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cs11 2021-12-20

nanotechnology has dropped to Zone 3, 2D materials has dropped to Zone 2, what happened to IOP, are there still journals in Zone 1?

wuxf_jlu 2021-12-17

In addition, this journal adopts anonymous submission. All relevant information about the authors, including previous work mentioned in the text and funding, must be anonymized. This provides a certain level of protection for young researchers and allows reviewers to more objectively evaluate the content of the articles.

wuxf_jlu 2021-12-17

2021.9.13 Submission
2021.10.18 Major revision, three reviewers, one major revision with 17 questions, one minor revision with several minor formatting and grammar issues, one rejection with biased opinions.
2021.11.13 Revised manuscript returned.
2021.11.22 Accepted.
Overall, the processing speed was very fast. The reviewers' comments were helpful for the article. It is a good well-established journal, but the impact factor could be improved.

Pacemak1r 2021-12-10

Hello, I just submitted about four days ago, and currently it is in the "Awaiting Referee Reports" status. I would like to ask, does this status mean it will be rejected?

Pacemak1r 2021-12-10

Hello, I submitted my manuscript just four days ago, and its current status is "Awaiting Referee Reports." Does this mean it will be rejected?

追逐14512 2021-11-30

How long does an external audit take?

追逐14512 2021-11-22

Now, how long does it usually take to get the results after submission?

蜗牛不会飞 2021-11-09

The translation of the text into English is as follows:

Received 7 September 2021
Revised 5 November 2021
Accepted 8 November 2021
Accepted Manuscript online 8 November 2021
The speed is really fast.

lizilizi 2021-11-04

2021.1.8 发布 translates to "Published on January 8, 2021" in English.

lizilizi 2021-11-04

2020.9.17 submit - Submitted on September 17th, 2020.
2020.11.18 major revision - Major revision done on November 18th, 2020.
2020.12.10 submit - Submitted again on December 10th, 2020.
2020.12.18 accept - Accepted on December 18th, 2020.
2020.1.8 published - Published on January 8th, 2020.

ygcl 2021-10-24

June 24, 2021 - Submitted
July 5, 2021 - Under review
August 11, 2021 - Major revision, 2 reviewers
September 3, 2021 - Upload revised manuscript
September 30, 2021 - Provisionally accepted
October 5, 2021 - Officially accepted
October 12, 2021 - Proofreading
October 22, 2021 - Published

lxy123 2021-10-14

When submitting, is it a double-blind submission?

lxy123 2021-10-14

When submitting, do you all follow the double-blind submission of manuscripts?

httt 2021-09-08

Submitted on 7.11, revised on 8.23, revised again on 9.6 and returned, filled out the copyright agreement online on 9.8. The outcome is unknown.

I have encountered a situation before where I selected the wrong OA (open access) during submission. I promptly submitted the issue, the information of the paper, and the contact email on the publisher's service webpage. Within half a day, I received an email with the option to choose whether to resubmit as an OA link.

哒哒123 2021-09-06

I have a question for everyone. If I mistakenly select the wrong OA (Online Application) when submitting, will the editor ask me to confirm the information again? Or is there any appropriate solution? Thank you!

牛哇牛 2021-08-18

2021.05.10 submitted
2021.06.18 moderate revision, 2 reviewers, 13 comments
2021.07.12 minor revision, only changed a reference
2021.07.25 formal accept
2021.08.13 published

投啥中啥123 2021-08-18

2.4 Submission
2.10 Awaiting Referee Reports
2.15 Morning: Awaiting Decision
2.15 Evening: Awaiting Referee Reports
2.23 Awaiting Decision
2.24 Decision
3.8 Modification Submission
Accepted after about a week
The efficiency is high, with a total time of one and a half months from submission to acceptance, including the time for the Spring Festival and modifications.

xiaoxi1 2021-08-18

May 5th, submission. One week later, edited and passed by finding reviewers.
June 24th, third reviewer, gave major revisions. (The delay in reviewing time was due to the loss of the PDF images in the paper, otherwise it would have been faster.)
July 21st, returned manuscript. (There was a second submission due to formula issues, which caused a slight delay.)
August 2nd, pre-acceptance, all reviewers agreed to accept.
August 11th, final acceptance.
The total cycle is about three months. I think the speed is very fast, considering my personal carelessness causing some delay. Otherwise, it could have been even faster. Regarding the return of the manuscript, I think the most important thing is to have a proper attitude, address the reviewers' questions seriously, and provide detailed and multi-perspective answers, instead of responding hastily in a few sentences. Otherwise, the reviewers may feel disrespected. Also, I would like to ask how long it takes for the paper to be published online.

科研流浪汉 2021-08-04

3.16 Submission
After going through a major revision, a second revision, and finally a minor revision, only one word was changed.
7.20 Acceptance
The review process was fast, and both the editors and reviewers were very professional and responsible.

cs11 2021-07-30

Old-established journal, overall feeling is good, two reviewers, the reviewers are relatively professional, and the quality of the paper has improved significantly. Received review comments in about a month, given one month for revisions, resubmission after 20 days.

晶经径jingle 2021-06-18

I would like to ask, I submitted an article to this journal and it has been in the "Revision" status for over 10 days after major revisions were made. Could you please tell me what's going on? Is this normal?

苦逼科研汪 2021-06-08

February 28th submission
March 7th review
April 29th minor revisions
May 27th return
June 8th temporarily accepted
Overall feeling is good, the reviewer's suggestions are very fair, added many expressions and tests.

隔壁很辣 2021-05-21

Encountered an irresponsible reviewer, which caused some trouble and delayed some time. Other than that, everything else is pretty good.

晶经径jingle 2021-05-11

May I ask, have you received the review comments for your nanotechnology manuscript? It has been a month and a half since I submitted mine, and it is still in the "Awaiting Referee Reports" status. I am anxious to graduate.

华氏911 2021-05-10

The reviewer is really very professional. It is an old-established journal.

发电动机 2021-04-29

The review process is fast, and the reviewers' opinions are also professional. I received the initial review comments within a month, but due to taking a two-month vacation, I only uploaded the revised manuscript after returning.


The review process is fast, and the reviewers' comments are thoughtful and excellent. The editing process is also fast.
It took one month from submission to acceptance.
Submitted on February 27, 2021.
Accepted on April 1, 2021.

AdamStar 2021-04-01

2021.3.22 Submission
2021.3.30 Review
Waiting for the next steps

小小小小菜鸟 2021-03-25

Mine too, ah. Before, the reviews were done very quickly after submission, but now it has been a week and it is still submitted.

juan8888 2021-03-24

It's been almost 10 days since I submitted, and the online status has been "Submitted" the whole time. Does this mean the editor hasn't processed it yet?

I originally thought this journal would be faster, but the status hasn't changed at all. I don't know what's going on.

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