注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

木小白 2021-04-14

The first MSSP, at that time there was no record of the status during the process, so I can only share the records on the manuscript after being accepted, which went through a major revision and a minor revision. The following:
August 9, 2018 - Received submission
March 31, 2019 - Received revised version (second modification)
May 26, 2019 - Accepted
June 4, 2019 - Published online

湾区小霸王 2021-04-02

God in my heart. There are two reviewers, the first one made significant revisions with constructive comments. However, the second reviewer is a professor from some third-rate university (probably his student reviewed it, and he didn't even look at it). The first comment asked to study and cite a self-proclaimed brilliant article by the student. After carefully reading it with a learning attitude, I came to the conclusion: a narrow-minded person! This article is just nonsense and full of spam! MSSP editor should take responsibility for this, and such reviewers should be kicked out of academia sooner.

井晚打老虎2500245760 2021-03-25

How long is your first trial?

小Guan 2021-03-24

Hello, how long after being hired do I start the proofing process?

井晚打老虎2500245760 2021-03-23

Hey, there is still no news.

夏洛不烦恼 2021-03-23

Brother, may I ask if you have any news?

井晚打老虎2500245760 2021-03-18

How many reviewers are there, please?

chmwang 2021-03-17

There is mainly one reviewer who is very slow, but overall the speed is quite fast.

天马 2021-03-12

Civil Engineering Mechanics Field
Submitted on April 15, 2020
First review comments on September 2, 2020 (two reviewers), the comments were very professional, requiring major revisions and adding a lot of content
Returned for revisions on October 28, 2020 after the first review
Second review for revisions on February 28, 2021 (one accepted, one minor revision)
Accepted on March 12, 2021

井晚打老虎2500245760 2021-03-08

It has been almost four months since submission, and it is still under review. It's a bit slow.

小试牛刀123 2021-03-06

Already submitted, one month, still with editor.

王秋实 2021-03-04

I want to ask, can MSSP have dual corresponding authors? When I submitted before, I only wrote one, I don't know if I can add another author during the proofreading process later?

王秋实 2021-03-04

Excuse me, mate. I also received the acceptance notification and wanted to ask if MSSP allows for dual corresponding authors. When I submitted before, I only listed one. I'm not sure if I can add another author during the proofreading stage.

王秋实 2021-03-04

Bro, my paper has been revised and now the status is "Required Reviews Completed". What does it mean? Can it be submitted?

Dondo 2021-02-23

It has been three months under review, if there is no result, I will not be able to graduate.

小学渣 2021-01-25

The text "我四月投的依然在外审" translates to "The application I submitted in April is still under review."

乌龟压死猪 2021-01-25

Posted on September 30, 2020, with two interactions with the editor within a week. It has been almost two months since it was submitted for review, and currently, it is still under review.

千里独行 2021-01-22

Originally, the Chinese Academy of Sciences Basic Edition was already a good level 2 area, right?

小臭臭 2021-01-22

Just hired an article and found out that the journal has been downgraded to the second tier of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

小学渣 2021-01-21

No progress, I just followed up last month, but it was still useless.

尨龙 2021-01-20

What was the result, buddy?

尨龙 2021-01-20

It has been nearly two months since the submission, and the editor invited me. Despite reminding multiple times, it remains the same. I am speechless.

Gavintao 2021-01-11

It has been less than a month since I submitted the application, and the decision is currently in process. Based on the comments I have seen online, it seems like I have been rejected directly. I feel very sad.

小学渣 2021-01-09

It has been eight months since submission, and it is still under external review. Will urging for manuscript submission have any effect?

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