注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

路口123 2023-06-08

These days, we scientific research migrant workers are just trying to make a living. Of course, whoever gets a better research area or higher funding gets more opportunities. MPP is now ranked as a top-tier journal with a score of 5, so it's not very difficult. It can be said to be a prestigious publication. I accepted an article from MPMI, but to be honest, I regret it a bit.

ccc7777 2023-03-08

If you can't compare, then why don't you try to change the current situation? You can tell others not to submit to this journal, you can try to increase the impact factor of MPMI, and you can ask the Chinese Academy of Sciences to lower the ranking of this magazine. Anyway, I am just a scientific research migrant worker, I can only change what I can change and accept what I can't change.

ccc7777 2023-02-23

If you can't compare, then don't vote. Why compare and compare? Originally, we came here to check the speed of MPP's submission. These people, comparing and comparing, provide no useful information but a bunch of comments on the quality and value of journals.

KKK 2023-01-13

I replied incorrectly. I was replying to that luofeiyu.

YSHEHE 2023-01-12

This is MPP, not MP.

KKK 2023-01-08

The impact factor of this journal is indeed a bit inflated. But if you say it is not even as good as PJ, that's a bit exaggerated.
Except for sub-journals like PNAS, there are not many journals in the field of botany that can compete with MP.

Yousi 2022-12-25

I can't stand these domestic tycoons manipulating the partitions at will. Whatever they feel like promoting or what is "friendly" to the Chinese people (targeted harvesting), they put it in the first partition. MPP can at most match the level of the second or third partition.

林夕 2022-12-23

The laboratory that collaborates with foreign partners to work on RNA viruses mentioned that this journal is a top-tier publication. The other party found it hard to believe and directly said, "Why don't you try MPMI, JV, or RNA first?" I replied, "They are classified into a much lower tier." The expressions of the other party became distorted.

方建 2022-12-22

Many low-quality journals can improve their rankings as long as they are classified under the field of agriculture. Is this fair? Can this magazine compare to MPMI? Absolutely not!

song 2022-12-19

MPP is generally the choice after being rejected by journals such as pp, pj, jvi, and mpmi. This double first zone is unreliable. It is very fantastical to have a separate classification for agricultural and forestry sciences. Journals like jvi and mpmi should not be submitted to non-first zone journals. It's illogical!

luofeiyu 2022-10-18

Only Chinese people will recognize that MP is stronger than PJ and PP in this world. That's why only Chinese people contribute.

Of course, you can also look at it from a different perspective, that MP only publishes articles from Chinese people.

天南海bei 2022-10-15

Oh my, guarding magazines? Haha.
The quality of MP articles far exceeds PJ and PP. If you don't understand, then don't make random comments. Just focus on conducting experiments in your own field.
Take care of your health with the sleep schedule in North America, you're working too hard.
I've been busy lately, so I'll take my leave, bro. Feel free to do as you please.

luofeiyu 2022-10-10

So there really are people who give this magazine a read. All the messages I send are replied to instantly.

MP was never a high-end magazine in Europe and America, otherwise why would it be flooded with Chinese people's comments? When did PCE become a good magazine? Is it just because if came on board? When will the exaggerated style in the domestic scientific research community come to an end?

天南海bei 2022-10-09

"I didn't say that PCE MP is a good magazine, right?" Laughed ?"

luofeiyu 2022-10-09

Unfortunately, foreigners haven't had the opportunity to contribute to such a good magazine. It can be speculated that research in the field of plants in our country has far surpassed that of Europe and America.

By the way, the proportion of Chinese authors in publications is a common standard for evaluating whether a journal is flooded with irrelevant content.

I didn't even say that PCE MP is a good magazine, right? The proportion of Chinese authors in PJ PP is over 70%?

I was scared, so I quickly asked my colleague at UC Davis, and they surprisingly haven't paid much attention to this good magazine. What a pity.

天南海bei 2022-10-05

"What 'magazine level is clear to everyone', do you understand when it comes to pathogenic microorganisms? Apart from several comprehensive top journals in the field of botany, mpp and mpmi are the best journals in the small field of plant disease resistance. Moreover, the quality of papers in mpmi has declined in the past two years, and the industry insiders are well aware of the level of the articles. Do we need an outsider like you to evaluate?"

天南海bei 2022-10-04

Is the high proportion of articles by Chinese people considered to be low-quality publications? Among pj, pce, pp, and mp, which one has a low proportion of articles by Chinese people? Do you really doubt the research level of Chinese people in the field of plants? The quality of mpmi articles is indeed good, far surpassing mpp. Are you joking? You, a specialist in pathogenic microorganisms, are evaluating a plant science journal. Don't you think you are being funny?

luofeiyu 2022-09-30

The latest issue. There are 12 research papers, 8 of which are from Chinese authors. There is also one review article from a Chinese author. I have to say, this is another journal that is "extremely friendly to Chinese authors". The domestic publication rate is 70%. According to the standard that considers a journal as low-quality if Chinese authors contribute more than 30% of the articles, this journal can be considered very low-quality.

luofeiyu 2022-09-29

Many magazines naturally have cross-disciplinary articles, and the Journal of Bacteriology also includes articles on botany. Speaking objectively, everyone is aware of the quality of articles in this journal, so there is no need to debate whether it qualifies as a first-tier journal or not. It is likely to be considered borderline second-tier. Speaking of botany, what tier is MPMI in? It is purely second-tier and not considered top-tier. How many people in the field believe that MPMI is stronger than MPP? The latter is probably completely superior to MPP, right? As someone in North America, I am unfamiliar with the evaluation system in China and find it quite amusing.

天南海bei 2022-09-25

Compare journals in the field of microbiology and plant science. ?

lizeaizsq 2022-09-22

This is a journal of botany. The one you mentioned is microbiology, and the difficulty in doing it is different.

luofeiyu 2022-09-21

This magazine being classified into Zone 1 is somewhat bewildering. The quality of the articles is far different from Zone 1. Some inexplicable articles can even be published. Can't the Chinese Academy of Sciences stop promoting so-called China-friendly magazines to Zone 1? The Journal of Bacteriology is even classified as Zone 3. I am speechless. I doubt that the best article in MPP can even come close to the worst article in the Journal of Bacteriology...

Princess Moon 2022-09-02

2022-2-22 Submission
202-2-26 Find reviewers
2022-3-2 Start reviewing
2022-3-17 Major revision by two reviewers
2022-4-25 Revisions required
2022-5-6 Minor revisions
2022-5-10 Revisions required
2022-5-11 Acceptance
2022-5-25 Proofreading
2022-6-7 Online

GH 2022-08-21

It took 8 months to receive and the reviewers were very professional. Their comments greatly helped improve the quality of the article.
As a long-standing journal in the field of plant disease resistance, it has high requirements.

Eisuke 2022-07-30

March submission, after one major revision and one minor revision, accepted by the end of July.
A very good well-established journal, many influential papers in my field come from here, and the peer review process is also very serious. I hope the journal will continue to improve.

wwkk 2021-10-13

Submitted an article, received it after 5 months, and revised it four times. The requirements were not low and very strict. Hoping the journal will continue to improve.

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