注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

潇洒哥 2022-10-24

I later submitted to OLEN and it is now under review. I have followed up twice, but the editor may have gotten annoyed and rejected me.

浑水摸鱼打老虎 2022-10-23

Today is still with the editor, tomorrow I will seek customer service for consultation.

Onlyou_li 2022-10-23

Hello, may I ask if you would like to switch to the "Measurement" template for your submission, or continue using the previous journal template? Also, I would like to ask if you prefer to highlight the revisions in red on the original document or explain them in the response to the reviewer's comments. Thank you so much!

ZZT123 2022-10-22

Hello, how can I contact customer service?

baladashi 2022-10-22

October 20th, review invitations accepted: 2
October 21st, review invitations accepted: 2+

我要发SCIE 2022-10-22

20221022 accept, good luck to everyone.

Mchen 2022-10-19

I found the customer service and learned that only 2 review comments were returned and there are no other active reviewers. It has been 9 months since my manuscript was reviewed and I couldn't find anyone. I emailed the editor and asked if the decision could be made based on the 2 review comments. Perhaps both of the review comments returned are quite positive, and the editor accepted minor revisions. I think I can try recommending some more review experts to the editor.

SF221 2022-10-18

Can I say congratulations? (laughs) It's even harder to endure the approval process. (cries)

SF221 2022-10-17

I would like to ask everyone, what does it mean when the dates under the "under review" stage keep changing frequently? Does it mean that there have been comments returned? My "Reviews completed" count has always been 0 and hasn't changed, but the dates keep changing frequently...

SF221 2022-10-17

Ah, the people waiting are all numb.

棒棒来冲浪 2022-10-17

I received three reviewers upon the first submission. Two of them suggested revisions and one rejected the manuscript. The editor provided a rejection with resubmission option, so I resubmitted it. However, one reviewer disappeared and the other two provided feedback and comments. Until now, I have been unable to locate the third reviewer, causing a delay in the process.

SF221 2022-10-17

Do we really need three reviewers?... Up until now, I have only received two expert reviews... I have been waiting for three months.

Mchen 2022-10-17

It's not too bad to have a holiday break. However, it's really troublesome to find reviewers. I asked customer service and they said that at least three opinions from reviewers are needed for a final decision. But in the end, there were only two. I had to send an email to remind the editor, and only then did he make a decision.

It would be better if some recommended reviewers are available, but I'm worried that he won't use the ones you recommend.

盖世dj 2022-10-16

2022.9.24 Delivered
2022.9.26 With editor
2022.10.6 Under review
2022.10.16 Under review
2022.11.15 Under review
2022.11.26 Under review

棒棒来冲浪 2022-10-16

The time displayed on the hired article may not necessarily be accurate. In my case, it was rejected and resubmitted, which means the time for the first round of review was not counted. This journal is indeed very slow, and it has been difficult to find reviewers. Also, it feels like the editor is frequently on vacation, only working for those two days in a month.

浑水摸鱼打老虎 2022-10-14

There is still no change in status this Friday.

Mchen 2022-10-13

The manuscript was submitted on December 7th, 21. Two weeks later, it went under review and remained under review ever since. The duration of the review process changed three times during this period, primarily due to difficulty in finding reviewers.

One reminder email was sent in the meantime. There was a response to the first reminder, but no response to the second one. Around September 10th, 22, the manuscript was accepted with minor revisions. In the end, only two review comments were provided, both addressing minor issues and requesting modifications to the abstract and title. There were no concerns regarding the main theme of the article. The process took nearly 10 months, which was indeed quite slow. When submitting to this journal, it might be helpful to refer to the review speed of articles in the same field, as the submission and acceptance dates are usually mentioned on the article's homepage.

SF221 2022-10-12

I now belong to the category where the date keeps changing, but there is no expert to complete the review... I feel so uncomfortable.

不会火拳的艾斯 2022-10-12

It's very torturous. Several times during the review process, the status remains unchanged but the dates get updated. There were a few times when I wanted to withdraw the submission. If it's for graduation purposes, I advise being cautious.

我要发SCIE 2022-10-12

10.6 - Reviews completed
10.8 - Decision in process
10.10 - Accepted after minor revision
10.12 - Revised

浑水摸鱼打老虎 2022-10-12

Can it be assumed as an automatic rejection if it exceeds 5 weeks? It's time to submit to another journal.

浑水摸鱼打老虎 2022-10-12

Does exceeding 5 weeks mean automatic rejection? Can I submit to another journal now?

苦逼科研狗 2022-10-12

2020.06.4 submit to - Submitted on June 4, 2020
2020.06.9 with editor - Under review by the editor on June 9, 2020
2022.6.14 under review - Under review since June 14, 2022
2022.6.24 under review - Under review since June 24, 2022
2022.7.4 under review - Under review since July 4, 2022
2022.7.12 under review - Under review since July 12, 2022
2020.7.26 under review - Under review since July 26, 2020
2022.8.5 decision in process - Decision being processed as of August 5, 2022
2022.8.19 major revision - Major revision requested on August 19, 2022
2022.09.07 Revision Submitted to Journal - Revision submitted to the journal on September 7, 2022
2022.09.09 with editor - Under review by the editor since September 9, 2022
2022.09.17 with editor - Under review by the editor since September 17, 2022
2022.09.21 under review - Under review since September 21, 2022
2022.10.10 decision in process - Decision being processed as of October 10, 2022
2022.10.11 accept - Accepted on October 11, 2022

SF221 2022-10-12

How did you manage to persist throughout this year? I admire you so much.

不会火拳的艾斯 2022-10-11

2021/9/10 with editor
2021/11/25 under review
2021/12/28 under review
2022/1/8 under review
2022/3/13 under review
2022/3/30 required reviews completed
2022/4/21 decision in process
2022/5/2 revision
2022/5/30 revision submitted to journal
2022/6/5 with editor
2022/6/26 decision in process
2022/8/27 under review
2022/9/16 under review
2022/9/19 required reviews completed
2022/9/30 required reviews completed
2022/10/10 accepted

2021/9/10 with editor
2021/11/25 under review
2021/12/28 under review
2022/1/8 under review
2022/3/13 under review
2022/3/30 required reviews completed
2022/4/21 decision in process
2022/5/2 revision
2022/5/30 revision submitted to journal
2022/6/5 with editor
2022/6/26 decision in process
2022/8/27 under review
2022/9/16 under review
2022/9/19 required reviews completed
2022/9/30 required reviews completed
2022/10/10 accepted

浑水摸鱼打老虎 2022-10-11

20 days have passed, and it is still with the editor.

我要发SCIE 2022-10-10

"Let's track and see."

SF221 2022-10-08

I would like to ask everyone, currently my "under review" status updates the date every five days at 4 PM (9 AM UK time). However, there is no feedback given. What's going on? It's frustrating.

lilitju 2022-10-08

4.1 Submission
8.17 Minor revision
8.27 Major revision
8.29 with editor
10.3 Accept
I didn't pay attention to the status after the first submission, there were two reviewer comments. The status with editor lasted for over a month after the minor revision, and it is possible that the editor did not send it for further review and accepted it directly.

storm 2022-10-08

Submitted on September 15th, the last update of the status was on September 29th, with the editor. Is this journal's editor only working one day a week? If I have to wait for another month, I will consider withdrawing my submission and submitting it elsewhere. This speed is extremely frustrating.

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