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独木舟* 2022-06-20

The host is so fast. There were comments from the reviewers just one day after the editor finished reviewing. I submitted my paper on May 10th, got it with the editor on May 16th, and it went under review on May 17th. It changed a few times in between. On June 13th, the required reviewers completed their reviews. Then, on June 16th, the status changed again. It has been a week now, and there is still no news. I am quite anxious...

CJ111 2022-06-19

Translation: Everyone else in the group is fast, but I encountered this French editor who delayed my submission for a month and then rejected it when I reminded him. It's extremely frustrating. I recommend pushing him for updates or withdrawing the submission if you encounter him.

我是一个小学生i 2022-06-19

May 5, 2022, submitted
May 18, 2022, under review
It has been over a month, no changes.

YUANYUAN1231 2022-06-16

2022.06.16 under review translates to "Under review on June 16, 2022" in English.

海阔天空 2022-06-16

The review process took nearly four months and was rejected. One reviewer's opinion was that it lacked significant innovation and should not be published. After almost four months of review, it was rejected for not having significant innovation. Who would still submit here if they had "significant innovation"? Speaking objectively, who can have significant innovation in measurement? Isn't it all just technical improvements and applications? I suspect this reviewer didn't even understand the article. If they could provide some substantial feedback, I would accept it, but they didn't offer any substantial suggestions. It's really a waste of time, delaying me for four months. I strongly advise those who are in a hurry to graduate not to submit to this journal.

YUANYUAN1231 2022-06-16

Comparing the time with the editor, look at the reviewer.

YUANYUAN1231 2022-06-16

2022.06.11 Avec éditeur

2022.06.11 With editor

小熊饼干的碎片 2022-06-16

Why am I still "with editor" after more than a month of submission? What should I do in this situation? Why is this journal so slow?

棒棒来冲浪 2022-06-16

Same question, when will this status be updated?

awesome1111 2022-06-14

Does all authors' confirmation needed before it is submitted to the editor? How long does the "Submitted to Journal" process usually take?

Z_really 2022-06-13

The first review took over three months. It has been almost two months since the second review, and there is still no reply. Why is this journal so slow now? Or am I just dealing with the slowest editor and reviewers? How long is the time given to reviewers for the second review in this journal? It took one week for the second review to be submitted with the editor. And then another week passed before it went under review. It was under review on 5.12 and it is still under review now. I am really frustrated. If there are a few more rounds of revisions, the submission cycle will take up to a year.

YUANYUAN1231 2022-06-12

2022.6.11 revisions submitted to journal translates to "Revisions submitted to journal on June 11, 2022."

RWZB 2022-06-11

Update the status:
On May 10th, an associate editor was assigned.
Around mid-May, it was sent for external review. The experts reviewed it quite quickly, and the status was visible throughout the entire process.
On June 7th, the required reviewers completed their review.
On June 7th, the decision is in process.
On June 10th, it was accepted.
Although it was slow, it was still accepted. Luckily, the experts encountered were all very kind.

我要发SCIE 2022-06-10

Already submitted for 10 days, still with editor, not sure what is going on.

菜鸡就是me 2022-06-10

Is one week long enough for the revision submission to the journal?

萝卜君 2022-06-09

I am also resubmitting after making changes. I am overwhelmed.

DavidWang 2022-06-09

Excuse me, is there any news now?

lovage 2022-06-07

Re-record the submission process:

2022.03.16 submitted
2022.03.17 with editor
2022.03.26 under review
2022.04.03 under review
2022.04.15 decision in process
2022.04.18 major revision
2022.05.17 revision submitted to journal
2022.05.22 with editor
2022.05.26 under review
2022.06.06 decision in process
2022.06.06 accept

The reviewers' comments were very professional, and the editor was very supportive. It took only two and a half months for the paper to be accepted, including almost a month of my own revisions. The journal was very nice, and the process was speedy.

唐人 2022-06-06

2022.6.6 reject translates to "June 6, 2022 reject" in English.

唐人 2022-06-06

2022.06.06 reject (translation: reject)

Airwaves 2022-06-06

2022.03.03 Submitted to Journal
2022.03.03 With Editor
2022.03.15 Under Review
2022.04.05 Decision in Process
2022.04.08 Major Revision
2022.04.27 Revision Submitted to Journal
2022.04.30 With Editor
2022.04.30 Under Review
2022.05.08 Decision in Process
2022.05.10 Major Revision (still given major revision)
2022.05.12 Revision Submitted to Journal
2022.05.18 With editor
2022.05.21 Under Review
2022.06.05 Accept
The reviewer's comments were very professional, and the two major revisions felt like a significant improvement. The editor was very efficient, as the manuscript was sent for review within a span of two to three days after being assigned to the editor.

bakehuoen 2022-06-06

May 21, 2022: Submitted another article, less than a month after the previous one. The PDF number shows a difference of 1700 between the two.

May 26, 2022: The second article was submitted with the editor, and the paper number differs by 700.

June 5, 2022: Feedback on the second article, a new editor was assigned, and it is currently under review. The process is slower compared to the first article.

June 6, 2022: Inquired through the website https://service.elsevier.com/app/chat/chat_launch/supporthub/publishing/#opennewwindow. The first article had four reviewers, with two of them completing their review and two still in the process. The second article had two reviewers invited to review.

我是一个小学生i 2022-06-06

Ummm, since my 5.18 under review until now, there have been no changes. May I ask what's going on?

我是一个小学生i 2022-06-06

Since 5.18 under review, there have been no changes up until now. May I ask what's going on?

井晚打老虎2500245760 2022-06-06

The review is complete, and the editor is about to make a decision.

井晚打老虎2500245760 2022-06-06

The review is completed, the editor is about to make a decision.

Xie 2022-06-04

What does this mean?

a斗 2022-06-01

5.11 submit; 5.16 with editor; 5.20 under review; 5.25 under review; 5.29 under review; 5.31 under review; The continuous updates under review have caused frustration.

YUANYUAN1231 2022-05-30

@zzy_zzy123, May 27, 2022. Major revision. The first reviewer has 14 minor issues. The second reviewer has format and grammar problems. The third reviewer accepted it directly. I might be lucky to receive the results the next day. Some people have to wait for a week with the editor, but it's also normal.

YUANYUAN1231 2022-05-30

@zzy_zzy123 2022.05.27 major revision, the first reviewer has 14 minor questions, the second reviewer mentioned formatting and grammar issues, and the third reviewer accepted it directly. I might be lucky as I received the result the next day. Some people may have to wait for a week in the editor's hands, but it's also normal.

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