认证评论 - Science China-Life Sciences
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有梦想谁都了不起之LG 2023-07-29

The quality and level of articles in the journal have been steadily increasing in the past two years. Many experts from the Chinese Academy of Sciences and top universities have recently submitted excellent articles, hoping to be on par with Cell Research.

茜54655 2023-07-20

Domestic relationship-based garbage journals have a very poor level of articles, compared to PLOS ONE.

豆丁ys 2022-11-27

Always waiting for the assignment of reviewers, may I ask how long it will take to be under reviewer?

仔猪 2022-08-30

This journal is still great, although it rejected me. I submitted my manuscript on the same day as you, and it was rejected after one month of review.

橙子TOP 2022-03-06

Two major revisions and one minor revision, a total of seven months from start to finish, with four reviewers providing highly professional feedback. The editorial department handled the process quickly, returning reviewer feedback within three weeks each time. Due to the impact of the pandemic, the progress of the experiment was not good, so it took a long time. The official acceptance rate of this journal is only 17%, and the number of published articles is very small. I hope that its international influence can be further enhanced in the future. Below are the processing stages of my article:

- Awaiting ED Assignment: 2021-07-30
- Awaiting Reviewer Scores: 2021-07-31
- Awaiting VEIC Decision: 2021-08-19
- Major revision: 2021-08-21
- Awaiting Reviewer Scores: 2021-11-19
- Awaiting VEIC Decision: 2021-12-3
- Major revision: 2021-12-5
- Awaiting ED Processing: 2022-2-15
- Minor revision: 2022-2-17
- Awaiting ED Processing: 2022-2-19
- Accept: 2022-2-22

YUkun123 2021-12-22

Hello, may I ask if, when you submit, do you need to upload a portion of high-throughput data to the database? Do you have your own database? How long does it take for your manuscript to be accepted or revised?

lhl200296 2021-03-05

With such a high self-citation rate, I am very concerned about the situation that may occur in journals like PLOS ONE.

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