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安迪.孟菲斯 2022-12-21

Most of the biomedical articles in recent years have reached or even exceeded the level of top-tier journals. The difference between them and the top-tier journals is that NAR does not discriminate against non-hot topics. I have published two articles on the impact of lncRNA on insect development during my five-year postdoctoral research. One of them was in-depth but did not touch on hot topics, so it was accepted by NAR. The other one was not as in-depth but touched on immunology and interspecies transmission, so it was accepted by a top-tier journal (not a small NC). NAR is a good journal! My supervisor and colleagues in the field clearly value articles accepted by NAR more. The CNS series values trendy research, but there is a high probability that trendy research and the best research do not overlap. Ideal scientists should focus on doing the best research, not the trendiest research.

song 2022-12-19

There is a question, and I work with plant RNA. Should I choose to submit to this Journal Impact Factor 19 journal NAR or the Journal Impact Factor 13 journal pbj? I don't think anyone would choose pbj. Currently, NAR is considered more prestigious than PNAS in my circle. Who cares about pbj? I have to Google it to even know it exists.

So, what is the significance of the Chinese Academy of Sciences' subject classification? Should I waste my time submitting to pbj instead of NAR? Isn't that disgusting?

luofeiyu 2022-12-16

I attempted to submit an article in the 21st year, but my boss said the target was set too high. As expected, it was rejected within two days. I then submitted it to mbio for minor revisions. This year, another article from our lab was rejected instantly, and we are currently revising it for submission to NC. Overall, the requirements are very high...

Is it a trick to put the upgraded version in the second tier?

打工小吴 卑微在线 2022-09-15

May I ask if anyone has encountered a situation where there is a first review, followed by a gathering, a major revision, and a minor revision? The editor finally said that the draft can be revised and resubmitted, and the article has now been revised. It is currently in the hands of the reviewer, how long will the second review take approximately? Is there hope for acceptance? Or is there a high probability of rejection? Thank you all, and I wish everyone success in publishing articles.

不吃葱姜蒜 2022-09-05

May I ask what is the situation when it changes to "awaiting decision" after the second review, and then becomes "in peer-review" again?

不吃葱姜蒜 2022-09-05

I would like to ask, what does it mean when it says "awaiting decision" after the first round of revisions, and then it says "in peer-review"?

我是谁aa 2022-06-13

Share the experience of submission:

2022.01.06 - Submitted
2022.01.27 - In peer review (I emailed the administrative secretary of NAR to ask why it was taking so long, and she said they hadn't initially found enough reviewers. The status would only change once they had found all the reviewers. In other words, one or two reviewers have already accepted the review.)
2022.02.17 - Revision (Received reviewer comments from three reviewers. Overall, the comments were quite positive. There were a total of 20-30 issues, so the reply letter was 36 pages long.)
2022.05.19 - Submitted (Delayed due to the Shanghai pandemic)
2022.05.29 - In peer review (I guess some reviewers initially didn't accept the review, hence the slow progress in status)
2022.06.10 - Awaiting decision (Received reviewer comments)
2022.06.12 - Accepted

我是谁aa 2022-05-24

After you returned your first review comments, the editor sent your reply back to the previous reviewer, right?

banli 2022-03-26

Submitted at the end of July 2022, the manuscript was sent for review one week later. After another week, we received the comments for major revisions from two reviewers, which included approximately 10 important suggestions. The revision period was set for 6 months, and the revised manuscript was returned in early December. After one more month, some minor issues were raised, which were clarified and resubmitted. Finally, at the end of January, the article was accepted.

hi~~ 2022-02-08

The comparability between different fields is not significant, but biology is truly a more intricate discipline than chemistry...

什么都不知道 2022-01-28

What journal is SA?

蟹柳 2021-12-31

What can be compared between different disciplines?

JACS is fast-paced but has had a lot of low-quality materials in recent years. Its reputation is deteriorating. Its level is not comparable to SA and NC.
NAR is an established journal with consistently good standards, and its quality has been increasing in recent years.

As for interdisciplinary comparisons, chemistry does indeed produce results faster, but JACS should be more difficult to publish in than most 5-point journals in the field of biology. In the medical field, it can be compared to a 7-point journal. However, the problem remains that chemistry articles are published too quickly. Many job applicants in chemistry can have close to ten JACS-level articles, while in the field of biology, having a third of that quantity and quality would be considered good.

Xutee 2021-12-07

Oh my god! Just being black for the sake of being black! Talking so much without any concealment and nonsense! JACS is a well-established, classic, and high-impact TOP journal in the field of chemistry, even in research areas slightly related to chemistry. Moreover, it is non-OA (open access) (emphasizing that OA is only compared to high-impact OA journals in the field of biology, and the reason why it is placed in the second tier by the Chinese Academy of Sciences is also justified)! If it wasn't for NCs and SAs collecting money under the guise of "sub-journals," who would choose JACS? Do we even need to compare it to NAR? Compare it to biological journals with ratings below 5? You really dare to make arbitrary statements. Although JACS now accepts some articles on biological materials and involves some simple biological experiments, the innovative point of the articles still lies in the field of chemistry. Can those who work in biology do the same? It's so funny! Don't look down on chemistry. Which molecular biology experiment is not built on the foundation of chemical inventions and discoveries? You directly use ready-made technical means to do some repetitive and money-burning work, and by piling up the workload, you can get a score of 10 or more, right?

zsmin 2021-11-29

Hello, I would like to inquire about what it looks like after you submit for review. It has been two weeks since I submitted it, but the status has not been updated. I don't know what the situation is.

54yichen 2021-08-26

The impact factor of NAR this year has soared to 16.9. The review speed of this journal is really fast, less than a week for review, and it takes about 3 to 4 weeks in the hands of reviewers. I was given a "Revisions" status, and the editor requested that I return the review comments within 15 days. I was quite lucky to have it accepted directly after 3 weeks. Overall, NAR has high requirements for innovation!

YANYUU 2021-08-10

May I ask if the original poster has high-throughput data? Do you need to upload it to the UCSC Genome Browser?

白也 2021-04-10

Received on February 28th. The second review is probably just for the previous reviewers to take a look, and they did not provide any comments.

zaozaoma 2021-03-29

Hello, my current status is exactly the same as yours. May I ask how many days the second review in peer-review lasted and when was it accepted?

白也 2021-02-20

Post submitted on January 8th, 2021, and sent for review on the same day. Feedback was received on February 3rd, 2021. The comments from the three reviewers were not significant, and their evaluations were generally positive. They requested some additional experiments and raised some questions. However, the editor gave a revision period of six months. In a rush to graduate, I quickly conducted the experiments. There were only two experiments that couldn't be done in a short time, so I provided explanations in my response. On February 14th, 2021, I resubmitted the revision. However, the editor sent it for a second review, and now it is in the peer-review process again. I am unsure if this is normal, as previously someone in the lab had their revisions accepted within three to five days after resubmission. I thought my revision would be accepted within a few days as well, but now I'm feeling anxious again!!!

千里秦川 2021-02-04

How could someone in chemistry submit to NAR?

How could a chemistry journal like JACS have any intersection with NAR?

Are you joking? It is an undeniable fact that the difficulty of submitting to JACS in chemistry is lower than that of a 5-star journal in the general field of biology.

Robert.K.Dan 2021-01-15

You're talking nonsense, it's like I'm studying biology and submitting to JACS, and others also think I'm crazy.

Trump 2021-01-08

In the field of chemistry, it has no influence and I have never heard of it. Those who can publish in journals like JACS, Angew, or in the top 7% of chemistry journals will not publish here. The citations for articles on nucleic acid chemistry are very scarce.

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