认证评论 - Applied Catalysis B-Environment and Energy
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拉普拉斯的魔女 2022-05-02

I applied on April 16th, and on May 2nd, it also changed to this status.

wangani 2022-05-02

Posted on 2022-04-15
On 2022-04-18 with editor, and continued with editor until 2022-05-01
Today, on 2022-05-02, the status directly changed to "decision in process." I searched and found that many people say this status means a 99% chance of rejection.
It has been over half a month, sigh...

阿木木阿 2022-04-27

2022-04-14 Submission
It only took two days to reach the editor.
2022-4-27 Still With Editor
Anyone knows why it's taking so long?
I heard them say that if it hasn't been sent for review after so many days, it's likely to be rejected.
It's giving me a headache.

鹅蛋sama 2022-04-25

Done HER
Submitted on 2021.11.30
Reviewed in 8 days
Received feedback on 2021.12.21 with minor revisions from 3 reviewers. Took 30 days to complete the representation test.
Returned for revisions on 2022.1.8
Accepted on 2022.2.6
Overall, it took quite a long time. It's becoming increasingly difficult to submit to acb.

皮蛋瘦肉周周 2022-04-25

Until today, no comments have been received on the manuscript.

不忘初心+1 2022-04-24

It's the third day since submission. I was with the editor yesterday, but the date hasn't changed today. I'm wondering if the longer the editor holds onto it, the higher the risk becomes.

SheepSuzzy 2022-04-18

2022.2.1 submitted
2022.2.3 with editor
2022.2.8 under review
2022.2.21 required reviews completed
2022.3.2 revise (two reviewers, a total of ten comments)
2022.3.27 revision submitted
2022.3.28 with editor
2022.4.5 under review
2022.4.6 required reviews completed
2022.4.18 accepted

zed dd 2022-04-08

It should have been sent for review, but this journal does not send emails to notify the submission for review.

皮蛋瘦肉周周 2022-04-02

3-3 Submission
3-5 Under Review
3-23 Required Reviewers Completed
No feedback received until now. Does anyone know what the situation is?

BZJ- 2022-03-26

How long does the OP's required reviewers take to receive?

kaka70 2022-03-15

2021.12.11 Submitted
2021.12.14 With editor
2021.12.23 under review
2022.01.19 Major
2022.02.21 Submitted
2022.02.23 Under review
2022.03.12 Required reviews completed
2022.03.14 Accept

Tsingtao Beer 2022-03-12

After 4 reviews, it was accepted and published within 75 days.

Peng 2022-03-08

After submitting to ACB, it was quickly sent for review. However, the review process took 45 days. Two weeks after receiving the review comments, we received feedback from both reviewers. After revising the manuscript, we had to wait for more than 20 days only to receive a rejection letter. One of the reviewers accepted the paper, but the second reviewer accused us of having serious integrity issues, using the excuse that the names of the reference catalysts and the referenced literature did not match. They strongly recommended rejection. To our surprise, we carefully checked the references and found no issues. We decided to appeal, which took another month of back-and-forth. The editor agreed to have us resubmit through the system, but after a week, the editor rejected the paper, citing a low submission volume as the reason. It's truly disgusting.

Fortunately, I had better luck with ACS Catalysis. From submission to acceptance, it only took 42 days, including the Chinese New Year holiday. All I want to say is that ACB is not worth pursuing. Thank you, ACB, for teaching me a lesson.

kxmdvns 2022-02-13

Submitted on November 18th, the focus of the research is electrocatalysis. Approximately 20 days later, the reviewers' comments were received, with two minor revisions and one major revision. There were no particularly difficult issues. It took about 10 days to make the revisions. Around January 24th, the revised manuscript was resubmitted. Coincidentally, it was during the Lunar New Year holiday when I received the acceptance notification after about two weeks. This submission went smoothly, and it was also my first time submitting to ACB. I wish them continued success.

Tsingtao Beer 2022-02-11

January 19, revise
January 30, submit revision
February 2, under review
February 11, until now

zhang A 2022-01-25

Hello, may I ask if your second draft of the article has been accepted?

吃沉鱼不吃落雁23 2022-01-24

2021.9.30 - Submitted
2021.10.12 - Under review
2021.12.4 - Revised
2022.1.21 - Accepted

Tsingtao Beer 2022-01-20

Continuing from above:
December 29, under review
January 17, Required review completed
January 20, revise

randizh 2022-01-17

2021.10.11 Submission
2021.10.12 Format issue, Editor-in-Chief rejected the submission
2021.10.13 Resubmitted after changing the format
2021.10.20 Under review
2021.11.05 Under review
2021.12.2 First review result, two reviewers, positive evaluation but requires data supplementation. One month for revisions.
2021.12.29 Revised submission
2022.1.15 Required reviews completed
2022.1.17 Accepted directly

wsjapple 2022-01-15

The first review will take about 25 days.

Tsingtao Beer 2022-01-15

How long does the initial review take?

wsjapple 2022-01-15

It takes three months and five days to receive the submission, which is still quite fast.

JC 2022-01-10

Hello, has it been reviewed? It has been almost 10 days and it's still in the hands of the editor.

yuxue1992 2022-01-09

I want to ask, when I entered the system as the first author, all the submission statuses disappeared. Does this mean it has been rejected? However, there should still be some indication, or maybe it has been completely rejected.

Tomas 2022-01-03

How long does it take for you to receive the results from the status of "required reviews completed" in your first review?

少年与梦 2022-01-02

2021.9.17 submitted
2021.9.18 with editor
2021.9.19 under review
2021.10.30 First review feedback received (both reviewers gave highly positive evaluations, and all 10 minor comments were addressed satisfactorily)
2021.11.23 Revision made
2021.11.26 with editor
2021.11.29 under review
2021.12.10 accept
2021.12.15 online
2021.12.24 Official publication volume number assigned

Tsingtao Beer 2021-12-25

December 18, submit
December 21, with editor
December 23, with editor until now

merci 2021-12-24

Has there been any news about your article? My second review has been under review for almost a month, and I don't know why it's taking so long.

lllu93 2021-12-18

Hello, may I ask if you have received the comments from the reviewers? Mine is "12.09 required reviews completed."

完美 2021-12-18

Another week has passed, and there has been no change in mine.

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