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HCFDer 2021-12-25

The journal is a better journal in the field of measurement. The review comments improve the paper, and the speed is also acceptable.

ArvinLi 2021-12-23

9.16 Submit
10.31 Repair request for major repairs
11.20 Give a 3-week deadline for revisions
12.04 Acceptance
12.10 Online

Fast is really fast, it seems like the system has a mandatory review period, and no matter how extensive the revisions are, the deadline is always 3 weeks. So the review process is quick.
Harsh is also really harsh, out of the 9 reviewers, two of them should have finished their reviews by now but haven't provided any feedback. The other 7 reviewers have given a lot of feedback, basically overhauling the data and content. All of this within 20 days, it feels like being skinned alive.


10.01 submission
11.21 major revision (regarding industrial defect detection, three reviewers, one acceptance, one minor revision, one major revision, editor assigned major revision)
12.11 acceptance

笨笨强 2021-12-15

12.3.2021 Major revision (4 reviewers, 17 comments)
12.15.2021 Revision Submitted to Journal

OAM小白 2021-12-10

10.6 Submission
11.08 Major revision, 4 reviewers, their comments are very fair and good.
11.23 Resubmitted after making revisions.
12.10 Accepted.

固执的7-11 2021-12-10

Submitted on September 13, 2021; Received revised version on November 1, 2021; Accepted on November 22, 2021. Didn't expect it to be this quick!

Wade 2021-12-07

This article was previously submitted to Geomatics & Natural Hazards & Risk (IF=3.52 Q3) and was rejected after the second review (submission process took 5 months). The editor stated that the manuscript did not align with the journal's requirements. Immediately after, it was submitted to Measurement. The article was submitted in October, underwent major revisions in November (deadline for resubmission was November 25, 2021), and was accepted in November after review. The proof was received in early December. It feels like this journal has a particularly fast speed, and the reviewer's comments were also very professional. Here is the timeline of my submission to the journal Measurement:

Oct 12, 2021 - Submitted to Journal
Oct 14, 2021 - With Editor
Oct 19, 2021 - Under Review
Nov 4, 2021 - Major Revision (deadline for resubmission was Nov 25, 2021)
Nov 16, 2021 - Revision Submitted to Journal
Nov 18, 2021 - With Editor
Nov 21, 2021 - Under Review
Nov 28, 2021 - Accepted
Dec 3, 2021 - Proof

笨笨强 2021-11-28

9.22.2021 Submitted to Journal
9.27.2021 With editor
10.3.2021 Under Review
11.14.2021 Required Review Completed
11.17.2021 Decision in Process

candyone 2021-11-24

Posted on July 23rd, rejected in the first review on November 24th.
For the specific scenario study I conducted, I received the comment: "You cannot prove effectiveness on other datasets based solely on this dataset. Does this mean I have to experiment with all the datasets available on the market?"

sankingvenice 2021-11-21

A fast-paced journal, submission deadline in August, went through two rounds of revisions, totaling three months, with three reviewers whose feedback greatly improved the article. Hope the journal continues to thrive.

KK11 2021-11-21

Famous mainstream international journals in the field of engineering have very high quality requirements for articles, and their impact factors are increasing year by year. The editors and each reviewer are very responsible, and the suggestions given by the three reviewers are very professional and very critical. The quality of the article has been substantially improved through revisions. It is great to see that innovative research can be recognized by the journal!

cchengg 2021-11-17

Received on November 16, 2021.
Very efficient!

mingyunjianshu 2021-11-15

Articles related to measurement models for submission. Submitted in late August, accepted on November 15th, with two rounds of revisions. The first round took less than a month and a half, with three reviewers providing a total of 30 comments, including one minor revision and two major revisions. The second round took half a month and resulted in six comments. After replying to the comments, the article was directly accepted within a week. Overall, the efficiency was very high.

Jason Wang 2021-11-13

First article content on internal ballistic calculation of large-caliber weapon systems: Summary of the application of a small team's achievements at a certain stage.
Due to the limitations of the research direction, there were many twists and turns during the submission period...
Submitted on August 28, 2021
Sent for review on September 6, 2021
Accepted after minor revisions on October 30, 2021 (Two reviewers: one suggested direct acceptance, while the other raised 21 questions and recommended acceptance after minor revisions)
Returned on November 8, 2021
Accepted on November 12, 2021

cchengg 2021-11-09

2021.9.9 submitted
2021.9.12 with editor
2021.10.4 under review
2021.10.22 required reviews completed
2021.10.28 accept with minor revision
2021.11.9 revision submitted to journal

Translated into English:

September 9, 2021: Submitted
September 12, 2021: With editor
October 4, 2021: Under review
October 22, 2021: Required reviews completed
October 28, 2021: Accepted with minor revision
November 9, 2021: Revision submitted to journal

sochi 2021-11-03

Do you have a template for mesaurment? The one I downloaded from the official website is in Latex or single column format.

cchengg 2021-10-28

2021.9.9 submitted
2021.9.12 with editor
2021.10.4 under review
2021.10.22 required reviews completed
2021.10.28 accept with minor revision


2021.9.9 submitted
2021.9.12 with editor
2021.10.4 under review
2021.10.22 required reviews completed
2021.10.28 accepted with minor revision

啊哦 2021-10-27

Has the status of your paper changed?

