认证评论 - Ocean Engineering
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我与春风皆过客 2022-05-25

Still not Under Review...

acptasitis 2022-05-25

Is it under review now? It's almost done, right?

acptasitis 2022-05-25

How is it now, has it been reviewed?

我与春风皆过客 2022-05-23

2022.05.23 With Editor, ten whole days, feeling uneasy...

gyyme 2022-05-20

It has been almost a month since the required review was completed.

须眉绛凯 2022-05-20

I submitted two papers, both of which required major revisions, and both were assigned to different reviewers. The first paper was revised for the second time, and it seems like the first reviewer is starting to soften their stance, but they are requesting experimental data. The second paper received difficult comments from the first reviewer, but there is hope after making some changes. The second reviewer seems to have rejected the paper, although they didn't explicitly state it, but their suggestions indicate an industrial perspective. This is also a characteristic of the journal OE, which involves reviewers from the industry. I suspect that the second paper will also have to undergo a second round of external review. Sigh, feeling mentally exhausted.

柠檬啊 2022-05-16

2021.12.30: Submitted
2022.01.05: Under Review
2022.01.16: Under Review
2022.02.19: Under Review
2022.03.31: Under Review
2022.05.15: Require reviews completed

我与春风皆过客 2022-05-14

Record the submission experience. I wrote a paper on the optimization of underwater sound absorption structures. I heard that OE (possibly referring to a journal) is accepting submissions, so I submitted it. Below are the submission dates, subject to change:
2022.5.09 Submitted
2022.5.10 With Editor
2022.5.13 With Editor

Does this mean there was a change in editors?

萧萧肃肃 2022-05-13

It should be a conflict of opinions between two reviewers. The editor is waiting for opinions from other reviewers. Because my two articles were revised the day after the required reviews were completed. "Required reviews completed" means that the number of review comments has reached the minimum number for the editor to make a decision. The editor's delay is mostly due to conflicting opinions from the returned reviewers, and the editor is waiting for other reviewers. Good luck!

winnerche 2022-05-11

There should still be some comments from the reviewers that have not been returned, so please wait a little longer.

gyyme 2022-05-09

4.6 Submission
4.7 with editor
4.16 under review
4.22 require reviews completed It has been over a month and a half and still no decision has been made.

萧萧肃肃 2022-05-02

Every opinion is valued and will be considered for revision. Blessings.

须眉绛凯 2022-05-02

Hey, my deadline is quite close to yours, but you're much faster than me. I finished my second review the day before yesterday, but I haven't received any results yet. It seems that one of the reviewers has raised some concerns, and the editor is considering whether to give me another chance. Luck also plays a part in this, but unfortunately, I've always had bad luck. Nonetheless, I still appreciate the first reviewer for providing valuable suggestions that have helped improve my research methods and thinking. If I don't succeed this time, I'm sure I will in the future.

萧萧肃肃 2022-05-01

Submission on November 1st, 21 (first review)
Revision on January 22nd, 22. Two reviewers provided few but highly professional comments.
Revised manuscript uploaded on February 1st, 22 (second review)
Another revision at the end of February 22. One reviewer agreed to publish, while another suggested further modifications.
Returned manuscript on March 23rd, 22 (third review)
Required reviewers completed on April 29th, 22
Accepted on April 30th. (Finally, received the approval from the reviewers: "This version is well revised and it is suggested to be accepted.")
It was the only time experiencing three reviews. I believe it was because I underestimated the opinion of one reviewer during the first review, resulting in their dissatisfaction. I hope in the future, everyone will respect and value every question from each reviewer.

醋醋 2022-04-27

Keep up the good work and graduate soon.

winnerche 2022-04-18

From submission to acceptance, six months, not easy.

BOSH 2022-04-17

Two articles have been in the second review, one for 33 days and the other for 23 days. One article is in the first review, and it has been 110 days already.

Derek Wang 2022-04-16

2022/3/3 Submission
2022/4/16 Received opinions from three experts, totaling over thirty.
2022/5/16 Submitted revised manuscript for initial review.
2022/6/17 Received opinions from second review, one approved, one suggested changes in figures and wording, one major revision required.
2022/7/8 Submitted revised manuscript for second review.
2022/7/27 Received opinions from third review, agreed to publish, but minor revisions needed for a few specific issues.
2022/7/30 Accepted for publication, smoothly concluded. Best wishes to all.

SLRAN 2022-04-16

I have been waiting for the second review for over a month, and the date has not changed. I hope for good luck.

潮汐47 2022-04-16

It has been over a month since the second review, and 10 days ago the status changed to "Required Reviews Completed"... and it has remained unchanged ever since...

须眉绛凯 2022-04-15

I am also almost there, it has been more than half a month since the second review, and I am anxious!

gyyme 2022-04-15

The previous submission, one day with editor, the third day under review. Why is it still with editor after ten days this time? There was a change in the time spent with editor in between. Does this mean it's going to be rejected?

winnerche 2022-04-15

It has been over a month, and there are only two reviewers left. Is the speed this slow?

Mr_Dong 2022-04-13

Second trial, it has been over a month, still under review, the date hasn't changed, hoping for good luck.

金典喵 2022-04-08

I wrote a general review on ocean engineering. I couldn't find a similar article in your journal, but I found one in IEEE. I am wondering about your journal's acceptance of review articles. Do I need to be invited to submit a review article, or can anyone submit? PS. There are no experts in my team... Would appreciate advice from those with experience.

Also, are there any other good journals recommended for marine review articles?

叽里呱啦 2022-04-07

I just saw you at ISA. Brother, are you also researching marine robot control? I have submitted and reviewed for OE before. The submission has been recorded. This journal has a high efficiency in editing, but the biggest problem is finding reviewers in the field of marine robot control. On one hand, OE is not specialized in this area, so the control experts are unwilling to review. On the other hand, it is also because OE now has a large number of publications, and the number of reviewers cannot keep up. I have reviewed a few times myself, and there were only two reviewers. The time I submitted had three reviewers' opinions. Let's wait and see. Keep up the good work.

winnerche 2022-04-06

It has been almost a month since the third review.

姑苏寒山寺 2022-04-06

If you say Coastal Engineering, I can't taste the grapes and I don't mind, but when it comes to OE, I just can't help but laugh. It seems that your limit is just to send some OEs. This journal indeed has some good articles, but overall, it is far behind top-tier journals, with a gap similar to a chasm compared to CE and IEEE's ocean engineering.

小红0509 2022-04-03

The underwater robot direction has responded to nearly 100 comments from four reviewers, going through three rounds of review. It was submitted in early November 2021 and finally received an acceptance notice on April 2, 2022. The handling speed of the editor-in-chief was fast, and the person was also nice. There will be reviewers who intentionally make things difficult, but the editor-in-chief will make fair judgments. In fact, the acceptance rate of OE has always been similar, but if there are not many submissions in a certain year, naturally there will not be many acceptances. It is reasonable to maintain the same acceptance rate. If only the same number of articles are published, there will still be people criticizing the journal. It is subjective and opinions vary. Overall, the quality of the journal's publications is still acceptable.

万里悲秋常作客 2022-03-28

Reply to nijiajja: Currently, it takes me about one month to review and provide feedback. If it hasn't been over a month yet, I don't know whether I will be urged to do so. However, I have encountered a situation before where there were multiple reviewers and one of them was taking a long time to provide feedback (for the second review). In that case, the editor in chief directly terminated their review and sent the author the feedback from other reviewers.

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