注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

anguszhao 2022-12-14

2022/12/08 submitted to journal - This text means that a submission was made to a journal on December 8, 2022.

2022/12/09 Editor Invited - This text indicates that an editor was invited on December 9, 2022.

hghghhg 2022-12-13

2022.12.13 Submitted to Journal

kjp 2022-12-07

Do you need to find new reviewers for the second round of this journal?

运气爆好 2022-12-07

September 27 Revised and reconsidered (not for NN letter)
October 24 Returned with modifications
October 31 under review
December 6 Required Reviews Completed

katrina_666 2022-11-21

2022/11/18 editor invited - This means that an editor has been invited on November 18, 2022.

2022/11/21 under review - This indicates that something is currently being reviewed or evaluated as of November 21, 2022.

katrina_666 2022-11-17

2022/11/15 submit to journal - Translated to English: Submit to journal on November 15, 2022.
2022/11/17 with editor - Translated to English: With editor on November 17, 2022.

kjp 2022-10-14

The text in English translates to: "I submitted it in early August, and now the first trial has returned with results. There are not many modifications, and the status is 'revise and reconsider'. I would like to ask everyone, what is the probability?"

运气爆好 2022-09-25

September 20th, decision in process. It's been 5 days and there's still no progress, but I don't dare to rush...
I wonder if the editor forgot or what's going on.

yunxi 2022-09-22

When submitting articles, how should we choose the recommended editor? I see that it's optional, so how does everyone handle it?

运气爆好 2022-09-18

I just checked, it was updated yesterday and it has changed to "required reviews completed". So, it means there are at least 4 reviewers. Quite a panicked situation.

diyage 2022-09-17

Mine too, since August it has been required reviews completed. There is also no option to send emails on the EM system, so I can't even remind them...

运气爆好 2022-09-17

Submitted on July 6th
Under review on July 16th
Required reviews completed on August 11th
Required reviews completed on August 28th
No updates so far...
Not sure if waiting for other reviewers to complete their reviews. Feeling a bit anxious these days, hoping for a positive outcome!

yunxi 2022-09-13

Hello, may I ask if this journal accepts double-column or single-column submissions? Also, how should images be uploaded separately? Should they not be attached below the relevant text? Can the images be numbered in the order of Fig1, Fig2, etc.? Thank you.

csl 2022-08-24

May I ask how much is the cost?

leader120 2022-08-11

The level of the journal is still acceptable. After the first submission, feedback for minor revisions was given in less than two months. Subsequent minor revisions were also accepted, and the entire process took nearly eight months.

徐光猪 2022-07-12

I submitted two top conferences, and the revisions are almost done. The review process went smoothly.

May 04, 2022 Submitted to Journal
May 06, 2022 With Editor
May 13, 2022 Editor Invited
May 17, 2022 Under Review
Jun 02, 2022 Review Complete
Jun 02, 2022 Decision in Process
Jun 03, 2022 Revise and Reconsider (NOT for NN Letter); Aug 02, 2022
Jun 26, 2022 Revision Submitted to Journal
Jun 28, 2022 With Editor
Jun 29, 2022 Editor Invited
Jul 03, 2022 Under Review
Jul 04, 2022 Required Reviews Completed
Jul 09, 2022 Decision in Process
Jul 12, 2022 Revise and Accept

碧海星空 2022-07-04

If you don't feel good about it, then don't invest. Why make baseless accusations and criticize without reason? Typical foreigner flattery.

科研小班 2022-06-28

There are many water drafts in the Chinese community circle, with more than half of the editors being Chinese. It is better to have familiar editors!

心之所往 2022-06-20

You can choose to pay for the OA mode, and if you choose other modes, there will be no charge.

iorange 2022-03-21

I have been waiting for over three months with no results. How long has everyone else been waiting?

sunset 2022-02-15

Is it difficult to get published in this journal? How long does it take for your submission to be reviewed?

naru 2022-01-12

It took a total of 12 months, from start to finish, and the only issue was that the speed was too slow.

突然亮出大家伙 2021-07-10

Can the boss take me flying?

dreamkily 2021-07-10

You are not a fish tail.

unicorn路小雨 2021-03-01

Can you please inform me of the page fee for this journal?

holybai 2021-02-07

The first round gave some suggestions. In the second round, we made serious modifications and added a lot of content, but the reviewer seemed to not have read the rebuttal and directly rejected it in a single sentence. Very disappointed.

心之所往 2021-01-08

Initial Date Submitted Jun 20, 2019 - The document was first submitted on June 20, 2019.
Revision Submitted to Journal Oct 06, 2019 - A revised version of the document was submitted to the journal on October 06, 2019.
Editor Invited Oct 08, 2019 - The editor of the journal was invited on October 08, 2019.
With Editor Oct 10, 2019 - The document is currently with the editor since October 10, 2019.
Under Review Oct 14, 2019 - The document is being reviewed since October 14, 2019.
Required Reviews Completed Oct 22, 2019 - The required reviews for the document were completed on October 22, 2019.
Accept Nov 04, 2019 - The document was accepted on November 04, 2019.

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