认证评论 - Ocean Engineering
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托雅塔 2023-04-17

The people around me, including myself, are basically under review on the second or third day, and the longest waiting time for feedback is about one and a half months.

Hearty 2023-04-17

It has been 82 days since it entered the "Under review" status, and there have been no updates on the review process. It seems like I have encountered a situation where they are not making a decision. If they intend to reject it, they should do it quickly. What's the point of dragging it out? I am thinking of writing a letter to the editor to inquire about the situation.

shooter 2023-04-12

Nowadays, many journals publish a large quantity of articles. However, the main focus should still be on the overall quality. Sigh.

alivedeng 2023-04-08

4.8, returned for repair, still with the editor for half a month, waiting patiently.

alivedeng 2023-04-08

When the corresponding author submits the manuscript, there will be a Track link in the email, where you can see more information.

Four 2023-04-08

My case is the same. In the first review, there was only one reviewer. After the revision, when the feedback came back, the first reviewer had no comments at all. Then a second reviewer (who is not even in the same field) was added and suggested rejection directly, stating that my manuscript did not have any images (even though I had packed them all in a compressed file). I am also planning to send an email to continue arguing about it and see how the editor will respond. If I have to resubmit, I will give it another try.

托雅塔 2023-04-07

This is completely a matter of luck. The reviewers are of varying quality...

aresan02 2023-04-06

The second review comments were proposed to upload to GitHub, but there was only one reviewer for the second review, so it was directly rejected.

bigbigpang 2023-04-06

Just add GitHub to shut him up.

aresan02 2023-04-06

I also wrote an email to argue about it. The editor-in-chief said that if I was willing to resubmit, they could arrange a new reviewer. However, I don't have enough time, so I decided not to submit it.

aresan02 2023-04-06

The quantity is not the key, the main concern is the uneven quality of the reviews. I have reviewed it 8 times, and some reviewers are really unreasonable, accepting articles with illogical reasoning directly during the first review...

aresan02 2023-04-06

First review modification, rejected after modification.
This submission experience has been a small shock in my academic career.
This is the second time I have submitted to OE (the first time was accepted). There were a total of two reviewers throughout the process. Reviewer 1 had no specific comments to address (their review only consisted of "yes" or "no"). Reviewer 2's feedback was completely unrelated to the topic, and they insisted that the article lacked reproducibility. They also requested the upload of source code to GITHUB.
I can only say that I am not impressed with the review quality of OE at the moment.

托雅塔 2023-04-04

2023/04/04 under review

hyq.whu 2023-04-03

My first trial has been almost 7 months now. The track record shows that only one reviewer has completed the review and returned their comments, while the other two have been dragging it along. I don't know why.

taylor1993 2023-04-01

After the manuscript was urged, it was accepted. May I ask how long it takes to receive the agreement and then proofs after being hired, and in an online format?

托雅塔 2023-04-01

2023/03/29 Submission
2023/03/31 With Editor

Lorian1006 2023-03-31

Hello, may I ask how long it took for your status to change from "with editor" to "decision in process"? I have been waiting for 10 days, and there was no external review, it went directly to "decision in process". I'm not sure what the situation is.

I_AM_YP 2023-03-28

How are you doing now, OP? Have you completed the external review? I have been editing for more than a week.

Jack Huang 2023-03-27

What direction, can you please share your experience?

Jack Huang 2023-03-27

What direction? What skills can be used?

左耳朵进水 2023-03-26

May I ask, what is the reason for the rejection?

努力搬砖的Ph.D. 2023-03-26

2023.01.13 Submitted to Journal;
2023.01.16 With Editor;
2023.01.18 Under Review;
2023.03.26 Reject

小H24 2023-03-20

Submitted in March 2022, received reviewer comments in June, and both reviewers had positive evaluations. Submitted again in July. However, the acceptance notice was not received until March 2023. The review process was indeed variable, as recent submissions by the research group usually receive results in about four months.

Komi 2023-03-19

1.12 Submission
2.15 Minor revisions, 2 reviewers
2.19 Revised
2.23 Under Review
3.18 Reviewer's Recommendation Completed
3.19 Accepted
This time was very fast!

ZHOUMH 2023-03-16

2022.12.12 Submitted
After about a week of editing, it is currently under review.
Received reviewer's comments on 2023.2.14.
Accepted after revisions on 2023.3.13.
The reviewers' comments were all professional, and the editorial department was also very fast in their processing. In just three months, it felt like a dream. Highly recommended.

张一了 2023-03-16

Boss, it's my first time doing an external review. One of the reviewers took only one day to complete the comments. Does this mean it's pretty much done?

taylor1993 2023-03-15

Three out of the three reviewers have come back for the second review, while the other two reviewers have not reviewed the manuscript. The status changed from "under review" to "rrc" within one month. It has been a month and a half since the status became "rrc". Should we send a reminder for the manuscript?

JeffryFu 2023-03-14

2023.03.12 Accept. On Friday, March 10th, I sent an urgent letter to the editor, and they replied over the weekend accepting it. Good luck to everyone!

JeffryFu 2023-03-14

I couldn't wait any longer on March 10th and wrote a reminder letter to the editor. When I checked on Monday the 13th, it had already changed to "received" status. It was lucky that it changed on the 12th. Personally, I feel that it's still okay to send a reminder after one month of waiting. I don't want to wait any longer.

YugiOh 2023-03-13

That feeling can be sent an email to ask about it.

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