注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

112356 2023-08-08

Hello, how much is the review fee?

东川混江龙 2023-08-08

No difference. It can be anonymous or real-name. If the school is good and the mentor is excellent, you can choose to remain anonymous, but you may encounter acquaintances. If the school is not good, you can choose double anonymity to avoid discriminatory submissions.

方舟 2023-08-07

Is there a difference between single anonymity and double anonymity?

方舟 2023-08-07

Is there no difference between submitting this double anonymous and single anonymous?

Kevinlee 2023-08-05

May I ask if you were given a copyright agreement before being hired?

Kevinlee 2023-08-05

There is something inside the guideline.

Kevinlee 2023-08-05

When making repairs, make modifications within the document and then submit for revision. In the revision, include a column for author information and make edits simultaneously.

可怜的豆豆 2023-08-04

2023-5-17 submission.
2023-6-13 major revisions.
2023-7-9 resubmission.
2023-7-21 moderate revisions.
2023-7-31 resubmission.
2023-8-4 previous accept.

The review process was fast, and most of the expert suggestions were fair. I hope the journal continues to improve!

点云菜鸟 2023-08-04

Please ask the experts how to modify the author's affiliation information in the submitted revised manuscript.

方舟 2023-08-04

Where can I find a thesis template?

点云菜鸟 2023-08-04

I just finished revising. Isn't it to create a revision and then submit it?

accept~~~ 2023-08-03

Hello, where should I upload the reply letter when submitting the revised manuscript? Should the reply letter be in PDF or Word format? Thank you for your response.

accept~~~ 2023-08-03

Hello, where should I upload the reply letter when submitting the revised manuscript? Should the reply letter be in PDF or Word format? Thank you for your response.

accept~~~ 2023-08-03

Hello, where should I upload the reply letter when submitting the revised manuscript? Should the reply letter be in PDF or Word format? Thank you for your response!

accept~~~ 2023-08-03

Hello, where should I upload the reply letter when submitting the revised manuscript? Should the reply letter be in PDF or Word format? Thank you for your response.

accept~~~ 2023-08-03

Hello, where should I upload the reply letter when submitting the revised manuscript? Should the reply letter be in PDF or Word format? Thank you for your response!

accept~~~ 2023-08-03

Hello, where should I upload the reply letter when submitting the revised manuscript? Should the reply letter be in PDF or Word format? Thank you for answering.

肥胖叫兽 2023-08-02

Send the revised draft to the reviewer on August 2, 2023.

肥胖叫兽 2023-08-02

2023.8.2 Revised draft sent back to the reviewer.

qpzm1234 2023-08-01

In the final editing process, please consider the multidisciplinary scope of this journal and include an introduction to your work that clearly explains the originality, importance, and broader applicability of your research in the field of measurement. Also, make sure to reference relevant literature in the field of measurement science.

线积分 2023-08-01

2023.6.20 Submission
2023.6.22 Editing and Review
2023.6.24 Searching for Reviewers
2023.7.1 Reviewers start reviewing
2023.7.14 Searching for Reviewers
2023.7.18 Reviewers start reviewing
2023.7.31 Review feedback received: One rejection, one major revision suggested, Editor gave a major revision (2-week revision time)

H.X.-zhang 2023-07-31

Hello! May I ask if the email you use to communicate with the editor is mst@ioppublishing.org? I sent a message to this email but haven't received any response for a week. Looking forward to your reply! Thank you!

H.X.-zhang 2023-07-31

Hello, did you receive the edited email after submitting the application form? I also encountered the submission of the application form and supporting materials. I didn't receive a reply after sending the email. Looking forward to your reply. Thank you.

H.X.-zhang 2023-07-31

Hello, may I ask if the email you sent is mst@ioppublishing.org? I haven't received a reply after sending it for a week. I wonder what the reason could be?

H.X.-zhang 2023-07-31

During the process of major revisions, I also added the author. After submitting the revised draft, I received a reply on the same day requesting me to submit an application form. After I submitted it, I received another reply on the same day requesting additional evidence of author's correspondence. After I submitted the evidence on the same day, I have not received any emails in the past week. May I ask if you received the email at that time? Looking forward to your reply! Thank you!

肥胖叫兽 2023-07-30

6.26 Submission
6.28 First reviewer starts reviewing
7.19 Moderate revision
7.30 Revised manuscript submission

求accept... 2023-07-30

The first reviewer started reviewing on July 30, 2023.

七陌 2023-07-30

Originally, it is a third-tier district, and most of them are looking at the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

清风明月 2023-07-27

The JCR partition that was updated on the 26th of last month has now become two triple areas. Family members, does anyone understand?

清风明月 2023-07-27

Find the email of the corresponding author, submit the copyright, and then officially accept it. Congratulations, congratulations.

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