注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

Lkon 2023-05-03

Boss, how are your results? I have also made a decision.

geyun 2023-05-03

What is the outcome after your decision? Why do you always have decisions?

luyuan1994 2023-04-28

Spitting blood... The first time it was sent back was because of issues with the submission email... After fixing the problem and resubmitting, the editor's delay in processing was because of the upcoming May Day holiday?

你我解释黑马 2023-04-25

Can you communicate with someone? What's the situation?

你我解释黑马 2023-04-25

I also got "Decision in Process" in 3 days.

阿拉阿巴 2023-04-24

Hello, who is your editor? Can you share it with me?

Apple-Li 2023-04-22

In the spirit of sharing, the following is a record:

Submitted on April 22, 2023
Received reviewer comments and major revisions on May 30, 2023
Revised on June 30, 2023
Accepted on August 3, 2023
The comments were professional and fair; the editing was prompt; overall efficiency was average.

bessage 2023-04-18

2022-11-09 submitted
2022-11-15 under review
2023-01-07 major revision (2 reviewers, reviewer 1: 42 suggestions for major changes, reviewer 2: 7 suggestions for minor changes)
2023-02-07 revised
2023-03-12 major revision (added a new reviewer, reviewer 1: 7 suggestions for major changes, reviewer 2: acceptance, reviewer 3: 6 suggestions for minor changes)
2023-04-13 revised
2023-04-18 accept

LzLzzzzz 2023-04-18

Apr 14, 2023 Submitted to journal
Apr 14, 2023 With editor
Apr 16, 2023 Decision in process

Has anyone submitted to this journal before? Welcome to discuss!

努力向前冲 2023-04-11

2022.11.22 submit - Submitted on November 22, 2022.
2022.11.23 with editor - Under editor review on November 23, 2022.
2022.12.04 under review - Under review since December 4, 2022.
2022.12.31 major revise - Major revision required by December 31, 2022.
2023.01.18 submit - Resubmitted on January 18, 2023.
2023.03.04 major revise - Major revision required by March 4, 2023.
2023.03.26 submit - Resubmitted on March 26, 2023.
2023.04.01 accept - Accepted on April 1, 2023.
总共历时四个多月 - Took a total of over four months.

sanniujun 2023-04-02

Adhering to the spirit of mutual assistance and sharing on the Internet, the process of submission is recorded.
2022-12-5 submitted
2022-12-10 with editor
2023-3-1 (major revision)
2023-3-11 (revised)
2023-3-29 (accepted)

爱祖国 2023-03-31

Excuse me, I just submitted my contribution. Why isn't the submission number displayed?

加油SCI 2023-03-30

You are so slow, it will take two weeks to submit for review.

加油SCI 2023-03-20

Submitted on 2.14, still under review on 3.20.

XR.X 2023-03-18

2023-3-17 Under reviewer
Finally updated, so slow.

XR.X 2023-02-19

Adhering to the spirit of mutual assistance and sharing on the Internet, I am starting this journal to document the submission process.
2023-1-29 Submitted
2023-1-31 With Editor

wangce9595 2023-02-06

2022.11.18 Submission
2022.12.27 Major revision (two reviewers, one raised several formatting issues, the other had five relatively mild questions)
2023.01.10 Revised
2023.01.25 Minor revision (formatting issues)
2023.01.26 Revised
2023.01.28 Accepted
Overall, the process was very fast, and Professor Zhang Yang, the editor, was very efficient.

夜枫之舞 2023-01-20

Submission: August 30, 2022
Returned to author: September 1
Second submission: September 5
Under Review: September 7
Major revision: November 5
First revision submission: November 18 - With Editor
Under Review: November 24
Required Reviews Completed: November 30
Under Review: December 3
Minor revision: December 29
Second revision submission: January 5, 2023 - With Editor
Under Review: January 6
Required Reviews Completed: January 15 (confirmed with Chinese customer service that both reviewers have provided their feedback)
Accept: January 20
A paper on pure CFD numerical simulation.

老边 2023-01-11

Generally, one month is considered relatively fast. The completion of the review refers to receiving opinions from two external reviewers. If the editor does not have a result, it may be due to conflicting opinions from the two external reviewers. Alternatively, the editor may be considering or waiting for the opinion of a third reviewer.

bessage 2022-12-15

Can I have a discussion? It has been a little over a month since my manuscript was reviewed.

gabby666 2022-12-10

Posted on October 25th
Reviewed on November 6th
Review process ended on November 30th
No decision has been made yet.

可可西里的豺狼 2022-12-09

I forgot about this, it seems like half a month.

hero 2022-12-08

May I ask who is the editor?

Wilson411424 2022-12-08

It took nearly 4 months, and finally received
submission on August 11th
with editor on August 12th
finally under review on August 24th
major revision on October 28th, given a month for major revision
submitted revised version on October 23rd, with editor
under review on October 25th
Required Reviews Completed on December 5th
Accepted on December 7th

幽谷百合 2022-12-07

Returned on October 14th for major repairs, it has been over a month and there are still no results. Therefore, the speed is still primarily dependent on the reviewer's situation.

夜枫之舞 2022-12-06

Yes, I also voted.

花曦 2022-12-03

Posted on August 16, 2022
The editing was quickly completed and then sent for review. The system showed that one reviewer accepted the review, and it was completed and submitted one week later. Then, another reviewer accepted the review, but they took a long time and did not complete it.
Received reviewer's comments on October 17, 2022, requiring major revisions.
Submitted revised version on November 5, 2022.
Accepted on November 26, 2022.
Overall, the editing process was very efficient, taking only a little longer due to difficulties in finding reviewers. Nonetheless, I am happy with the outcome!

Clearlove7773 2022-11-29

2022.11.28 Submitted to Journal

Translation: The text "2022.11.28 Submitted to Journal" is already in English.

Clearlove7773 2022-11-29

May I ask which editor your article was sent to?

Clearlove7773 2022-11-29

May I ask which editor your article has been sent to?

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