注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

luckerr 2022-11-23

It's been 35 days, so urgent. Urged once, gradually added 14 reviewers, but no one reviewed.
Reviewer 1-5: Waiting, Due (November 7, 2022)
Reviewer 6: Waiting, Due (November 26, 2022)
Reviewer 7: Waiting, Due (November 26, 2022)
Reviewer 8: Waiting, Due (November 27, 2022)
Reviewer 9: Waiting, Due (November 27, 2022)
Reviewer 10: Too Busy (November 30, 2022)
Reviewer 11: More Time Approved (December 5, 2022), Waiting, Due (January 6, 2023)
Reviewer 12: Too Busy (December 5, 2022)
Reviewer 13: Waiting, Due (December 3, 2022)
Reviewer 14: Waiting, Due (December 5, 2022)

辉辉太狼 2022-11-11

How long does it take for your reviewer information to appear? It has been half a month for me.

辉辉太狼 2022-11-11

May I ask if the submission has been in the peer review process for half a month? Also, there is no information about the reviewers. Does this mean that the reviewers have not been found yet?

0427 2022-11-04

Very anxious, may I ask what does "Closed" mean here? Also, in this situation, if only one reviewer agrees to review, will they rearrange the reviewer after the review? The deadline here is the 2nd, so why can some statuses still be updated on the 3rd?

Reviewer Request Status Review Status
Reviewer 1 Too Busy (November 3, 2022)
Reviewer 2 Waiting, Due (November 2, 2022)
Reviewer 3 Too Busy (November 3, 2022)
Reviewer 4 Waiting, Due (November 2, 2022)
Reviewer 5 Agree (October 30, 2022) Closed (November 2, 2022)
Reviewer 6 Waiting, Due (November 2, 2022)

0427 2022-11-03

Reviewer 1 - Waiting, Due (November 2, 2022)
Reviewer 2 - Waiting, Due (November 2, 2022)
Reviewer 3 - Waiting, Due (November 2, 2022)
Reviewer 4 - Waiting, Due (November 2, 2022)
Reviewer 5 - Agree (October 30, 2022) Closed (November 2, 2022)
Reviewer 6 - Waiting, Due (November 2, 2022)

Regarding the question about the "closed" status for the reviewer who agreed in the peer review process, it means that the review process for their assigned task is completed.

In this situation, where only one reviewer has agreed, will there be a search for additional reviewers in the future?

Also, why is the deadline for the reviewer on the 2nd, and today is the 3rd, but it still shows "waiting"?

cchengg 2022-10-31

31 October 2022 Manuscript Accepted

cchengg 2022-10-30

Final Manuscript Decision: October 26, 2022
Author Revisions Complete: October 26, 2022
Author Revision: October 18, 2022
Provisional Acceptance: October 16, 2022
Peer Review: August 2, 2022
Assign Editor: August 2, 2022
Quality Check: August 1, 2022
Submit Manuscript: July 26, 2022

shuaihuo 2022-10-29

In the field of quantum optics, the editor found 5 reviewers at once, and 3 of them accepted the review immediately. The first review took one and a half months, with 10 days for revisions, and then waited for another ten days for acceptance. The speed is still very fast! However, it is too expensive, especially with the appreciation of the US dollar, which makes it even more difficult!

陌路无悔 2022-10-15

The reviewer is quite professional and there is no problem with the speed of their review. They don't usually cause any delays for the editor.
Rereview Decision: 14 October 2022 - 14 October 2022 - Manuscript Accepted
Rereview: 08 October 2022 - 14 October 2022 - Rereview Complete
Final Manuscript Decision: 08 October 2022 - 08 October 2022 - Repeat Review
First Manuscript Decision: 02 October 2022 - 02 October 2022 - Major Revisions Required
Peer Review: 09 September 2022 - 02 October 2022 - Peer Review Complete
Submit Manuscript: 08 September 2022 - 09 September 2022 - Submission Complete

Karwing 2022-10-06

Friends, I am also experiencing a situation similar to yours!!! Does this mean we can only keep waiting indefinitely?
Reviewer 1: waiting, due (September 10, 2022)
Reviewer 2: approved for more time (September 13, 2022), waiting, due (October 3, 2022), last reminder date (October 1, 2022)
Reviewer 3: agrees (September 9, 2022), completed (September 25, 2022)
Reviewer 4: too busy (September 10, 2022)

Karwing 2022-10-06

Are there any friends in a situation like mine? I have two reviewers who accepted the invitation to review my paper. One has already completed the review, but the other requested an extension for the review deadline. However, the deadline has already passed and I still haven't received a response. My supervisor is even asking me about it. I don't know how to explain the situation to my supervisor. This is my first time submitting a paper. Can someone kindly tell me what action I should take in this situation?

Karwing 2022-10-06

Reviewer 1: Waiting, Due (September 10, 2022)
Reviewer 2: More Time Approved (September 13, 2022), Waiting, Due (October 3, 2022)
Last Reminder Date (October 1, 2022)
Reviewer 3: Agree (September 9, 2022), Complete (September 25, 2022)
Reviewer 4: Too Busy (September 10, 2022)

reo 2022-09-30

This may be a relatively turbulent review process. Eight reviewers were selected during the peer review stage, and six of them provided feedback for major revisions. After receiving the major revisions, the manuscript entered another round of review. At this point, one reviewer gave a rather peculiar rejection comment. However, the editor deemed it insignificant and allowed a minor revision as an exception. After the minor revision, the manuscript was directly accepted.

