably just four points, and surprisingly, they were in agreement. However, a significant reason for this smooth process is that the previous submission of this paper was rejected by a top-tier journal, so downgrading to submit it to this journal went smoothly.

I wish everyone a smooth submission process!

lisidannni 2023-04-03

Easily rejected for major repairs.

七月的夏季 2022-11-27

Hello, may I ask if your review comments can be found in the system or in the email? Unfortunately, I can't seem to locate where my comments are.

accept 拜托了 2022-11-26

After the major repairs, it was rejected.

Spring008 2022-11-23

8.26 Submission
8.29 Under review
9.8 Tracking status available
10.17 Revision - Major revision (allow 42 days for author revisions)
11.13 Revisions required
11.22 Accepted

The first review process takes about 50 days. If revisions are not completed within the deadline, it is necessary to send an email explaining the reasons. The second review process takes about one week.

Note: (1) The editor should reply to emails promptly; (2) It is essential to respond to the reviewers' comments point by point. Especially for difficult comments from junior colleagues, both modifications made and not made (providing supporting evidence) should be addressed. According to the second review comment "The authors have significantly improved the quality of the manuscript by making all the suggested modifications," it was sent back to the previous reviewer, and the result was also satisfactory to them.

prospect1 2022-11-09

After the revision, the decision is still in process for over two months. I have urged once but there is no progress. Why?

accept 拜托了 2022-11-01

9.2 Submission
9.4 Under review
10.5 Revision (major)
10.23 Rework
with editor

1005 2022-10-31

Is there hope to move up to District 1 this year? All you experts.

黄昏夕阳1983 2022-10-28

Under review in just one week, and results are available within one month. The review process is very fast.

槑孖 2022-10-11

Hello, I would like to ask if the editorial comments are consolidated from multiple reviewers and then returned, or if each comment can be viewed individually upon return? Is the editorial feedback returned via email? Thank you.

槑孖 2022-10-11

Hello, my article is in the review stage. I would like to ask, for this journal, are the reviewers' comments summarized and sent to you after everyone has provided their feedback, or is it returned individually? Are the review comments sent via email? Can they also be viewed on the submission system? Currently, I only have a link that allows me to check the progress. Thank you.

demeter 2022-10-09

On October 8th, 2022, finally accepted.

yueyuan 2022-10-02

Posted on July 5th, accepted on August 24th.

黑眼豆豆 2022-09-23

Submitted in August, received minor revisions in less than a month, accepted three days after making the revisions.

Abnar 2022-09-12

Submitted in March, two minor revisions, currently waiting for the results of the second revision.

槑孖 2022-09-05

Hello, I would like to ask whether this journal charges a fee or not?

demeter 2022-09-05

The text translates to: "sci hort are not the same group of reviewers. The first revision was reviewed by two reviewers. The second revision was reviewed by one original reviewer and one new reviewer. The third revision was reviewed by one old reviewer and one new reviewer. In total, there were approximately four reviewers. However, the reviewer who raised the most questions will be considered the old reviewer."

槑孖 2022-09-03

Hello, I would like to ask, how many reviewers did you invite for the first time? Are the reviewers for the last two times the same group, or do you invite new reviewers for each revision? It has been almost two months since I submitted, and it has been in the state of inviting reviewers the whole time.

槑孖 2022-09-03

The update status has changed on January 9th, but the situation remains unchanged.

demeter 2022-09-02

Posted on February 28, 2022, major overhaul on April 17, repaired back on May 22. Secondary rework on July 21, reworked back on July 31. Third rework on September 1, required to be returned for rework before September 14. Wishing for good luck, accepting this time.

槑孖 2022-08-29

It has been in the reviewing status until now. It was updated once on July 28th, but there has been no change in status...

侧耳&倾听 2022-08-27

How is it now? Is there any result yet?

yueyuan 2022-08-25

Posted on July 5th, returned for minor repairs in less than a month, and received it back in less than a week. I think it was pretty fast.

投稿小赵 2022-08-16

This should not be interpreted as acceptance; it generally means that the submission has been received. Acceptance is typically expressed as "accept."

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