蛋蛋鸭 2021-10-23

Aug 05, 2021 Submit
Oct 21, 2021 Accept
During the two major revisions, there were a total of 57 suggestions in the first round, and in the second round, only the formatting was allowed to be modified.

cchengg 2021-10-22

2021.9.9 submitted
2021.9.12 with editor
2021.10.4 under review
2021.10.22 Required Reviews Completed

Tomorrower 2021-10-19

Received 13 June 2021;
Received in revised form 18 August 2021;
Accepted 19 September 2021

Vivi666 2021-10-11

Journal Submission Record:
2021.2.12 Submission
2021.6.21 First review feedback: 3 reviewers, 2 with no comments, 1 with 2 points of feedback, editor requested major revisions, 20 days given for modification
2021.7.11 First revision submitted
2021.8.28 Second review feedback: 1 reviewer agreed, 1 with 4 points of feedback, editor requested major revisions, 20 days given for modification
2021.9.17 Second revision submitted
2021.9.19 With Editor
2021.9.24 Under review
2021.10.10 Accepted

This timeline is provided for reference. Overall, the experience was very good. The editor and reviewers were responsible! The process was slightly slower than expected, but the outcome was excellent and satisfying. Thanks to the editor and reviewers.

Vivi666 2021-10-11

Very good journal! The editors and reviewers are very responsible!

jqp 2021-10-10

Anyway, it's quite complicated. The first submission had eight reviewers, some good and some bad. The editor rejected it and asked for a resubmission. The revision comments were written in more than 20 pages. When I submitted it again, two reviewers were replaced, making a total of six reviewers. Again, some were good and some were bad. They suggested major revisions, but then I had to revert those revisions. And then, another reviewer was changed? Finally, they asked for minor revisions. I still don't understand why the reviewers kept changing.

cchengg 2021-10-05

2021.9.9 submitted
2021.9.12 with editor
2021.10.4 under review

2021.9.9 submitted
2021.9.12 with editor
2021.10.4 under review

里先森 2021-09-29

Received at Editorial Office: 24 Jul 2021
Article revised: 28 Aug 2021
Article accepted for publication: 17 Sep 2021

After one month of submission, the editor provided extensive revisions and there were around 20 comments from three reviewers, which greatly helped improve the article. The only challenge was the tight deadline for the revised manuscript, as the editor requested it to be returned within two weeks, and the reviewers requested additional experiments. After submitting the revised manuscript, it was accepted approximately two weeks later. The reviewers' comments in this journal were very insightful, and I highly recommend submitting articles to it.

PNTlab 2021-09-27

Will it not be rejected if it is accepted with minor revisions? It has been six months already, and I am afraid.

山320 2021-09-15

3.30 Submission
5.15 Major revision (six reviewers)
6.28 Major revision (two unsatisfactory comments from one reviewer)
8.10 Major revision (one additional reviewer added)
9.15 Acceptance

This submission and revision experience was truly unforgettable, as it was filled with various setbacks. The first submission was reviewed by six reviewers, among whom two had no suggestions for acceptance, while the other four provided some suggestions that were generally favorable, leading to a major revision requested by the editor. In the second submission, two questions from one reviewer were not passed, resulting in another major revision requested by the editor. Before the third submission, none of the original six reviewers had any further comments and suggested acceptance, making us think that there wouldn't be any issues. However, for unknown reasons, a seventh reviewer was added, whose comments were slightly negative, leading to another major revision. It felt like everything was about to collapse. We diligently worked on the revisions for half a month, making modifications and providing responses (although some suggestions were not modified, we provided sincere explanations, as it seemed that the reviewers did not fully understand certain aspects).

Overall, the speed of this submission process was relatively fast, and we grew a lot through the revision process. We are grateful to the journal and all the reviewers.

347 2021-09-06

Hello, how long does it usually take for proofreading?

秋风暖暖 2021-09-05

May I ask how long it takes for you to complete the review after your minor revisions?

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