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Azzzzzz 2023-03-30

Is that announcement meant to remind new authors of their submissions?
I've been with the editor for over a month now, and even after sending a reminder letter, they haven't responded. I also recommended a reviewer for editing, but they haven't sent it for review. I wonder what the editor is hesitating about.

烟火而居 2023-03-30

@Azzzzzz, what file did you submit at that time? Recently, when I logged in to the submission website, I found an Announcement, and the content is x.

Please be aware that PDF builds are currently taking longer than usual. Your PDF request is queued and will build in the order received. Aries technical teams are aware of the issue and monitoring performance.

I feel a bit uneasy because my submission has already been reviewed by one height expert, and it has been a month now, but there is still no news about the second and third ones.

BUAACQ 2023-03-29

At that time, it took at least a month for the editing process to be completed. I can't remember the details clearly, but there is a link to check the status of the article. Both the editing and review processes were very slow.

Azzzzzz 2023-03-29

May I ask how long the original poster was with the editor at that time?

Azzzzzz 2023-03-29

It's been a long time with the editor, no updates.

BUAACQ 2023-03-28

2022-08-27 submitted
2022-11-20 major revision (Three reviewers, a total of more than twenty questions, two accepted after answering the questions, while one gave a rejection)
2023-01-20 major revision (Two reviewers who asked questions last time accepted, while the reviewer who rejected last time showed a noticeably softer attitude)
2023-02-14 submitted revision-2
2023-02-20 Under review
2023-03-8 accept review invitation
2023-03-25 accept
It took a long time, and the waiting process was quite frustrating.

赵晓艳zhaoxiaoyan 2023-03-27

The time from submission to acceptance lasted for about 8 months, for reference.

Arry12138 2023-03-25

The speed is very fast. It was submitted at the end of November 2022. It received major revisions in early January 2023 and was resubmitted after two weeks of modifications. It was accepted in early February 2023.

seasdrz 2023-03-24

How to check the review status of Measurement?

sdzqb 2023-03-24

I have been submitting for a month, but still with an editor, painful...

sdzqb 2023-03-24

I have been submitting for a month, but still with the editor. It's too painful.

棒棒来冲浪 2023-03-24

The editor is Luca De Vito, Ph.D.

棒棒来冲浪 2023-03-24

What a trashy journal! It took eight months to submit and went through three reviews. They kept looking for new reviewers and finally found one. The reviewer agreed to review it, but hasn't provided any feedback for over 20 days.

吾日三省吾身 2023-03-23

May I ask who your chief editor is?

passenger-L 2023-03-21

Who is your editor-in-chief?

按期毕业 2023-03-20

You are so fast!

SkyeHan 2023-03-20

2023-01-16 submitted
2023-01-23 under review (2+)
2023-02-02 under review (R1 submitted)
2023-02-11 under review (R2 submitted)
2023-02-19 review required completed (R3 submitted)
2023-02-20 Major Revision (20 days to revise)
2023-03-02 submitted
2023-03-05 under review (2+)
2023-03-07 under review (R1 submitted)
2023-03-08 under review (R2 submitted)
2023-03-15 review required completed (R3 submitted)
2023-03-16 Accept with Minor Revision (2 weeks to revise)
2023-03-17 submitted
2023-03-20 Accept

烟火而居 2023-03-18

I am currently a peer reviewer and finished reviewing. I am now waiting for the second peer reviewer. Currently, the status is 1, 2+, 2+. I feel anxious and worried that my work may be rejected after three months.

大鱼西 2023-03-14

Is it usually immediately considered as "required reviews completed" after the second reviewer's opinion comes back?

棒棒来冲浪 2023-03-13

So you create a group for balls.

zhoulalala 2023-03-13

Do we want to set up a group chat? We can communicate with each other regularly. I noticed that recently, the classmates who joined said it's slow.

zhoulalala 2023-03-13

The outcome is still uncertain, it has been over two weeks since submission, currently with editor.

棒棒来冲浪 2023-03-12

The original reviewer, but there may be cases where someone runs away without reviewing, so if there is one less editor, a new one will be invited. If the editor requests a resubmission, the rejected manuscript needs to answer the questions raised by the first reviewer.

wentixv 2023-03-11

Is it a priority for the original reviewer to review the post again when the original poster resubmits it? Should the original poster only look for other reviewers if the original ones do not review it? Was the original poster rejected but the editor suggested a resubmission?

烟火而居 2023-03-11

@whiwnl Is the link for track submissions supposed to be found in the email of the corresponding author?

s_u 2023-03-10

@烽火而居 I sent an email and at that time it was said that I had to wait for another one. In the blink of an eye, half a month has passed. The reviewers are inviting many for the first time in waves, and it seems that they are sending invitations in groups of three.

烟火而居 2023-03-09

@s_u, have you edited it? Why am I feeling scared now? Although I have only submitted my work for 50 days, I mainly want to know if the reviewers are invited together or if one finishes reviewing, another is invited. This is too agonizing. Let's cheer each other on!

s_u 2023-03-09

Forgot to mention that I have been waiting for five months and still haven't received a reply.

ZZT123 2023-03-09

I also didn't go to see, most likely it was that French editor, not inviting the reviewers.

s_u 2023-03-09

I have been waiting for five months, with no end in sight. The key issue is that I still don't know which editor.

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