30 September 2022: Manuscript Accepted
29 September 2022: Content Revisions Complete
26 September 2022: Content Revisions
25 September 2022: Provisional Acceptance
25 September 2022: rereviewerrating_RatingComplete
25 September 2022: Rereview Complete
10 September 2022: Repeat Review
10 September 2022: Author Revisions Complete
31 August 2022: Author Revision
30 August 2022: Major Revisions Required

咿呀Yuki 2022-09-27

Oh my goodness, just like me, how are you doing now?

Reviewer 1: Too Busy
Reviewer 2: Not Area of Expertise
Reviewer 3: More Time Approved (September 3, 2022) Last Reminder Date (September 23, 2022)
Reviewer 4: Too Busy (September 13, 2022)
Reviewer 5: More Time Approved (September 3, 2022) complete
Reviewer 6: Waiting, Due (September 21, 2022)
Reviewer 7: Waiting, Due (September 21, 2022)
Reviewer 8: Waiting, Due (September 28, 2022)
Reviewer 9: Waiting, Due (September 28, 2022)

咿呀Yuki 2022-09-27

I am also in the same situation. I have reached out to nine reviewers, but only one has responded with results... How about your situation now?

咿呀Yuki 2022-09-27

Initially, I found five reviewers, but only two agreed to review. One reviewer returned their results, but the other one has been overdue for a week without any response. The editor then found two more reviewers, and each of them responded. Then, two more were found... In total, nine reviewers were found, but I don't know how long I have to wait.

哈哈哈啊哈哈哈 2022-09-08

With the editor for 25 days, and then they say it's a revised submission for the journal that our group has already been accepted to. This is ridiculous.
One paper measures pressure in Mpa, while the other measures pressure in microPa, there is a difference of 12 orders of magnitude. This editor is too careless and hasty! There are online comments saying that some editors at OSA are not friendly to Chinese people, and I might have encountered one of them!

2crazy 2022-06-07

Peer Review April 6, 2022 May 17, 2022 Peer Review Complete
First Manuscript Decision May 17, 2022 May 17, 2022 Provisional Acceptance
Author Revision May 17, 2022 May 19, 2022 Author Revisions Complete
Final Manuscript Decision May 19, 2022 May 19, 2022 Repeat Review
Rereview Decision May 25, 2022 May 25, 2022 Manuscript Accepted

2crazy 2022-06-07

Overall, it was a relatively smooth submission process. After submission, it took 40 days to receive feedback. There were two reviewers: one recommended accepting the submission directly, while the other also recommended acceptance but pointed out an obvious error in the data (careless mistake! I copied the wrong table). The editor then gave a Provisional Acceptance and requested a response to the reviewers' comments. After responding, a re-review was conducted due to the presence of errors. Both reviewers agreed and the submission was accepted smoothly.

激光猴 2022-05-27

Notified 7 reviewers, ultimately 3 reviewers conducted the review. It took about 3 weeks to receive the decision for major revisions, with more than 10 comments, each one directly hitting the vital point. Only 10 days were given to make the revisions. Stayed up several nights, diligently made revisions according to the reviewers' comments, and felt that the revised paper had improved significantly. Even if it was ultimately rejected, there was no regret. After the revisions, the editor directly notified acceptance. However, the most difficult part was the proofreading stage, as the layout of one page of images was not aesthetically pleasing, and the relocation of the images caused repeated proofreading, taking up a time not shorter than the external review period. Fortunately, the final changes were relatively satisfying, and it was successfully published.

The biggest lesson learned is when writing a paper, every punctuation mark must be taken seriously, otherwise the proofreading stage can be truly challenging.

激光猴 2022-05-27

The speed is really fast, although the publishing cost is high, but you get what you pay for.

32157489 2022-05-05

Hello, you finally submitted your paper to the high-impact factor journal.

湉馨 2022-04-29

I submitted several times, but they were all rejected and asked to resubmit; why? I followed the format, were there no supplementary materials?

@kgl 2022-04-25

What is the current result now?

Maria1 2022-04-23

After submitting, the format was modified and then it was requested to be polished. After polishing, the format was modified again, and then the manuscript was sent to reviewers. It took two months of hassle, and the polishing was done at his place. One reviewer had a positive attitude and hardly made any changes. The other one clearly seemed inexperienced, asking irrelevant or basic questions that were unrelated to the work being done. The editor rejected it because it wasted too much time. Although unhappy, the boss allowed an appeal, and the editor agreed to the appeal, but it was rejected again. It was then submitted to another journal with a high impact factor, and the reviewers were all professionals, asking questions that significantly contributed to the improvement of the article.

jingda 2022-04-20

Don't panic, there will be results, just wait a moment.

神奇三百 2022-04-15

I got stuck at the first step. The reviewer has finished reviewing, but the editor is not providing any suggestions and is not finding a new reviewer.

神奇三百 2022-04-15

The editor just needed one reviewer, who could complete the review in one month. However, the editor took half a month to provide review comments. They sent an email to inquire with the OSA official, who helped to urge the process. On the same day, the editor found another reviewer, but unfortunately, the reviewer declined the review immediately. Now, half a month has passed again, and there are no new reviewers or review comments. It is also unknown what the editor is doing.

pookina 2022-04-15

I have sought nine reviewers in total, waiting for three months. In the end, only one reviewer agreed to conduct the review and provided four comments. The editor requested major revisions. After submitting the revised manuscript, one month passed without any news. The reviewer has already completed the re-review, but the editor is delaying and the result is still unknown... Has anyone experienced this situation?

Ronging 2022-03-29

How long will it take to receive the proof email after accepting?

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