注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

Strive! 2023-03-03

Received review comments from 4 reviewers on 03-Mar-2023.

alivedeng 2023-03-01

Sometimes it is the system repeatedly sending, POF that system is automatic.

alivedeng 2023-03-01

Recent status, feedback received around February 10th: three feedbacks, one accept, one minor, one reject, with a smiling face. I didn't understand the reason for the reject, as they simply felt my article was too focused on engineering. My research was about a specific particle flow inside a device. Now I am patiently waiting for the results of the second round.

Strive! 2023-02-27

How many reviewers have been found?额(⊙﹏⊙)
All Reviewers Secured 27-Feb-2023 08:29:52
Securing Reviewer(s) 27-Feb-2023 08:29:51
All Reviewers Secured 27-Feb-2023 08:29:51
Associate Editor Review 26-Feb-2023 07:10:13
Securing Reviewer(s) 26-Feb-2023 06:28:44
Review Received 25-Feb-2023 22:56:57
Review Started 25-Feb-2023 22:22:51
Securing Reviewer(s) 25-Feb-2023 22:22:51
Review Started 23-Feb-2023 04:20:23
Securing Reviewer(s) 23-Feb-2023 04:20:23

Karen4543fdsv 2023-02-27

Just wait for the notice, congratulations.

zigezimei 2023-02-27

The first article during my doctoral period, thank you for accepting it! Excuse me, how long does it usually take to receive the proofreading after acceptance? According to the speed of this journal, it should be quite fast, but it has been a week since my article was accepted and I still haven't received any notification for proofreading.

嘿耶 2023-02-26

The once prestigious journal of fluid mechanics now feels increasingly mediocre. In the past 5 years, the number of published articles has sharply increased!!! It can't compare to Physical Review Fluids anymore. I will never submit to it again.

太空挖矿 2023-02-22

Which theme did you choose? So fast!

Strive! 2023-02-22

It will be reviewed soon.
Review Started: 21-Feb-2023 22:33:25
Securing Reviewer(s): 21-Feb-2023 22:33:25
Review Started: 21-Feb-2023 19:25:08
First Reviewer Secured: 21-Feb-2023 19:25:08
Securing Reviewer(s): 21-Feb-2023 19:25:07
Associate Editor Review: 21-Feb-2023 10:10:12

Strive 2023-02-21

Associate Editor Review - 21-Feb-2023 10:10:12
Securing Reviewer(s) - 20-Feb-2023 17:32:19
Associate Editor Assigned - 20-Feb-2023 13:49:58
Editor Assigned - 20-Feb-2023 13:49:58
Manuscript Submitted to Journal Office - 20-Feb-2023 13:49:58
Submission Check by Journal Office Completed - 20-Feb-2023 13:49:58
Submission Check by Journal Office Started - 19-Feb-2023 03:04:14
Editor Assigned - 19-Feb-2023 03:04:14
Manuscript Submitted to Journal Office - 19-Feb-2023 03:04:13

银河修理员 2023-02-21

I have also been waiting for the editor. It has been a week. The first editor was very fast, but I haven't heard anything from the second one.

太空挖矿 2023-02-20

Try again, the previous one was forced to transfer, back injury.

小朋友牵牵手 2023-02-15

The given text is already in English.

hylb3020 2023-02-11

The first review took one month, and the opinions of the three reviewers were all very professional and relatively difficult to modify. Overall, they suggested accepting the paper after revisions. The editor provided 20 days for the revisions, and after making the modifications according to the reviewers' suggestions, the quality greatly improved. The revised manuscript was only sent to the two reviewers with more comments from the first review by the editor. After 10 days, the second review opinions came back and both reviewers were quite satisfied, providing two minor suggestions. After making the necessary revisions, the paper was submitted again and a few days later, it was accepted. The whole process took more than 60 days.

hylb3020 2023-02-11

In the submission system of POF, find the "For authors" option and select "Preparing Your Manuscript". Then, locate "LaTeX" and click on "AIP Publishing template" to access the Overleaf website, where you can find the TEX templates for AIP series journals. Click on "Open as template" and register with your email if necessary. After that, you can make modifications and replacements on the template. Finally, click on "Menu" and download the source file. When submitting, upload the tex and bib files, as well as any images or other necessary files.

Karen4543fdsv 2023-02-11

Every time the reviewer raises so many professional and tricky questions, what's the point of plenty of fish in water?

zhuzhu- 2023-02-10

Can I please ask if anyone has a template for submitting to POF? Could you share it with me? I've been searching on their official website for a long time but haven't found anything.

wanduzi 2023-02-10

Why did 5 reviews start, but mine is still securing?

wanduzi 2023-02-10

This journal is fast.

wanduzi 2023-02-10

Why have 5 reviews started, but mine is still "Securing reviewer"?

zhuzhu- 2023-02-10

Can I ask everyone if there is a template for journal submission? I have been searching on the official website for a long time but couldn't find it.

hm2022 2023-02-09

Editor Decision Completed 07-Jan-2023
Associate Editor Decision Started 05-Jan-2023
All Reviews Received 05-Jan-2023
Associate Editor Assigned 04-Jan-2023
Editor Assigned 04-Jan-2023
Revised Manuscript Received from Author 04-Jan-2023
Decision Sent to Author 20-Dec-2022
Decision Letter Being Prepared 20-Dec-2022
Editor Decision Completed 20-Dec-2022
All Reviews Received 18-Dec-2022
Editor Assigned 24-Nov-2022
Manuscript Submitted to Journal Office 24-Nov-2022

Editor Decision Completed - 07-Jan-2023
Associate Editor Decision Started - 05-Jan-2023
All Reviews Received - 05-Jan-2023
Associate Editor Assigned - 04-Jan-2023
Editor Assigned - 04-Jan-2023
Revised Manuscript Received from Author - 04-Jan-2023
Decision Sent to Author - 20-Dec-2022
Decision Letter Being Prepared - 20-Dec-2022
Editor Decision Completed - 20-Dec-2022
All Reviews Received - 18-Dec-2022
Editor Assigned - 24-Nov-2022
Manuscript Submitted to Journal Office - 24-Nov-2022

hylb3020 2023-02-06

In the first review, usually there are three reviewers.

CFDJustin 2023-02-06

Yes. The corresponding author must pass Orcid verification.

CFDJustin 2023-02-06

In the "Current Stage" section of the submission system, it constantly displays as "Securing Reviewer(s)." Does it mean that the editor is still searching for the fourth reviewer?

CFDJustin 2023-02-05

May I ask, is this state indicating that only one reviewer has been found, or have three reviewers already been found?

witchxia 2023-02-02

Can I ask if it is necessary to provide the ORCID number of the corresponding author when submitting a manuscript? The verification process for author information requires me to enter the ORCID password.

Karen4543fdsv 2023-02-02

Indeed, a top publication. As for citations, the editor always allows self-references, indicating that they must not be afraid and have confidence in their own ideas.

ce2013 2023-01-28

The first review took about a month, and the opinions of the three reviewers were all very positive and professional. However, the total number of suggestions given was close to 20, and there were a few that were difficult to answer. The editor gave a 20-day deadline, and just submitted the revised manuscript the day before yesterday.

alivedeng 2023-01-20

You could simply refuse to review the manuscript. (?)

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