注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

飞飞戴安娜 2022-11-11

My car has been under major repair and has been stuck. They say it's because the previous reviewer never accepted the review invitation. Is yours the same?

YYY924 2022-11-10

Already under review for more than 4 months, don't know what the situation is, it has never taken this long before.

YYY924 2022-11-10

2022.06.30 - Submitted to Journal
2022.07.02 - With Editor
2022.07.11 - Under Review


2022.06.30 - Submitted to Journal
2022.07.02 - With Editor
2022.07.11 - Under Review

ycsycs 2022-11-10

It has been 9 months since the submission, and it has been almost 3 months since the major revision. The longer the time, the more uncertain I feel in my heart. Sigh.

Onlyou_li 2022-10-12

My document has been stuck in "required reviews completed" for several days now. It has been over four months since I submitted it, and I don't know when I will receive the initial review result.

hhhc 2022-09-27

My card has also been stuck at "required reviews completed" for 10 days already.

hhjhgh 2022-09-25

Is it normal for the first-instance required reviews to be completed for over a month?

dyen0019 2022-09-22

20220731 Submitted
20220731-20220810 under review
20220811-20220819 with editor
20220819-20220820 editor invited
20220820---- under review

First submission, related to concrete stress waves, hoping for good news.

ycsycs 2022-09-08

20220204 submit - Submitted on February 4, 2022
20220718 major revision - Major revision on July 18, 2022
20220817 revise submit - Revised and resubmitted on August 17, 2022
目前 under review,现在已经7个月了,不知道最终结果会是什么样 - Currently under review for 7 months, unsure what the final outcome will be like.

山野 2022-09-07

Will I receive an email with the article number after submitting the manuscript? I haven't received it, but the current status shows "with editor."

安静 2022-09-03

2022 02 24 Submitted to Journal
2022 02 28 With Editor
2022 04 05 Editor invited
2022 04 06 With Editor
2022 04 09 Under Review
2022 04 24 One completed
2022 05 01 Required Reviews Completed
2022 05 09 Reject

First submission, in the field of mechanical engineering. Didn't expect it to undergo peer review, but the review process was fast. There were a total of three reviewers, and two of them were very professional. Although it was rejected, the comments provided were highly informative and valuable for future work. They were of great assistance.

Tim Luo 2022-09-03

I have been waiting for 7 days and there's still no news. I haven't received any feedback on my first revised draft yet.

超师傅 2022-08-25

Can I add you on WeChat and have a chat about it?

飞飞戴安娜 2022-08-24

Okay, thank you, brother.

飞飞戴安娜 2022-08-24

2022.07.10 Submitted
2022.07.13 With Editor
2022.08.15 Editor Invited
2022.08.29 Under Review
2022.10.06 Required Reviews Completed
2022.10.06 Major Revision
2022.11.03 With Editor
2022.11.03 Editor Invited
2022.11.03 Under Review
2023.02.06 Accept
First review with two reviewers, the contact with one of the reviewers was lost during the second review, leading to several changes of reviewers. Eventually, two comments were received during the second review, and the paper was directly accepted.

瞅瞅哪个能投 2022-08-24

The text translates to: "The status display 'Editor Declined Invitation' means that the associate editor has declined the invitation to review. Usually, the editor will invite a new associate editor. This is how it happened to me. Yours should be that you have already found an associate editor, but it has not been sent for review yet."

断电温馨提示 2022-08-24

Sharing the submission process:
Submitted on 0427
With editor on 0428
Under review on 0503
Major revision on 0604
Revised and submitted on 0629
Under review on 0704
Major revision on 0805
Revised and submitted on 0813
Under review on 0821
Accepted on 0822

It took almost 4 months in total, which is not too slow for an engineering paper. There were three reviewers, and their suggestions greatly improved the article. I'm not sure how much longer it will take online, but I'm still happy. I wish the journal continued success.

飞飞戴安娜 2022-08-23

Dude, how do you see the rejection of the deputy editor assignment? I have been waiting for Editor Invited for half a month now, and I am starting to suspect if there is no editor available.

超师傅 2022-08-23

What was the final result for you? My appearance required a review and it has been ongoing for 4 days.

瞅瞅哪个能投 2022-08-23

Submitted on May 25th;
The assigned associate editor was rejected in the early stage and it was delayed until around June 11th before an associate editor accepted the review and successfully submitted it for review;
Reviewed on July 7th, two reviewers, minor revisions from one and direct acceptance from the other, ultimately the associate editor chose the minor revisions;
Revised on July 11th;
Accepted on August 22nd.

Tim Luo 2022-08-18

How is it now?

Tim Luo 2022-08-15

However, when the second submission was made, it took two months with the editor and over two months under review, and there has been no progress as of now.

Tim Luo 2022-08-15

After the submission was rejected, it is suggested to make revisions. The revision process took about a month, resulting in major revisions. After three rounds of major revisions, it took approximately a total of 2 months to be accepted. The reviewer's impression was very positive, and it received direct acceptance recommended by an academician. Overall, it was of great help and the quality of the paper has been greatly improved.

飞飞戴安娜 2022-08-05

The text translates to: "I submitted the manuscript on October 7th. It has been almost a month with the editor. When will it finally be sent for review? It's too slow, I'm so worried."

小贱爹 2022-07-22

From submission to acceptance, it took a total of three months. I feel very lucky that I finally made it to the top in one district.

penglle 2022-07-14

This is my first time submitting to this magazine. I wrote about mechanical vibration. I submitted it on July 30th, 21 and went through three rounds of review. It was finally accepted on July 5th, 22. The process was quite lengthy.

水利学渣 2022-07-13

Very efficient journal

机械振动 2022-06-28

The top journal in the field of mechanics, published a new impact factor of 8.934 on June 28, 2022, shedding several layers of skin.

MMM 2022-06-27

0616 2022 With editor
0715 2022 Editor invited
0727 2022 Under Review
0916 2022 Major Revision
1024 2022 Minor Revision
1101 2022 Accepted


June 16, 2022 - With editor
July 15, 2022 - Editor invited
July 27, 2022 - Under Review
September 16, 2022 - Major Revision
October 24, 2022 - Minor Revision
November 1, 2022 - Accepted

LANIAKEA 2022-06-12

There is simulation and experimentation.

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