认证评论 - Nano Research
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ly 2022-12-06

Hello, may I ask if you need to modify it into a template format?

ly 2022-12-06

Hello, do we need to modify it according to the journal template after receiving it?

wm 2022-11-22

Delivered to the editor quickly, and the feedback was given promptly.

zhdx1989 2022-11-11

Submission: 05 September
Minor revisions: 11 October
Returned: 26 October
Pre-acceptance, final revision: 01 November
Accepted: 02 November

难彦之情 2022-11-07

Domestic Conscience Journal, with a submission volume of over 1000 articles in 2022, is not the kind of domestic journal that accepts fewer submissions in order to control scores. I previously submitted to three places but was not successful. After careful revision, I chose Nano Res and eagerly submitted it. I received revision suggestions in just one month, from three reviewers who asked very professional questions. After three weeks of careful revision, the quality of the article has greatly improved. It was accepted within two weeks after resubmission. Fantastic!

月下干饭人 2022-10-23

Reviewed within one week, battery direction.

fang2022 2022-10-20

May I ask how long it takes for the article to be reviewed, and what direction it is in?

月下干饭人 2022-10-19

A lucky submission, the journal is quite efficient. The feedback was received within a month with three reviewers, who didn't raise any major issues. The minor revisions were completed within a month and it was accepted directly a week later. Domestic journals are getting better and better.

SenSor24 2022-10-06

20220701-under review
20220805-1 major revision, 2 minor revisions, editor requested major revision
20220916-under review

无名指的日冕 2022-09-24

May I ask what is the current manuscript number?

月下干饭人 2022-09-14

The paper has been submitted. I heard that the requirements are very high, but the review process is fast. Let's give it a try, maybe we'll hit the jackpot and get some recognition in our own country's journal.

担当 2022-08-30

Received: 29 May 2022
Revised: 25 July 2022
Accepted: 08 August 2022
Available online: 09 August 2022

A conscientious journal with high cost-effectiveness worth investing in. Originally aimed for an AM journal, but decisively submitted here instead.
The editor is very responsible, and the reviewers handle the process very quickly. Submitted in May, received reviewer comments in June, with major revisions requested. Spent a month on revisions and received acceptance two weeks later.

BZJ- 2022-08-02

5.31 submitted
6.01 under review
7.04 Four reviewers all made minor revisions and gave high praise
7.26 submitted
7.31 accept

erchen125 2022-07-27

I was rejected by CEJ when I submitted in April. As graduation approached, I did not submit again. Before starting my job, I switched to Nano Research and submitted on July 23rd. It is still under consideration as of July 27th. Let's wait and see. This is my first time submitting to a domestic journal. Let's see what opportunities arise...

CuC 2022-07-27

7.17 submitted
7.20 with editor
7.27 with editor - only updated the date
Just keep waiting.

STORMJIN 2022-07-19

5.5 Submission, 5.9 Under review, 5.31 Received feedback: 2 minor revisions, 1 rejection, editor gave an opportunity for major revision. 6.25 Submitted revised manuscript, 7.18 Accepted. The reviewer was very professional and the journal handled the manuscript efficiently.

Cactus-Fu 2022-07-14

On July 13th, the first-instance opinion response was received. The reviewer requested minor revisions, but the editor rejected them.

顽石逆天 2022-07-08

Posted on 04.04, it took about a week to send it for review, and less than a month to receive the reviewer's comments. There were two minor revisions, one major revision, and the editor requested a major revision. It took a month to complete the data supplementation and revision. After resubmitting for external review, it took 20 days for all three reviewers to unanimously accept it, on 07, 07. Overall, the speed is relatively fast.

Linshu997 2022-07-05

Very good journal, I hope it continues to improve. Currently, the number of articles published is close to reaching 1k. It is truly a conscientious journal in the domestic scene.

哲大大123 2022-07-02

Borrowing the building to ask if there is any charge for the layout?

菜小白 2022-06-07

The review process was quite fast, taking just over 20 days from submission to receiving feedback. There weren't many comments, so it could have been completed quickly. However, due to being busy for a period of time, I only returned for revisions after a month (although it could have been done within a week at most). The revised version was accepted two days later. The efficiency was very fast.

Cactus-Fu 2022-06-04

2022.5.11 Submission
2022.5.18 Under review
Currently under review, praying.

东东666 2022-05-19

Just submitted, waiting for Ing.

拼嘻嘻 2022-05-17

The larger team's submissions are in line for consideration, while the smaller team has little chance unless their work surpasses an average quality of 60%. In the future, there is no hope for domestic journals.

srf 2022-05-03

Submitted for review two weeks ago, the review process took 40 days. One minor revision and one rejection. The editor gave the rejection, but the feedback provided is not meaningful. They are not part of the community, so in the future, it is better to submit to fair journals.

watermelon粑 2022-04-13

Posted on the 23rd of February, submitted for review on the same day, received reviewer comments after two weeks. Both reviewers accepted the revised version. Editor Li, an academician, requested major revisions with a deadline of one month. The revised manuscript was accepted on the fourth day after resubmission. It was the first submission from our research group, and we appreciate the high efficiency of the journal and the professionalism of the reviewers. Thank you to the editor and the reviewers!

乐天王 2022-03-18

Thank you to the editors and reviewers for their questions and suggestions, which were very professional. I hope to be able to meet them in the future.

cjhhhhh 2022-01-29

王's editing efficiency is super fast.
2021 11 30-2022 01 27
During the master's period, the first paper, first author, and top-tier journal.

lindong 2022-01-28

To be honest, Nano Research is considered a good journal in the field of domestic materials. Although its impact factor is not as high as Sci. Bull. or Nano-Micro Lett., it has a large number of published articles and a good reputation.

一颗大白菜 2021-12-18

I have been working on it for 24 days, and it has just been submitted for review.

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