注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

打工人一号 2022-06-18

How long does it usually take for everyone to get the results after submitting for review? Are there any friends who have been waiting for two months and still haven't received results?
I heard that Elsevier has information tracking services this year. Do all the MC (manuscript) submitters have it?

king-8888 2022-06-07

2022.3.27 submitted
2022.4.4 with editor
2022.4.6 under review
2022.5.19 major revised
2022.5.31 revised submitted
2022.6.01 under review
2022.6.07 accepted
There were two reviewers, both quite professional, and the journal required high levels of innovation. I would like to express my gratitude to editor Min Song, who is incredibly kind and efficient in handling the process. I will submit my next paper here as well, it truly is a dream journal!

打工人一号 2022-05-04

Reviewed for three months? Is there a result now?

Delina 2022-05-02

How long did it take for your article to be reviewed?

Delina 2022-05-02

May I ask how long it took for your article to be reviewed?

网球拍拍 2022-05-01

2.23 submission, 4.16 providing revision suggestions

网球拍拍 2022-05-01

Posted on 2.23, received feedback for revisions on 4.16, the speed is acceptable.

打工人一号 2022-04-30

Is there any recent submission or acceptance? Is the processing speed of the recent journal fast?

手花 2022-03-29

2021.12.05 - Submitted;
2021.12.07 - Under review by editor;
2020.12.12 - Under review by editor;
2021.12.25 - Under review;
2022.02.26 - Under review (asked urgently);
2022.03.29 - No changes, hoping for quick results.

千年巨坑 2022-01-30

2021.11.02 Submitted
2021.11.06 With editor
2021.11.08 Under review
2021.12.15 Author query status check (I urgently requested for graduation)
2022.01.12 Major revision
2022.01.27 Revision submitted
2022.01.29 Accepted

Although it required major revisions, I didn't make many changes since both reviewers' comments were related to my other article. Unexpectedly, the editor accepted it after two days.

I would like to thank Professor Heung Nam Han for working during the weekends before Christmas and the Spring Festival to respond. Finally, I can apply for graduation.

Wishing everyone a happy new year, many articles, and successful research!

wakakaka12 2022-01-19

The article on aluminum alloy that was submitted underwent major revisions one month later. After the revision, the editor approved it within 31 days. Special thanks go to Editor Min Song. The decision will be made on the same day as the completion of the basic review. Give a big thumbs up!

eric an 2022-01-08

Does materials characterization now accept submissions of communications or letters?

学术小垃圾呀 2021-12-22

Very fast, delivered in about 40 days. Thank you to editor Heung Nam Han.

手花 2021-12-09

Original: 楼主,请问你的文章接收后多久online的?

Translation: Original poster, may I ask how long does it take for your article to go online after being accepted?

手花 2021-12-06

Yes, Min Song is the editor-in-chief.

Long waiter 2021-11-29

Excuse me, OP, how many reviewers have given you feedback? The "under review" status of my submission has already changed 5 times.

geigei侠 2021-11-17

Is Min Song your editor, OP? It seems like you hired them quite quickly, just within a month. Can you choose your own reviewers?

手花 2021-11-12

2021.9.29 submitted
2021.10.8 under review
2021.10.21 under review
2021.10.28 revise
2021.10.30 submitted
2021.11.3 accepted

2021.9.29 submitted
2021.10.8 under review
2021.10.21 under review
2021.10.28 revise
2021.10.30 submitted
2021.11.3 accepted

cailiaoo 2021-11-01

First review took three months, but it was faster after receiving feedback. The editor worked overtime on weekends to process the paper. Overall, it was acceptable, with not too many documents to handle. It was reviewed under the second district of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and hopes for improvement in the future.

Materials characterization
2021.6.27 - Submitted
2021.7.3 - With editor
2021.7.10 - Under review
2021.7.24 - Under review
2021.9.9 - Under review
2021.10.9 - Required reviewers completed
2021.10.11 - Revise
2021.10.25 - With editor
2021.10.27 - Under review
2021.10.28 - Required reviews completed
2021.10.30 - Accepted

material &James H 2021-10-03

2021.7.2 submitted to journal
2021.7.11 under review
2021.8.6 major revise
2021.9.14 with editor
2021.9.15 under review
2021.10.2 accepted

Thank you to Editor Min Song. I feel that the processing was relatively fast, from submission to acceptance in just three months. It was unexpectedly accepted after major revisions.

材料小白+1 2021-09-30

Thank you to Satyam Suwas for editing and the unknown reviewer. The editor worked quickly and the reviewer was professional, providing many helpful suggestions and multiple opportunities for revisions. I would like to express my gratitude and continue to accumulate good fortune.

好好干科研啊 2021-09-25

How is Aude Simar's editing?

lrzeng 2021-09-24

The first trial took 4 months, and after modifications, it stayed at the editing stage for 10 days before being sent for review. It took another 20 days for the review and was directly accepted. Then, within a week, it was proofread online.

潇洒哥 2021-09-20

Hello, it has been 28 days since I became a with editor. Have you been sending me for external review for nearly a month and a half?

小白路过 2021-09-20

2021.5.20 Submitted to Journal
2021.5.24 With Editor
2021.7.03 Under Review
2021.8.19 Minor Revision
2021.8.24 With Editor
2021.9.19 Accept (Aude Simar)

2021.5.20 Submitted to Journal
2021.5.24 With Editor
2021.7.03 Under Review
2021.8.19 Minor Revision
2021.8.24 With Editor
2021.9.19 Accept (Aude Simar)

活命的羔羊 2021-09-19

Does it take a month with an editor?

小小明 2021-07-19

The whole process:
2021.3.20 Submitted to Journal
2021.3.22 With editor
2021.3.26 Under review
2021.6.10 Revise
2021.7.05 with editor
2021.7.07 Under review
2021.7.13 Accepted
Thank you very much for the recognition from the editor and reviewers. The speed was moderate, and I patiently waited. There will always be good results... The process is provided for everyone's reference.

喂人不如喂狗 2021-06-23

The micro-organization field has excellent journals, some of which contain cutting-edge characterization techniques worth referencing and studying. I hope the impact factor continues to rise.

..豆豆 2021-06-19

Still with the editor after more than 20 days.

roshine 2021-04-16

I would like to ask which editor you found and added as your friend.

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