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KneeYu 2023-07-24

When I submitted it, the speed was not fast, and the reviewer took more than three months... The subsequent speed was quite fast.

mingji173 2023-06-20

Is this journal being manipulated by someone? Is the speed really that fast?

KneeYu 2023-02-03

Note that not all management articles will necessarily be included in SSCI, even though the official website claims it is dual-indexed.

KneeYu 2022-12-19

19 Dec 2022 - Your proof corrections have been returned to Elsevier
19 Dec 2022 - Proofs available for checking
18 Dec 2022 - Rights & Access form sent to you for completion
18 Dec 2022 - Offprint order letter sent to you for completion
17 Dec 2022 - Received for production

KneeYu 2022-12-17

12.16 ACCEPTED translates to "12th of December, Accepted."

KneeYu 2022-12-09

Dec 08, 2022 Required Reviews Completed

KneeYu 2022-12-08

Dec 08, 2022 Under Review

KneeYu 2022-12-05

Dec 05, 2022: Revised Version Submitted to Journal.

KneeYu 2022-11-26

Received the decision to "modify" on November 21st, but it didn't specify whether it's a major or minor modification. They have given a month for the completion.

KneeYu 2022-11-26

I received the decision to "modify" on 11.21, but it didn't specify whether it is a major overhaul or a minor one. They gave me one month to complete it.

KneeYu 2022-11-06

The first submission was directly rejected. After deeply reflecting on the pain, I modified 80% of the entire text and resubmitted it for review. However, the process is very slow, and it has been over three months, but I still haven't found a reviewer. Nov 13, 2022 Required Reviews Completed.

ja_de 2022-07-19

Received the first-instance opinion on July 18, 2022. The editor suggested, "During the paper revision stage, please be sure to explain the relationship between your paper content and the scope of this journal, and highlight your academic contribution. Especially, you can explain how the research content of your paper aligns with the latest research hotspots and thematic trends of the OCMA journal." Does anyone know how to generally write about academic contributions? Generally, in which part of the paper is it more appropriate to write about this, the introduction or the conclusion section?

薇薇妮子 2022-07-05

The journal has a fast review speed, and the comments provided by the reviewers are pertinent. It underwent one major revision and one minor revision, lasting for 4 months.

First submission: 3rd February 2022
Article accepted: 30th June 2022

Research related to marine governance and policy is recommended for submission.

羊羊羊 2022-05-16

Authority in the field of ocean, fast review speed, high level of papers, highly responsible chief editor with a good attitude.

叶子666666 2022-05-16

The authoritative journal in the field of ocean, Q1, has a fast review process and high level of expertise. The opinions provided greatly improve the quality of the articles. The chief editor is highly responsible and has a good attitude. Worth praising!

Nibelungen 2022-05-16

This journal is an authoritative journal in the field of oceanography. I have submitted and published a paper in it. The review process was very fast, and the quality was high. The comments provided by the editor were very pertinent and responsible, and their attitude was excellent!

梦成 2022-05-16

This journal is an authoritative journal in the field of oceanography, with a fast review process, highly responsible chief editor, positive attitude, and high level of research papers.

zr~ 2022-05-16

In accordance with the idea of this journal being authoritative in the field of marine studies, I submitted my manuscript. The editor-in-chief of this journal is highly responsible, the review process is fast, and the revision suggestions are meticulous, which greatly helped improve my paper!

the fans of Dr Chen 2022-05-16

This journal is an authoritative publication in the field of oceanography, with fast review speed and high professional level. The editor-in-chief who reviewed my manuscript was professional and responsible, and their comments were of great help to me. All the editors have been very friendly and responsible. If any scholars have intentions to submit their work, don't miss out on this journal!

wp~ 2022-05-16

Authoritative journals in the field of marine science, fast in publishing, with a good attitude, are high-quality journals.

昕小一_ 2022-04-24

The topic is limited to ocean management, policies, and governance, and must be related to policies, management concepts, etc. in sustainable development. Otherwise, it will be rejected for not conforming to the theme. After submission, three reviewers provided thoughtful evaluations and comments, and the review process was fast, resulting in acceptance within three months.

昕小一_ 2022-04-24

I have previously submitted an article, but it was rejected. It was also related to business administration in the field of operations research. The reason for rejection was that it did not align with the journal's theme. The journal requires submissions that are related to marine and coastal sustainable development policies and must be able to provide effective policy recommendations.

KneeYu 2022-04-21

The assignment editor is very efficient, but Yaqing Shu, as the editor-in-chief and a researcher in the field of shipping, may not be interested in our business papers. However, is it appropriate for him to directly reject the submission simply because he is not interested? If he cannot understand the articles due to different fields, he should have rejected the assignment when it was initially given and let an editor familiar with my area of expertise make the decision! Nevertheless, the process is indeed fast and will not delay the submission time.

每天背单词 2021-12-09

2021.7.5 Submission
2021.8.3 Major revision
2021.9.13 Major revision 提交 (Submission)
2021.10.13 Minor revision
2021.11.10 Minor revision 提交 (Submission)
2021.12.5 Accept
The expert opinions greatly improved the quality of the article.

leo 2021-06-11

Posted in early November 2020;
First revision on March 8, 2021;
Revision returned on April 8, 2021;
After urging, submitted for review on May 26, 2021;
Accepted on June 11, 2021.

Nibelungen 2021-01-31

The journal focuses on ocean management, policy, and governance. Reviewers can provide fair evaluations and opinions on submitted papers, and the review process is relatively fast. I hope that the journal can attract more excellent research papers and continue to improve.

Richmond 2021-01-31

High-level journals in the field of marine science, with fast review processes and responsible reviewers, have provided valuable feedback.

清华古天乐 2021-01-31

Journal efficiency and quality are both very high. The journal serves as an academic exchange platform for international research on marine and coastal management, policy, governance, and other related subjects. The review process is very fast.

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